Show NEWS FROM OTHER STATES The Tho Missouri State e of oC A Agri Agriculture I culture at will complete worth or of new buildings this rail fail The years ha crop was time the lar flit It amounted to tons tonsA A In Now New Mexico bought io common ewes one fall at 12 per head He bred them to Southdown Tams rams tor or Mardi Time The next August ho he took lambs to which about 01 1 mm Il head Two montils later time tho anti more were wro sold bringing each The Tho wool sold for rOI iO 50 From nn an or of uno he over 1100 in ml less titan u u year enl The States produced 00 hu h ls of I rIco In 1108 which 8 worth about aboul The Carme sc sell JI theil rIce at al about aboul 0 cents n a while the get sel about G 6 for tor time the sammie sarno amount Is thero thelo some something om I thIng wrong In this of doIng busIness Tim In BelgIum there thero arc arii Ol only i 1 iio to 10 c ch Jerson imerson or 01 5 53 acres to each family or of live Jt It I is no learned lait has hils In iii mating the pints s time tho desert cac cactus l UK and turnIng it litto a stock food tho ho fM no mm longer loncer has atm protectIon and oUt r desert and now time the pro lem lemIs Is to save It from Crom those City He Evans ElIIS roC if Chicago has nl at lat last round a milk dealer who will conduct a mi dairy r rU U UlA of the health depart I mont Onh tIme the most advanced amid amI sanitary of time the cows will he be The Tho milk will vIii be dell ered direct to lo tue In ono f the thO most congested districts and tIme the will have it H twelve hours the lion it Is milked d dL L Horton ono one of the thC biggest ers era of milk In Xe Ne York state slate Is 20 cents a quart rw for some somo or of orthe the mil milk lie ht sells ThIs milk I Is pro produced lucei lJ by lime owner of a farm at New Newburgh I burgh N Y V mind cleanliness Is Insisted on oem to lo fin no extent almost unbelIevable Time The cows are wo hed find amid wiped with spotless linen and when whon the mIlk Is obtained it t is 18 handled as though It were The milk Is sold to the Ihn gilded rich In New York city Is he to have n a forest and hus latelY received front from the ho l gen en enI nearly in remit I als ais The trees havo to be and cared for tal now as the they do donol nol orIginally oro grow In thal state but time tho time will ihl conic come when they will bea be bea a great glent source of Texas TexuM has enough land so o lint it Ir all the tho lii In the United States Slates were located there each would over two acres or cloven clove acres to Lo every evon ot of live In States there thre Is enough land to supply every citizen S 8 Yo acres neres or Ol H acres for every of Ol fl Secretary Ellsworth of ho idaa chu hoard board of agriculture according to statistics In his Imla that condItions In that are showing a stonily and continued Im BO Boys B arc going back to the farm Farmers are leaving time tho lulls hills for timo tho alleys s where tho they arc aro ablo abi to farmIng and tho hill farms farina are going back to for forestry estr estry and e |