Show I Ana I t I of H th I dust tins often orten been mentioned SlUt 01 y and the theOry appears to Ill be that much o of tin tilt the great re I hl heavenly n hOllies is 18 thickly strewn with this tine matter It has peen heen nod ond UI lB found to con COli consist I t or of ally hard and nud rile Olin nl ate of r metal TL It In lilt luo lu b dust nr 1 u or er left leCt ctrl I from on aft I I tt V lilt hi II ut tt to lint tf t the Ihl null nud tear leur or of the universe le The av t 1 tillus or of dust are much smaller thou or of laud nod much I thou thuu the hardest of steel Bullets ts yet ct b by man are II pery r rI rounded nl as If coal lu fu the same I mold 0 IIi cud nil are hollow It lot l evident that n a peculiar action cellon mast come from the off foa or of title nul Particle of molten metal Into the cold colli A AhN hN the various Jh aro formed from the flue hll ht left lert h By tannins and meteors 01 coming In Into the meteors molten Thou by bt air pull meteor r there der lUI the brat 11 Vi u a u gt star But what this bright trail cools ore off and the metal left leU In the air lJJ by the meteor becomes solid It t ommel the hollow and lUtI rounded to form These pellets drift down to the earths stir sur lice C through th the currents or of ofal al r Tidy slur dust Js is constantly coming dove I ly the earth any un of dust from n sheltered spot them Thc they can cun he be bought to h hII by II passed through tho dirt nud can thou lie be observed under a 11 microscope yr |