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Show Ueli, - DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF PATRONIZE HOKE INDUSTRY. VOL III. COALVILLE, THE COUNTY .GATHERED BY OUR ALERT COR- - RESPONDENTS. hos j w N Je-ep- AND NCEQAN OOTJDTTT ES. SUMMIT COUNTY, UTAH, FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 169-k- W more rnn- - j the n banks are eodecpaud soft that mu they have wagon- - me not in it, or rather it they been m toe past. A friend at uive!l-get in it, tbyte .are likely to sta there. h has urted a brand e will ere are em. save inw new wheel sfid 1 'doing his Wet t 1. R. E: Yuk. master hie new steed. Joe sat that he . KOIKIlUiT is determined to learn to ride it if it hakes all summer. Rot kiiiht, Utah, March 'V, 1986. TimeThe paet tew days lias made a won Editor drrhil change in the looks of the coinmenced on her Tuesday, Flowing try. The snow has dispjeared very 24th. NEWSItTr"!! 517140.120 Hnney 't vie: TWTti- Jipther,,i e Uai.M i,.. 1. NEW r:pt annotti.ies that blown ,m ,n that coin Misty, Thefnnt-ra- , uflVter Murphy, who was accideea..v kn.ed in the Bullian-I- e k mine, uk pi,-,- . Monday Ingei M. Jei sen. 84 vears old, died at !!ie refi, iei.ee flier James Miekvlmn. Tuesday morning. TREE COINACE OF SILVER , 16 T0 1 NO. 7 . traveled each limy they attend sessions of the county court. Up to date the aggregate oflhese fees collected by the prewnt boardie from ?1;W1 to $.1790, of which Mr. Roberts ha received from $500 to. $700. Mr. Geddes about $500 and Mr. Christopherson about $390. Uunder the decision of the Supreme court all thU will have to be refunded to the county, and yesterday each member of the board expressed hit intention of paying the money into th county treaeury Without waiting fr legal investigation IT to settle. Tribune. Hutnk f th Week a Reported hf paw' ItrvUw Movement toward better thing j tiB There ie the better btjsi-ness in shoes and small industries, and there 'has been a squeezing of short Tk sellers in cotton. But the general tendency of industries and prices is not encouraging, ana tboe who were most Hue hopeful a month ago are still waiting, fast and ntuuliers of cattle hate been Hawlay Independent. M ire Emma Gibbons has lieeu not so hopefully, for the expected requite turned loose to rustle for themselves. The l'.r:gpaiii Bugler chrunicales the ill for several days part. Cause of continued depression covery. Expressions of surprise are frequently death of two old r.trens week Mrs. are not wanting. Bad weather has cut IIAkLtt. Miss Olive Jihead of Coalville is the heard that a petition for pardon for the Martha Mad-eRose Browning, who wa charged with off much business, aged 80 years, and Otxi iv. I'tah, March 20. 18'6. guest of Mrs. John Hortin. especially in country cattle thieves should be gotten Christens Holt, aged?9 years. alleged i murder of Alvin Green at Murray, districts. Kome failures of the Editor Ttwt. consequent, Mrs. Gibbous has been over to Homer's up, and should receive so many been discharged, Monday night at 10 o'clock the spirit has signthe jury have caused especial caution. Foreign The fannejqie preparing for spring ranch to visit with her daughter, Mrs. ature. Most people teem to think that of William Shelton took its departure having failed to find an indictment controversies are accepted as the exwork. Zina Homer. this petition business is the work of from earth and left the tabernacle that against br'. The evidence against her some selling in London ( of planation W. H. Mcvcrie is able to look after his Farmers are busy repairing fences ai.d some attorney who therebysawacliance it bad animated for tk) years a cold lump was that she went into Thied'told sa- American securities. Congress still does milling interest again. loon in Murray with Green and Austin getting farming implements in th.t) for to make a dollar or two in making out f clay. Logau Journal. nothing, a before. But the root of the the trillion paper. Charley Neel is to pay the state $.6 the coming ezason. Inside the lat two weeks theie have Andrews. All were drinking freely, and business is that in many departments for talking to the bishop last Sunday. Joseph Wall, and twe fallow travelers been about forty new discoveries she and Green went to sleep in men bought more and Mis Susie Steuihridge was given a produced more, reported