Show JAP JAPAN AN SENDS A ANEW ANEW NEW AMBASSADOR Washington No Nov just been formally b by the emperor or of Japan ns as hl lila to the United States succeedIng Barn Duron Kogoro Tak ahira who Is 15 at present in Tokio on leave leavo of absence The state depart department department ment this morning received a cable cablegram cablegram gram from United States Slates Ambassador OBrien at al announcing the ap appointment appointment Baron Buron who Is now In was born in 1865 was at attach tach of tho embassy In In SS antI and later Inter was transferred to London whore lie ho sere served as secretary of the Later he was again transferred to a similar position 1 Pelting serving from 1895 to 1897 lie He was made vice minIster of foreign affairs of Tapan in an din 1901 he was to Peking as serving until 1906 n 1907 he was dol at Mis 11 Is a daughter or of Mr lr I a l millionaire of Yamoto She was as educated In New NewYork NewYork York |