Show J 1 1 tY St r rm rN N m 1 u l q d 2 S i ir r x t tu tl tr tf r f l fly Y r aN xi earl 1 r E A y r L ifs 4 o 0 The C 5 Is doomed That lit hit tip the section or of je New York rork lust Just off oct the anti now anti f Dower Bowery bounded 11 by Pell nm DuretS streets Is to ht be swept Into oblivion rind upon the sites Rites now ne Ie currIed by the fantastic anti gaudy front e shacks anti tenements business blocks ot of substantial and imposing r will 1111 rear skyward ard no three e blocks In the world r have been the scene ot of more strife more 4 r revelry elry more of oC n a most sordid the little streets whIch In any other city In the thet world would be its nIles alleys t t nut But In New York every dark duk and forbid din little byway and lane lIS is dignified lJ by bythe the title ot of street times have haTe been In within the post past year car or two mid nd this accounts for tor the Out just Issued 11 ell Chinatown must go anti lid the police pollee to a I unit will breathe easier when We ilia razing o of these thelle dark and 2 se dens of vice begins Murder has been rampant there thereof of oC hate Inte and so 80 tilt far th the perpetrators or of orth ofil il th these sc murders are at t liberty While the i of oC the world have lie been en ordered to tofie IH fie on OD the lookout for tor Leon Leou Ling better i known all au Willie Leon the celestial who ho hoI murdered pretty Elsie le Sigel his Sunday Sunda I school teacher and then staffed her ber body Into the tho hunk found In his rooms WIllie 11 hut still among the thc missing Noo familiar 1 a Itil Chinatown nail the customs or of Its I would be surprised to 0 learnt learn that Leon is still RUU In and never left lett J there bere for tor n A day since Inco tho rho slaying of oC poor little Chinatowns tong tODI wars be tW teen CIl the th Slugs Slug nail till the Oll lug I bate bue bean n bitterly waged for the post past 10 I years eIlTS there n a i r timid for Cor the time being Chinatown b be becomes comes quiet At times the S ln jc New York cars reap a 0 Jt Nearly every visitor to the thinks that he or Ibe meet see Chinatown before departing for their far ta ron WO homes It s quite the thing to do nowadays anti the tho th thI e I tourists fin IIo In anti out or of the dl dingy lO Illy 1111 lighted little cribs that ta hI I II I 0 F Y I Ir Iry t y y t y 1 I Sy ft OtI FT i r v vr r A y N Nt Jr r r rW t r Nh rt W Jr k kv I v A lest Chinatown nod and depart with the feel trel Ill lug that they have seen nil there Is to tobe he be seen or of New Yorks under world In other words the they are Ie inspired by the tle de to iJo do smoothing rent devilish and the they really believe bellee this instinct has hns been gratified to the tae fullest At As a matter ot of fact foet tho they enl only see IX that whICh them to ot at so much item Iler see ce All Mi bat can enn be soon en to advantage Js is proudly displayed eli At the tho same Name time the wily chink rakes In the There ore are many In lint t quarter whose wealth Is reckoned In the hundreds ot of or of dollars They hey are rich lint but they the arc Just Justn Justas n as eager to bleed n 0 tourist today ms 01 till they were wre years ago when they lIne have the price ot of n a bowl or of chop sueyin suey sueyIn In their balloon trousers Two of tie most mOlt picturesque In Chinatown ore are Mock Duel lender ot of lit the Hip HII and Tom om commander ot of tIle the Ong Leong Tongs The HIp Sings ore disturbing This tell teak Is up ot of lima tho sporting clement Nearly till nil ot of Jh its members ra are i bunco I men runners for or those whIch conduce a white slave traffic traID and murderers ot of the most cold type A life lite In Chinatown is III not worth a 1 ot of yok rOk Let a 0 victim ho he d for death b by the ur of o of th the rival rh logs and It L is safe he bL will I J r r f fv fc v c I l 4 i f f T y yi I i 1 lr rs a a Lt L i ih l lb b I mr J f a l Pe f Y J r L H mr 8 cZ t 5 f Jee eeL Z of me Tel c 8 a 0 bullet In the bock ot of his skull or n a knife thrust between hula Shoulder blades 31 21 hours otter after the ukase trout wout forth The he Iii er easily malic and nud Ibo rho there thero can he be no I slip 11 I TIe has been to do the work this he does doel whether In broad daylight 0 or no n th inky black noes ot of a J hallway But Dut lu In either orent II he always gets t its his mon man for forbe or orue ue be well that lila hll lIe will trill lie he the forfeit should there ther be n a slip There are few tew in 10 Chinatown and th time police who mount guard over oer this turbulent section ot of the thc city do o ont t heel tate to sty lilY that many 1 a tIan man met his hili d ath In Chinatown n WhO lC carcase was disposed ot of n a hint o of murder ever elor percolating from r who iwho bl his undo log fhe Ong are or of a hUr cla The Than Ul members or of this tl coal h arc nr all 1111 I todo t It ts whose ho l cow com iii i fit high into luto Ilse II t it II Toni Tom T i iwho who married a nod nud whose I 1 Ir r o r toll lion is hi one ot of the honor men It at Columbia rules this tOll tout with n a rOil rod oJ if Iron Hut But for lor 10 years he bc Ims hus lived In inconstant constant t dread of au an bullet or thrust So determined wait the ef eC effort fort to make way 0 with bite that he hi 11 rally heeded the 0 of his ON oat and snored from Chinatown to 10 Ilar hem lem where here with its hi wife anti son he be occupies n Handsome ome In this home rem Lo Leo leads lead the life ot of ofa n a military prisoner lIe never goes out unless surrounded by lI BOI several rAI ot of hi hits trust lest lieutenants lie He never answers n a summons to lila doorbell for tor tear he will wll wlllie willbe