finally The enow is oat of the roads as far up surprise by a .number of her young from Rig Cottonwood, Salt Labe county, at Mercur. nd they range clear from old the saiooa. Rose toon d appeared, and whea prices were mounting and everywere here on awoke Wednesday traveling by Ophir to Five-Mil- e next morning he body waa the river as the South Fork, but oh, the friends on Monday last. rushing to buy iait year, than Fa,- amTTn point when Green of horses on their with thiee lvalues they rise from one dollar ie $084 complained of being HI. That afternoon, they have yet been able" to sell. That mud. It appears that strange horses are no wagonto the Fort span way Bridger country. While per ton in gold. which was .the latter part of February, the James Evans met with an accident longer safe in Rock port. Wne belonging in this buying was of a nature to anticipate had great difficulty vicinity was founddtal. A few days later actual they Green to a from man Coalville The frozen annual voung lieir consumption many month, they dance commenced strayed to at recently, lie was digging in the get their outfit through the deep was arrested oir a charge of having were v fully warned, but they had mors and will wind Roe ground when the pick glanced and struck away on Monday last. A search of snow and finally had to give it op and the Uinta agency Green. She was given a pre- hope than observation, and went his foot, causing a very painful wound. barnyards failed this time to reveal the . Saturday. Vernal will be well re- poisoned in Murray before Jusship their wagon and contents at Wah-satc- up hearing liminary oi y whereabouts the a at a piling up good. Home are engaged animal, which, of maav onr presented citizens good William Hortin is preparing to get a on relieved Thus they proceeded tice Saunders on Match 7th, and was K. in was of still same last K. the . ' went reports, and hopeful will anticipation missing. others tomorherd of sheep. Will thinks theie is more go their journey horseback. J. B. of the grand the action await ' held to demand which hat not row. Verna! Express. yet appeared. money dealing in eheep than there is jury. The grand jury dismissed the WAN8HIP. There are too many who are not willOKOYUEN. K. The Unitd States circuit court met dealing in cattle. charge against her. Herald. VVanshii', Utah, March 26, 1896. ing to let lat years prices and hope b Crovdek, Utah, March 20, 1896. yesterday morning with Judge Marshall buried with 1895. It is a striking fait PEOA. Editor Times: Editor Times : presiding, but no business came up ar.d Vtak Kallrend. that the only great Industry which it 26. March 1896. Feoa, Utah, Charles Toone has left tbe ranch up an adjournmeat was taken till next MonThe water in Silver creek is getting The railroad situation in Utah im- now rapidly gaining in busioese is th Editor Times : The Lost be where has MonCreek, regular term begins on resided, and day. quite high. proves with each day. The future of one in which prices have been generally M. H. FJeazard went to Salt Lake the day week and in the meantime Marshal the two new railroads is assured, and A few farmers in this neighborhood gone to live at Henefer. Charles E. Condie has returned to Brigham will issue subpmniee for the the extension of the Rio Grand West-- cut down to last year lowest figures, first of the week. are starting to plow. ; and the boot and shoe maker had urors and grand jurors. Herald. from Stoddard settlement, If the weather holds out farmers will ern to Mrrysvale is also one of the cer- reason for hesitation in the G. G. Redden of Hoytsville was the Croyden price of -where he has been teaching school the Governor Wells yesterday signed the tainties! It waa learaeiT that agent of be able to plow on the low iands in about which still averages 6 per cent speaker here at the afternoon meeting leather, winter. bill fixing a fee of 25 cents for each the Rio Grande Western were ten days. negotiat- higher than a year ago, though hide arc-1Sunday. His remarks were very inter- past The weather being to warm and $l,0u0ol the capital stock of new corporaof and Horton ing for a piece of ground in Marysvale Mrs, Fannie Rockport esting. psr rent lower, having again declined pleasant the last week the ground has tions. The rush in this department at Ior depot purposes. Tbe let is owned by Mrs.G. M. Pace