Show FIRST NIGHT TELEGRAMS FROM THE STARS Nothing so IJO vell 11 proves S the haply famIly that theatrIcal stars as 08 the telegrams that 1155 8 from 1 10 LI star as tit the season Is IsI I for or each mch cue For lIlIum Gillette usual I U UI Uly i o t I r I ly regarded as a very e y grae and even cen austero b by those who do 10 not nol know him ll as C a writer ot of night telegrams Is revealed as tim tho most genial of comedIans On the openIng night of oC Every oman Knows the that most do lighted Miss lIss Adams read Its curl curi curious ous but I nun Hilt not n a bit nervous 11 Hum Gillette A tel telegram gram from froni Maude dams Adams on tue tho openIng night Is the rarest st o or ines sages eg hen one It Is cherished b by the tho recipient us as highly as If IC It cum cams from a crowned head hend But MIss I sends very ery II I to those whom she the she Is at as lIttle known to the constantly increasing army or of stars us to 10 outsiders Rut lint whether she Is in France or Eg Egypt PI she falls fulls to cable well wishes to those whom she sho has boon huon ns whether the they are stars or not and tho cubIc cable or telegram contains but two words worda Good Goo Goodluck luck 1 M Adams 1 II t Is generally admItted thu tone one of oC the cleverest or of telegrams is William Collier Th ThO ten I words In th the orld whatever the occa occasion slon sion may lie ho seem to he be on tap for Mr rr Col CollIer II I Ono da recently II whIle at t lunch Ina In a rant Thomas Shea pC the I theater tol etl nt at Mr lr Col Coi hers table to lo tell him that lint that hay day was the annIversary of Mr lr birthday Instantly Mr Ir Collier called for a blank and sent thIs mOSEa message c to the manager who ho was then In Atlantic City Many happy happ returns from Crom nil all your our theaters Bilt per Jaup the cleverest t telegram that over ever left leCt the he resourceful pen or of Cot Col Jr was the one In sent sont to hattie VII It lIum on the opening night or of Detec tire tho Sparks s It read I dont doit know Detective Sparks Is after arter but I hOI hope ho gets gels It SU H Enough h money Is spent on telegraph Jag between star Itar and star on to lo buy UI II good part of the tho orchestra 0 theater And It Is a fact that at the of a certain ole tole graph company compan It Is a frequent habit to accept the t a as tho they aro alo written charge for them as If IC they were wro to go 10 over the wires and then scud one small bo boy to delIver deller them all at once In bulk |