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Show Loiter PrUm Manila. Mra. lluilah U'llkliii penniii ai lo nake the following rxtraoli Iroin too ttera written Auguil7lli and Aug m .Mtli by her huibtml, now at Manila iUxiu, I'hlllpplna tilandi, Aug Stl Jr Dear '( urid Cnflcfrtn.I r-eUed r-eUed jour letter laet night and it till ny heart wltli y In learn lint yoa urr dl well. I am ai well ai could I ex-lected, ex-lected, but nutie of uiran leel well in hlicllmate. Alter being wet tbroi gh or thirty da , a aienowin drv qtr ere, and eel the cllvcli of It. roar or Jreoloar battery are qullu tick, ami aie .etliugaa thin aarakei, and lilt In be -oped the War Dparluieul will foil ike the men away from here who fin-tot fin-tot Hand thocllmale. There aro over SAO in the hotplul, rounded and all, (ever hating broken nit among the men. 1be city li rr) ilthyand dirty, which It one cauie of tlekneaifand whlla.the Ainerianaaie rying lu clean It up, It will lake a lung Irue to inakoa ihimlng There aro uier3tX),U0i) profile here how bpaiiiah, I'liilipplnoi, American!, Otrmatif, Englitlinndall oilier nation-illtiei. nation-illtiei. Tbot-ity limuru than twice aa large aa Salt Lake City, an I the luhabl anl throw eterylhlngoitt Intnlhn imck yarJt and atreeli. II our gnvernuient knew the fatta about tills country It would not want to hold it. TlioCblneieare the meat Intelligent In-telligent native here, aud our Indlaua iru kinga oorupared lo the I'lilUpplnoe, in. I the woodi are full of ibe latter. Outilde Ihn olllea ther go naked and run t til bt the tbnuiand. and they x '! a man lor two Utt When you iidl an) cue lay wo want theie lilindi, tell liliu to come orer hue nnd ho will change hla mind. It li fun lo read Ihv neairaper le-porta le-porta about Iheie poor lniur(nta and then lie hero and tee the facta, for 1 would rather take leu Spanlirda Into my confidence tliun one of ihem, Thenathei iliot txoof the lUttery B lioyaatCavito yetterda) , on ii dead and the other li juit alhi. I have put my trull lu Uod iluco t lelt home and He hai brought mo through ro far. I fed tafeai long a I do what i right, nnd mil get borne all right, which I hope v, ill be by Ibe flnl ol the new year, ai I think we will he among Ibe drat to be leleaied LM Thonm and earn Uycbrrley are in goo I health Sam look lh' new a ol Lottie't death pretty hard. CiurlJiwxT, Aug. 7. We bate been Ogbttnglhe enemy (or Juit one week luday. At nearly a hv can tell, 18 Arnerioiui have been killed aud 43 wounded, about 400 Spaniard! killed and 373 wounded. H e got hold ol a Spanlili paper w bleb gat o It ai follow : Spenlih killed, 315, v.oundl, :'60; American killed, IDOO, Hounded, "00, Hut I hao iten nil the luienctne burled, bur-led, and 1 know 18 are all up to tonight; buliomoolthe wounded will die. We are looking (or the lumbardaint to commence tomorrow ai ae ar uuxvsut to gel through w llh the Oghting, and aa a e are here to take the tow n tlie aooner we do it the better. The third expedition ii no landing. You know luiodiokickonceinawbllo about tho giub at home, well, ihat't all off now. IfadcoUtc witboui iugr nnd muih (or breaklait, hatebal no tugjr for a week. Wo aro all well (rom Coalville and in good iplrlli ; no Utah men in tim lioi-pltal lioi-pltal at thla wtltlng. Wearewhh.n thiee tnllei ol Manila and the Utah batterie expect to ibxre In the honcri ol the bouibarduitot, Ihit don't lake any notice ol neaipaper ro-porta ro-porta regarding the battle. ' Leliol fruit here, hot bananai t the 1 oaly kind that 1 care lor. Eirji are 3 cent each. In Minlta the people ate eating ifegi, can, borret, and anything elea tbey oan get. I Kl In children for me and glv my love lo all IrlewJi. Frornyonrliijibin.1, B. Wiucrn. |