of Parleys Park are the Two more carpet rag bees this week ; dried past week abeut 3 per cent. If th very rapidly, and some have begun the couatT-clerkoffice will now cease Sail Lake parties, and the deal will unmanufacturer one by Mrs. A. A. Anderson and one by visiting in Peoa this week. get narrow profit or gardening. We are glad to see spring for some time at least, and companies doubtedly g through, it it hu not been F. W. Merchant wept to Park Gity on Mrs. P. E. Olenslager. are at least doing a business More will make its none, they appearance again. incorporating with a capital of several completed already. which will keep tnot of tbe works I Sunday to attend the ward conference follow. a number of young folks of this million dollars will now be few and far Quite Latter-day of Saints Church that Miss Olive Rhead of Coalville was of the This, with the fact that the surveyors operation, thoughAince January 1 shipin place attended the dance at Henfer between. Herald, 24. start from Richfield on Monday, authen- ments from the East have been the lowcity. town this week. She is canvassing a last Friday night, and also at Echo on exrails Steel ticate th report of the Western are at a down - a being est in ten years except in 8M. The will put ladies of our Some givebeok called Social Etiquette, young which Monday night. They report having tension. R. on rat W. tbe between G. track rapid wtolen mills have different conditions,., Bow Dance in Merchants hall on should be in every familv. Y. a very g6od time. Abl. I.n yesterdays report the distance, and with-pric- es Thistle and Manti. The work will be already reduced below '' Friday evening, March 27th. The afwas made to read a bet een last " and week track then STATE miles, forty LEGISLATIVE. of completedhext lowest ef be one events the to fair promises hovtsville. average, and wool 6.3 year's laying will - begin between Kalina Richfield and Marysvale, when In reality per cent higher than it was then, they Hovtsvii-le- , ttie season . Utah, March 26, 1896. On Saturday the House passed Byes and Richfield, For this purpose the old it is nearly the length of the proposed are not getting busipe rtipngh to keep Timeh : During the past few days the weather Editor bill for tbe codification f the lawi, Tbe rail wilLhuited. it -- will not be hmg t line from Safina to Afaryvk!e, wbicfflt Wrk. in operation. Clothiers hsvs ha been more . Uka spring. - Tbs snow -- F. Malin made a business trip to Salt ewpense will be $10,000 for compilation. until Selina aid Rich Cold are connected a little w forty-fou- r mfles. It is fur- taken many foreign goods; they have is goring off fast and the roads are dry- Lake last week. The Senate passed nine bill Satur- by iron bands. Satina Frets. -ther stated that the Rie Grande Western failed to market alt they produced lst Our Dramatic Club is working bard day: Tbe fire and police bill ; the cer- s, Next ing hp and travel is somewhat better, n full ; and they have to carry host ef Monday & company of sheep ha on hand at Thistle junction but none the hot after all. preparing a play and farce, which see tifying indebtedness bill; state bonds; shearers will leave of steel, more than enough retailers whose docks are not miles Shofor sold. Binghaai yet Timf.m for a general cleaning later for particulars. Now is the time revenne bill; the hilt accepting the lant shone, Kales of wool were the smallest lit any There are twenty of the boys. to put the road into the framed mining waitMr. Chris Alston of Halt Lake, a house granted by the Carey act; the bill auup of rubbish that has accumulated dur week for years, and in three week ef Tusy have contracted to fleece 25,090 camp, who people are anxiously ingthe winter, and which, if left to re' contractor, has been stopping with Mr, thorizing elector to vote at th Mercur sheep in that neighborhood. Brigham ing its advent, which means to much to March have been 9,897,400 pounds, ef A11 ounce of breed will disease. main, George Redden a few days engaging men incorporation without being registered; and vicinity boast some of tbe fastest their future welfare. which 4,751,000 were domestic, against to haul rock aDd put in a foundation for the bill prohibiting the sale of liquor to shearer in seven counties. When All arrangements have been compreventive is worth a pound of cure. 