Show 1 J CARE OF THE TEETH Methods for Preserving and Beautifying These Ad Adjuncts Ad Adl I l to Good G od Looks BEAUTIFUL set of teeth will 1 A redeem a face that would oth otherwise L be positively pos plain But Butr r D it il is riot not only for good looks that a t fine set et of teeth is desirable but for the health since perfect mastication mastication tion of the food is essential for health If the food is not sufficiently reduced to 10 a pulp when it i is swallowed and given to the stomach that organ is not able to accomplish its work so indigestion and fermentation take place and the thc tern is poisoned The result is soon shown in the skin especially the skin of o othe the face Cace and pimples are arc often the re result suit sult Time The advocates of perfect mAstication n as it IS called from Dr Fletcher its great thaI tha t almost all the lie jib ills of oC life are arc occa occasioned 1 by bolting the thc food and that one should 1 chew chef a morsel at least thin thirty times he heia fore swallowing it stating further thai tl ia t if this practice is is followed the fat Cat wit become s symmetrically thin md and the thin thir will acquire the ri right ht amount of oC flesh fleshIn fleshIn In order to attain these desirable re rc rei i suIts a good set of teeth is oi of the great greatest est aid and as is often the case caie with will most of oC our blessings they are arc not ap appreciated until they take their flight I Ims ms IS true artificial teeth are a great help improving the looks and nn an assistant in iii eating cating but for Cor service they arc It t natural teeth what a if is tc t electricity One cannot be too or painstaking in preserving the teeth I I m C Caro ro In Childhood Mothers should feel that they owe ito i ito to their children to look after teeth If the lie are not coming coining in straight they the should have hac a dentists care t the child is young oung The jaws can the thel be formed so that the teeth will corn cornas as the they should It has been found th thiC If iC the jaws arc not shaped right th the he t development t of oC the bones of th I Irest rest ot of the skull will not take place as they should and the result is that the brain development is interfered with and the features of the face will not he be regular A whole chapter could be ritten upon the way the teeth should be looked after at the time of their coming and while children are young oung but I wish to direct your attention particularly at al this time to the necessity y of keeping the teeth clean both for the sake of good looks and for their preservation Consult Your Dentist The teeth of individuals vary ary greatly greath and consequently demand different I measures to keep them clean The ad advice vice vicc of oC the dentist should be sought ill in regard to the matter Those who have pe perfectly I regular teeth the thc gums of which are arc closed nicely about them will willot not ot find it such a difficult matter to cleanse the teeth as those whose teeth I I are irregular especially if they I pockets in the gums made by the inflammation in inflammation I about the teeth As l general thing the toothbrush should he hud hard and stilT stiff in order to tot t 1 cleanse the flu teeth well A good tooth toothpowder toothpowder powder paste or liquid should be chosen t by the advice of the dentist who cares for Cor the teeth or one should be used that c you ou have found beneficial Those which o have plenty of soap are arc bestin facto fact o if it were not for the taste ordinary 1 toilet soap would answer very well Ai After er brushing the thc teeth the soap should be rinsed thoroughly a away 1 One should have a good mouthwash mout wash stand standing t ing on the ltd toilet table handy in a cov CO r ered glass so that after eating an any t thing the mouth can be washed den clean denA C A saturated solution of boric acid makes n n a good and inexpensive wash nC C at Ouo Caro at Teeth at If the teeth are sensitive a t wash of c of soda is excellent a tea ul to a glassful of water It is best to rinse the mouth thoroughly be before fore brushing the teeth for that will remove th the larger particles of oC food which have hac accumulated Tooth brushes should he be cleansed thoroughly after use and after they have been ashe 1 they the should he be dipped in vcr very hot water and dr dried ed in the sun sum Most people use a tooth brush too long After Ailer awhile the points of the bristles become sharp and lagged jagged and irritate and bruise the gums gents Then too in spite spiLe of care they become unclean One should have hac a fresh tooth brush for these reasons as often as once a month A London doctor thinks that Americans depend too much nuch on cleans cleansing ing n the teeth with brushes I do not think so but I think too m many nv are arc care careless careless less in the use of the brushes and rho do donot not us use them in the right way tay and do donot not renew the brushes often enough Caro oi of the tho Gums Around the gums and between the teeth j just list where the lie food accumulates the most are arc the places which are arc the most difficult to clean and often oCten a abrush abrush brush is used most conscientiously these parts arc left untouched and decay takes place rapidly A very ery nice way to lo keep these places clean is to make a swab b by winding a bit of absorbent cot cotton cotton ton around the end of a toothpick and then dip it into the h and go carefully ull about aboul the gums where they join the teeth It will be a t surprise and delight to fluid find how much the thc w will ll improve with this process and how much cleaner one can keep the teeth and prevent the tartar r from forming To cleanse he be between tween the thc teeth u use c a toothpick or orrun orrun run dental floss between them The flue acid acido o of fruits will cleanse the teeth The same London dentist thinks there is is nothing like apples for or cleansing the teeth He says they arc ninth better than tooth brushes He was vas led to this di discovery by finding a woman of ninety with a wonderful number oj of served teeth who had eaten eatn apples all her life ot of Tartar In spite o of the greatest attention tar tartar tar will collect on some tee teeth b rind and then thenor or the dentists care is needed The tartar w will ll form with willi incredible rapidity in some if one would preserve the teeth an mud that bane balle Rigs disease by which ms meant inflammatIon of time c Sockets of the teeth which causes loosening of the teeth and their final loss 1055 while still one must be vigilant and call iii ih the frequent ai aid o othe of the dentist Age Ace Affects Teeth In speaking of the discoloration o othe of the lime teeth and its correction J I am au an answering sw ering a number of letters which I will not take the space to print Teeth I are arc apt lpt to change color and become I darker as one olle grows older A tooth that is lark dark and discolored front Crom mm im improper I proper filling Or decay can lie be bleached and improved greatly by a t dentist who I understands the thc process and most good dentists do Th The deposit of green which is frequently seen een at the junction of the front teeth with the gums and g gives cs a aery avery very ery unsightly to the teeth is due to the he deposit of oC coloring nat mat matter ter in the enamel of the thc teeth The Thc superficial surface of the thc enamel i is very irre irregular ular and the coloring matter maller front from time the food is deposited in the these e places Some think that this causes cames rapid deca decay of time the teeth but dentists say sa that such IS not the case the sooner it is gotten rid of the better A dentist can cal r remove moe it and then polish the irregular surface of the enamel so 50 that it will not conic come Ii If it is not too deep cheep one can remove it for ones self Take powdered pumice tone add to it a few fc drops of glycerine and apply appl it with an orangewood stick rubbing and 1 polishing time the tooth until the stain is ms re rc removed moved the teeth are yellow or darkened can be cleansed md and pol polished polished ill in time the same by time the use IIse of the pumice and the orangewood stick Do Not Let Your Shop Become a Loafing Place DoNot r ue with Angry s Soothe Them Keep Your Personal Affairs in inthe inthe the Background |