Show I 1Iu Of the 75000 > 00 pioplo In Ihe IIIId StutcH I 5 per c < ut ure already addlctci 1 to thn RtiinchowluB Wihll II II 1I0t bul 1 IIIrn Hupld linhlt only n rail or n nnd ttomin chow from ph lolOKlcn fcr 111I1110 lobacro ho reakona 1llrdrr KIIIII luiillhlor nnd clean cuuw It IB I cheaper Her NerMius people chew It lo RUtl flnRer nnll unil Rloxi tip nnd womei vho Incline to iletoletlo gowlII Im horn nuliiro litu nrglectfd to endow with tho uiUl lo phalcol clmrmii llm limxpcnuhp mMbod of de It nn enny > eoplnx Hio rauaclw of tho nnk Into thut condition of prHly louinlnew u much to ho ilcalrcil Aa n inioin of ph Hcnl 011111110 It I II l rather low to h I eiue hut what woman would object to I dontltiK n iiimmer Keamin louUsorom I rour n ot gumchew If hy IoU llonr aim could render lierm If on object or lOMllntM In her winter n < lns Kowim IIxchatiRc |