17,105,876 in the same weeks of 1892, ef they J. A. Marehant reports that the roads the superintendents house at Grass Indiana or wbtte men living with Indian pounce upon a flock of sheep they make pleted for th reorganization of the which 11.886,028 were domestic. Tbe between here and Park City are almost Creek women; a bounty bill lor silk culture in the wool fly all same snow storm. Brig- Oregon Short Line & Utah Northern, demand for w omens dress goods le still tbe separation of the system from the quite fair. impassable and that it takes from four to Our teacher, Mr. A. Stewart, took ad- Utah. ham Bugler. Senate: Senate Union Tacific management, and the five hours to cover the distance between vantage of the fine day last the Monday, puts Saturday in . Parowan, Utah. Mare h 22. Mrs. Bet-te- y Will b Katr4l. of tbe road as an independent the two places, which is between twelve not going buggy riding, but by nsing the duties efthe insurnce business upon operation Ballard Smith, the aged lady who was In Washof the in exthe for bill Salt with its headquarters state ; sod thirteen miles, Representative Allen y secretary whole school force to clean off the rocks burned here yesterday afternoon, after a system, in called House of tbe the and centered all interests Lake its to np ington was personal property goes held and grub the sage brush from the emptions City fbe Feoa ward conference night of great suffering and partial unreintrducea him resolution the Governor vetoes by here.. the sten wall; W. joint President 22nd. March school house looked bn Sunday, grounds.The place consciousness, died this morning. "Arrescheated church tbe no auan need on new was bills introduced Tbii property storing yesterday W. Ctuff. Edmund Eldredge ami F. H. much better at Bight, after eight loads ogiapliers bill; angement were made to hold the fuone of which is an act validating the tbe Tribune knows to be un- in Utah .to the charch, and asked the Wright, all of Coalville, were the speak- of stones had been taken away and neral servicesthete Tuesday, according thority, Senate reeolution, which was identically of bigamous and polygamous mab ers: the conference waa well attended, nearly all of the sage brush. to her husbands wish, but friends coin- questionable. tbe same; be substituted and passed. same on said the be commissioner ; It further, approve may Mr. George Daniels and wife and Mr riaget county considering tbe tend and slush one was ing from Salt Lake are desirous of taking Allen w vigorously questioned by Mr. of for cotract tbe call an the that for conference Tbe manager elevator; wade general authority, forced to through. C. Winters were returning borne remains back with them. tbs , fee from another tbe new system will be a Utah man, Representative Steele and othera a t corporations. was adjourned to May 24th. Wednesday evening by wagon, and while 1 Boden and : are Benson House of Brig members Magnus Monday, County already very prominent in railroad of- the sincerity of the Mormon people Sheriff John M. Harrington was over going down the dugway, above the little Mr. the house caucus and debate tbit only doing considerable work on tbe Clipper ficial life. He is recognized a one of their abondomaent of polygamy, from Park CUyon Saturday last and river bridge, the breasts rap on a runaway . their views may be incorporated in the inins la Bill Lewis Cony on, north ef the most capable officials in th country, Allen said t with W. horse The Beddo, charged horses ran at arrested James gave way. of Utah have done sit Co-o- p Tbe is bill of This old the near that and friend counties ; state to pay costa of crimian people ardent Bingham. j everything burglary, and took the young man to furious rate, barely averted throwing nal prosecutions; proposition to pay into aiine, where rich ore was, found two tends to promote the interests of Salt they could to assure the people of the Park City the same day. It is learned the occupants off the bridge into the United States of their sincerity in - this core years ego They have atrnck some the state treasury fees of county clerks lke, -- Utah and the- interraountain that there was no evidence against tbe river. With the wagon tongue plowing - . respect. They abandoned the practace Caziers railroad bill killed ; bill for far- good looking ore. This shaft is down