lie be shot down for tor several times this has hos been attempted When Jut vl visits Chloe town he does so eo surreptitiously and them thull toM coat to till the ot of hi his tong tonJ entrance eu en trance to is 8 through a ot of passages and ond doors that battle anyone not familiar with It Its liven Bren h wears n a burlier pr pru tc t a hll hie buly Jt is In wt t lit In a 1 tit It a Jr i oll lor I Ii i i ic Jhu I 1110 a I L II d JI t lit It anus Ir hr tho tb I Ti I f c clie till lie taller But ut bit cl la III worth rth I w a I Ir i u r r vc s se e 1 y r V VA A s w r yyS T i i Its t i 1 hl Yo n d In C I Tom Lee I fair lr too loo much to to the tho tor or thom then to allow allon him to rums 1111 risks risk and u no mon ot of Europe Is snore Inoru carefully or more zealously guarded than crafty old Celestial The Oil hug are Iro ostensibly China In law and order society oma sk nn Is tall fair piny nut But dont lo lose e sight of the net that when nn an ot of the HIli Sings becomes too to obstreperous that the do not hesitate to hIli Quite nc its moo many Sings have na The only is II hint Ices I is hearth about It The invariably lake l lle the public and nud the police Into their when a I ha has been lIeen mur murdered murdered dered It by n Sin Sing Hut reverse the tha order ot of and they r remain Just us its mute II ins thu Ile Hili Sip Slogs b n a Sins Sing bD has been murdered tIll whole tong set gets busy for tor their slogan n Is 18 Ten for tor eor every Sing thus Sings go 10 Oil on rho warpath they usually w their revenge reene before lotON the tho mw army of oC detectives anti police spies who nl me kept constantly circulating through Chinatown h Bate holl nil an inkling that theiu was brewing n it was not SI so Ion long ado 1110 that one of oC the thc Hip Sings wits 15 shunt shot drown clown In ht the streets tr I of oC town Several two men or hulls ns as the they are oro called to 10 Ihl huts quarter wit wilt witlIe lIe led tho rho tragedy Thu n darted lilt n II doorway I n through n tier liar ro row bait nud ns its its ag agIt It If the earth carth hued him The fhe Slogs heM held n a council connell of oC wr war that nl night and Mock Duck his bill trusty ot of of oC to fOl one oue Slog Sloe That night n a celebrated Chinese trl tragedian wn was billed to his tint Hilt appearance In the Chinatown theatre onti of oC III runs a year I the full 11 plat of the pin play Is finally unfolded t t th the audlene 1011 lit tl II or of his wisest wl to r 1 P cn the audience L u 11 ut of Omit Oil ot of oty I y lesser light At n a given Ihen signal several men mell arose nrose and ond scanned tho rho audience They were nil Hip Sins Sings ts 1 ono mon man manthey they tiler shot the smoke o ot of battle 11 en ten len lay stretched upon the thc of the tho little theatre cold In death The Tho tragedy on the stage was not Interrupted nail ran on to It its cuu elusion but to this do day the ot of hue tho ten are still Tom Leo had a miraculous escape ccalle hut but buthis hl his coat cont was Us pierced lI by six bullets It Js is no an open lIec secret t among the police bat chose n a weapon enlon o of one ouo pattern and calibre A A blue steel teel II Colt la 11 their favorite engine o of death ThIs ho carries In his hood and with arms folded across Ills hotly hody th the tucked Into the opposIte flowing sleeve lie ho nong The gun guo ly Is panned and cocked for or In stunt use A Chinaman never shoots ot at lon long range lie IIo always gets et close to 10 his hl man then po pokes es the Sun guilt Into his rills ribs null and IIla blazes I away More often he has hns shot while the heath r the gun Jun II Is concealed In his MI sleeve O Of course when n killing Is planned nil all the mew mem memI I hers ot of the ton tong are aware ot of the tho fact I and they crowd around the UIl murderer while the Iua gan Is passed from elan to until It 1 is In safe hands hanelA Mean flIn Meanwhile while In the hubbub that the r real al alI I murderer makes hula hili escape Many visitors to Chinn Chinatown town expect to toc see c scores ot of out In Inn n stupor In the opium dens that they think infest the Opium is Ie smoked to n a considerable extent In Chinatown but far tor more opium dens flourish in 10 other sections or of the dt city in 10 Chinatown The rh few tew that fire are there ther lire are far or lie surface o of thu tho street treet anti ond non none but regu lam are permitted to them Chino town is III with is Bret passage n 8 far beneath the sur surface ce lit of the streets and many ot of its as mun many Iii as spa l beneath l th bent III The aho infest Inest the police far mere trouble than thon 14 the Ce Cc They arc l the very I scum ot of the earth for or when n a man or woman the downward path and I cs steeped In vice I stud nud crime th they y I nha always M drift Into fanatics have tell felt their duty to reform Chinatown For eer every reformation they thoy effect therea genuine and sincere from one to D a dozen doen young white women wOlDen nr are sacrificed With to few exceptions the young oung anti attractive while girls setH sent to to wor work In the various mss established ll there thero sooner or Inter tall fall n a victim to some unscrupulous Cells teal From then on these girls become becom the slaves there they nr are kept in 10 their miserable dens t tl omi opium and rice whisky ky until they slut to lo the gutter rutter Their good looks loos gone null their senses steeped in 10 opium and whisky th they dually hind find their way to rho Pl co ward on nud there end their days In the every minister In New York city Is to the perils that assail woman In Chinatown and their cry crt Is Keep white women out ot of C to n I I I I I |