Show UHKAT AS AN KDISON i 1 iHK INVENTOR OP THE LATEST I IDEA IN PHOTOGRAPHY Irnfmnr Iceaas ill Ihv I nUrnllr of treesIwre 111oe Ini Hiton Mill H0 lnll Kl > r xetfl I llraoihr at H also I1Itrrllna eta Ihlr I UK recent discover discov-er of Professor nl nor prufeoor J W n-or phvslcs in the r 1 I It I Uprllv ol Wtln rijJL Iurg llal aril llfY Mh It I believed I I 5 il > i Is l deillnnt lo revo I 1I s lutlonlie pholngra II I 1 + 4 11 iuh > Is the latest topic 10 claim the i attention of wlen Hill In lluiope and America lit the lUentgen illcover picture nuy be iuken of Ihe Interior of wild suUlanees I The skull of n mm the bone of his feet and band In fart hi entire skeleton skele-ton may Is I photographed by the Hoent rcn proecM ihodug hips one would look with he llesh off his bone Pliiw am1 IneiiuUltlcs In Hie heart of minerals miner-als tony be detected It II I tlilmed by this remarkable proces of photography photog-raphy and sill tile discover I In It Infnnc wllh greater poMlhllltle before be-fore II ProfesAor Itoenlgen rerenll ten lo Professor Rebutter of OAIIII College Manchester Kinland a pho lofropli taken by the new prom 1 The picture how n complete leprtHliictlon of a rompiM needle with the division Into degree of ism circle over which tho nerdlo Is I placed The needle be i J > e I 1f 1 e I I r 1 jI 2 r I I r q PIIOP 110 NT1UN fore being photographed was placed Inside a metal box As flab ikln and carlllig are more I Ill 1111 > ir nt thin bone the photognipli of a hand gtvei a perfect outline of the boor nf hill lund and fingers Ihe mitllm of the flesh being but very fslnih Ill rrrl t site In nn nrtlcl cnntrlbutcl tu the llrlllih Mnllcal Journal In I liof > uoi Hrhuilor the wrltir say s In peaking of PiofMMir Ho nlK ni dlscoteii thin IIIwthotarPh111branetl art In he nature of shadow and tbclr Sa shiipnesa Is I Itself lesllmuti Ihai the ntw radiation must W propagmfd In straight lints The radiation were In itinlght tines ally through jiaper canlboirtl or wood and produces pho tafiaphlc cffctli after having passed I through two complete packs of playing cards The photographs may bn taken In the ordinary light of day If the plain Is kept In Us dark slide which will completely cut off all ordinary ra > > I am transmit the new radiation |