region. , young man and that he was acquitted. the ground, they plunged Into the fence of polygamy asfar back 130 feet. Ore assays 30 to 50 per ceB is entire 1890,and by, th institutes ; one other house mers that It change expected passed the to least, over the bridge, throwing the lady out say The case was peculiar, ey what I think was the strongest possible cf will be $1.8Tgotd7-Xi-lLthe effected, MLandaenaUbiUTemvetbfinaleancr gam appointment -ng and and... made. soine qne the all - way through, aGr R , tion of the hou depth the prospects brighten. Theyex . officials announced and the headquar- assertion of their purpose, namely, a bad blunder for which the county will tongue had become fast between - The Benate and House members met pect to form a company and incorporate. ters of the Short Line established in manifesto coming through the. bead Ot double post, and had torn down three haye to pay. this city within ninety days, or by July their church, declared their purpose n Brigham Bugler. jointly Wednesday to confer on the of work erecting panels of the fence. Mrs. Daniels wa counties I understand that the not longer to practice this tenet of their could but ; House bill, agree This week.a miner from Brigham at- 1st at the utmost. . the telephone poles will commence severely hart about the lower limbs. faith. No polygamous marriages have announcemost ior of decides bounties to One the important give tempted tOTeach his claim in the mounOur road supervisor as paired -- the practically either at Coalville or.. Kamas, and that is the state-me- been solemnized by the church for nor this connection in silk culture; horticultural bill pasted; tain ments sonheast of here, which he abanas soon as one town has erected their piece of road between the meeting and also two Kenate that the reorganized company will than five and a half years. Tbe church bills, a salary resolution doned last season at the will begin where eclioolhouse that is a derided improvetown next the approach ef portion memorial to Congress. a into a,trackage arrangement with has issued no permit for polygamous ' and enter winter. But when he tried to get up to leave no gaps. ment. He has leveled some of the high they left off, which will Utah the California, whereby tbe marriage since November, 1890. hit mine he was met with great backs Each town will layoff their own allot places and taken the rorksont that have Approved by th Gvvrrior. Tbe bill was pasted and goo to the enabled to snow. He was compelled to turn new road to tne coast will be ent and see that the pole are set at been an eyesore and corn toucher for for his signature. The Governor apprnved the following of some or Milford construction at president back and wait for weeks of warm weather begin the proper distance along the county many a year. But there it a short piece Senate bills during the week : on the Utah Southern and other point tomelt roadway. He says there is a Death (ton a Cava-lroad. The work should not be delayed of roavLwhichlieibetweeu. the Coalville No. 12, for the prevention f diseases push on for the coast immediately, with until plowing time but should be at- and Hoytsville districts that is almost among sheep by dipping, and repealing great deal more snow in the mountains tbe assurance of a through line from Frisco, Utah, March 22. Heart Iletdt this year than he has seen fur many a killed in the Horn Hilver tended to at fince. and arrangements impassable with an empty wagon every tbe sheep inspection law. Sait Lake behind them. Tribune, 25th. was accidently year. Brigham Bugier. made as to which end of the line will spring, that ought to be. brushed and ' So. 0, to provide far the drawing in mine yeeterdav; ' He had gone to ' get j - commence the w.srk., I would auggeat graveled, a "the ground is ef such block ing ior tiiiibers be waa pot- - , Utah! March 24, Tile , Ephraim. summoning of grand and petit jurors. bHe Baitrilnr foe t Lk. - some.in on the and the be a 200 level, and evidently let load down nature dhatMril! starting point ' No! 80, Hating to the recovery ef Ephraim , which has been in a light that Coalville ting 20. SpecD, C. Washington, the line when soft to the axle and towns other is it along to went the only the yet that place where he was killed la precarious condition for several months ial to the Herald. Th House damages