Show LOUh ILMKllNTON 1 I I TUB JINOO IOLAL THAT HE fABTHNtD UN ENOLAND I Ile Mete thai lie rIte1 I IMIrMt4fw a 1 ellh t Itla ll Mth TteMitMtnt I Itlan Ina lnralacuuy with Ike Mnnwi i nr tre IOluah 1aphe T well generally be r nincmM that no i Knglinh prim e I mlnlner of this centu hll ea 14 Jnyrd 8 more en V IhutliiMIc popular 1 ha than Unary John Tempi via 1 b count Iaimeralnn In saying thla I nm not I unmindful I of Hn unlooi prnMlge of Mr flladalono Mr llndiliiuo i power however la I lulll 1 tiH > n a foundation vor > different I horn Hint which liolnlereil up the fume nf Iho grealem 1 of Jingo There la n for rol 1 atilerlly In his character u lofty i Idiallam lu Isla eloiiueiiii n rerliiln j phllotnphv of tHlennmiKhlp lo which i li I iplte of chance and change be liaa Nf n true that compel H popillxr mtrm and respect wbleh seem iraicely illtnln1 i i liheil by the general reroxnltlon nf his I mnrvelnii IntelleeliiHl aiililltlly It ro qiutea no prnphnl to foretell Lining qiikllly nf Mr dladalone fame wrllwt IMward 1 M ChaomHii In the Century i Ialmeralon bold iiion the lleolaIe flO the other hand was due In no amall j I mrllr to the absence of the very ifiwllllea b > II h1tI Mr 1 Hkid loiMi I j charaelerlted Ills moral I Ideals eel far hum being eiallrtl were ciimmon lu lie last degree ills talmti I command eit cnnalderallon by their Miwnllty I mIlt than their quality lie eimU lay I Idle claim lo olotnenc tbouah hi I pltlii ungrateful iqioech bad the effect llvene nt eloquence at lime mid wan alwii > pllrhiil 1 upon n popular key When his ntmiiil life wa lu danger It IOM u pun I ono or tu cRlloUlnolobl > In Ibo fiimoiu parlhmeiilnry conlllct of 11III1oIr nearly the height of great tires Hut even Ibo blunt halfhumor ma dir Ilted m inner bad n rcrlnln ape cloiuiionH about It bat 1111 chaructcrl tie of Ibo man In hiM moutli n rant Illalllr hli famniia Cl hilt I llonmmm turn I i a nine In paint ilmulaml > o well lIa tn deceive Ihe eij sled Ho iniiii seen lu Ralvanlie It Into wearing II gratoolnthcaa Jiunlll J > iialhiiiigh they had leer holiday lilt hI Mr OUdnloiie la I credllrd with twying lhat the > eiret nf eloquent cminlit In RIIK back to one s hlur11 I In drop what tutu hso received from them I Olin If 1111 tit Slr lladlunnnnal > sl U of hula own power wo enturo In Papist Hint lie lore hliuwlf Injustice llul It series iidiuliHlil 110 n llgumtlve CM > ielun of the > am > ncv uf Lord Ill nivrelnn ponuUrll Ho knew his public In peifectlon Their national pirjudlie nppeita tu I him an u man met upon hew prejudice ho biilll his upremne an 1 foirlgn mlnl lcr lit retinas HUTU weio not lacking thaw wlu > tilt throuili all This Indeed they rep r < intcd n very rnufhUruble and hliihl pecliiblo oppiutllon Mill Ialmer aliui knew MI well what Ibo gallerlen liked nmll plood tn them with shell at kldiilty und miuvM that ho could nl inntt afford In Imiore 1 Ills 1111111 Tu Ptq thl Is I lu nn > riiK In assert Hull ho was without inlllc uiiulr IIIIK tsr > uuiMiial I iidiulnlHtnilhi nhllllliM or a umiillrrliiR of luleret eil 1 rcnllmenl A limn may POKWM 1 nil These mid yet 11 lie n little of u demagoRUi old > rr > much of n bully Ionl Ial inerttnn admlrabl oxouiplllle Hie lalomoiil The furl Hint be wa sure ciiwliol n lor y a ilhulplo of Cnunlni I H 1eellti1 I and a liberal I II I lmpl > lo say I = I I that be teas man otgeseroto Inilhicli I I who made an honeat effort to keep pate with the Ineiluble proftrn nf eveiiui I If II be laid to his eharte that be aided Htd Abetted Sir I llnlert t Peel ou thth l fatnotla da > when ID latter I found Ih yvhlga biiMnc mil Hole thtfr I r c 1 i I II In 10 I 10 l I hIP h1 nn 1 i I ilxhi in the giinicni whit < > I I I land 1 Ialmeritnn had I grown lo their er I illil bar I urik In them letnlernlona Coral evenly never I gnrnllnned bun AlmlnlRlialho power III his Icvntlnn 10 work In his lung Ir me nt the war and foreign olflcea aa I I viII an luring the pnr when he wa pnue mlnliler Hie amount of efficient Inhnr which he betowi upon the pub 11 nertlro put him In she front rank Of working mlnlnter while his three y ian aa home aeereian served lo Illua hate both bio Indualr and his era Hilly Nor nerd there be any question that hla mpalhle other thing being equal were alway 1 on Ihe aide of the npprenaed I und that be rejnltnl to I aiieaithen the giiiranlee nf fiewlnm Ih t liven other tiling never wein Miinl Hire He the I jurat Indlelinent that to I II In be brought igalnot Lord Ialiuerflnii an n fnreliu mlnlxer lie made what h > Inlet pKtrlotlm a felUh a blind id pollc 1 tyrannous thing whimo Ignnr I mr and Imperluu demands mint Im I aatliHeil at mice rrpndlnM of nil large ii In of right and wrong National ag ginsillieiueiit national IAaOttloli ivllhent iircouut of 10111 uence or the limber ilemmul of Jiutlie went the end which Ialmirilon night lo nb loin and notional prejudice wits the rluin with which he conjured |