for injuries canted by dogs. a three or four rod stretch. C. W. search of them. His partner becoming take up the work in rotation. No. 80, defining the duties of the Htate assigned today to P. C. Anderson, the on public building and grounds bealarmed at his continued absenoe.in-- . Treasurer. secretary and a director. , The liabilitie Hay ie in demand manv farmers y on a public building tor decided the which takes No. 13, relative to irrigation com- are $17 ,882, tbe preference amount to profit qnired of other miners if they bad seen ing forced to buy, Halt Lake, and recommended an approof stock the him and instituted a search I some extent, W. about and collection of C. tbe which are $13,000, among off, tq irrigation panies of $350,000 ior its .construction priation The flocks over. lie vs found under a small pile of Willardsen of this place, about $4,000; assessments. which has been kept The bill as introduced by Repiesentalive loose dirt, and one large boulder that and at with M. us, are Co always N'o.29, relative to crimes against the Z.C. , Allen of sheep that I., $4,000 ;Uiark, Eldredge provide for buildings at both Salt would weigh alxml 200 pounls was on elective franchise and requiring candi- $1,400. The second class includes firm Lake and our very doors, took off most of the range back o? his head and neck. This Ogden, but the committee fol- the A. A. Ferry and Joseph Hennessey dates and nhairtuett lo filtT statements outside of Utah. Assets about $26,000, boulder must have caused his death, as feed last season and there will .be . very lowed th uniform practice of Congress . there was not TTKug iGof fine dirt to have w hich includes two bnildingsand .ol expenditures. stock lit tie feed on the range until it groes. were Castle Rock' visitors on Sunday . -at capfor in providing public buildings done so. . No. S3, authorizing cilie' and towns of general mCrclmndive. Stockholders itals and commercial centers. . ho hag There should be ajaw to keep sheep! Mi Sllgift Pal! on liol.lt w as aliont 25 years of age and free public libraries and will a certain distance, say five or ten mile , probably gtnothing. t0 jier ,arcnts for a few days to maintain fur Og- - unmarried and was working his seventh ,re Mr. made a hard Allen fight rooms. tvadine in the Horn Hilver. llehadt just settlement. Huch a law would returned to Evanston on Sunday from No. 65, providing for tle election of - Th County Commissioners will each j den and was avked by the committee to shift cbtue from Far k Uitv, where he is eat! be of untold benefit to all our towns. 1 w. y. B!ock glld j. x lkKl Fresidential electors. be nut of pocket a tidy little vum by rea Jjn traduce feparate bills for each city to have worked the !at year, lreyions le sieep n No. 75, prescribrng the. duties of the have nothing again js learned, have secured a small .onoftfie opinion tbe Supreme court but stating that all Utah aked to that h4 cam fmt Wisconsin. Ktat Awditor. a sister residing at Milwaukee otner than thev crowd us start to deiivtr t) was handed bay contract snd that on down the mileage question. building be erected in these Xll a has Joint piemens) No 4. asking Congrefs brother and at Two Rivers, Wig., wbe ; and eat off tbe range same as food as tile roads will permit. to Him? January 1st a year atro they have two cities. appropriation to meet-thto. If no feed. been have seek stock By telegraphed other rows and Constant ional Convention deficiency, said that The been following an old custom of collecting bad from received in however, are Father them he roads ar Our committee, condition settlements the - The Governor vetosd the Htate Unikeeping back from y writ be buried at Frisco themselves no injury but just nowJThere are too many bare versity bill. The bill was amended to mileage fees for every' trip made on they enly favored one building fof Utah do would they eoanty business at well as the distance and decided to give that to Salt Lake, amount of good, to the towns. . I places for successful, sleighing, and Jet meet his objections end again passed. The KtfBtt uf ,he Meek Froai Eeerjr Tuag In Summit County 4,lhe TtuieeV kepreaeuintlveai Found o Write About. Nirl) Him : coun-Mar- th Mr. son-in-la- -t n, ' u : -- h. to-da- 3 ' s -- . fifty-seve- I U. , to-da- . ' the-vtro- ' nt . -- Co-op- to-da- ' rfad, e to-da- -- . jj gat |