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Show Republican Mooting only kind the I car fof. Egg are 3 each. In Manila the people are cent Congressional Candidate Alma TIMES. COALVILLE - I The City Conncil met in regular eating dog, call, hone, and anything JobuJIenry Smith end John P. It I Allan els they can get, Metkia will speak at the following ratification pre a RESICENT night, Mayor Monday ton Republic lI C31LT1LLX. CTAH, OCT. 7, After Kie lb children for me and give my place next week: I ding and a quorum prerent. and work railroad Contidrablo of Frost yonr huibaod, Morgen, Monday night, October 10th. reading and approving th minute toHeoefer, Tuesday. 1 p. m. pairing I going oa in B. Wuxixa. tb fallowinjrbill y, IL roonw, Wnr toe meeting previous Coelviile.T uesdav night at 7 .50 oclock present. were allowed: at tba Brick soho!tituse. F- - Iwl'h Domocratio lion 00 J. Convention, met 2 From Untr ; .Pendleton 4 ?on, blacksmithing The County Commissioner Peo, Wednesday, 1 p. m. 75 Tb Hrmocratlc Coeaty Convention ' Y., Sept, JO, I868-- f day, Coalrillo, Utah. Allen, making fiumoe ...... Kamas, Wednesday, 8 p. ua. traaiacted a Uttlo roat.u' business Booilx, 8 : Lindeav.ftedini Zdtio to 8 a a end Tme:-Dticket full m. nominate ,o. in vg Heber, (A Coahitl Thursday, p. county and adjourned to neat Monday. PubCo,, prinlint- j SpringviUe, Fruity,! p. m. Hw rom lhi -75 Representative to the State Leg.slatar, Fooling tbot ! at reiideoce, opposite . , lumber, hauling alion, nt Spanish Fork. Saturday, I p. at. rally and ratification work on atroete. . . . . . 3 00 wa held at Park City Tueeday, Hon. R. Ids o or "Groat Ratio, 14 portioB Republican 3 p, m. Provo, Event, ,ao It Saturday, the sciuxultouse. Brick It ovocing. J W ) C. Chamber . ohn Boy den & Sona, stationery. , permanent acting f th Lord Yloyd mlcht yowibly Brick acboolboua Taoaday free million Merethan commlite twenty chairman and J. A. Smith sample permanent to feaith tfdtothoistoreot of your wookly ac nj Quit a n urn tor went ia from .iobert Ptoele. bridge work ...... 7 75 and the following ticket wa of DeWitte Wtieh Hate! Salve hare thoo of ! yortootl eeerotarv, loaat lo BBEMtK, at and many it, attoad conference. .'eople Mtr.Co., eundriM....... been distributed by the manufxt-turert- . to nominated 1 1 rat TrM-railroad of bad tho th ultUim, wb may kochambl Justice, havo Tb would City report gtn Whet better proof of their confidence in no NOTARY PUBLIC, County Oletk J. L. Bovden. otk, oil endeavor ( rer and Sexton wei read and approved. bean lower. it merits do you want? It core pile, r limitod Recorder Smith.' A. i J. County wentefGoita fie of th nancisl H City Th f burni. sealds, sores, in the shortest report 1f II Tb cantata of "Snow White Utah. County Attorney C. A. Calli. of tnn!i tod tor the quarter endiag Repteeih' epaoeof tint. John Bovden A Hoe. toret bo wt.l given It meontaio. ko Hi ander W. Miller. Aeeeeser th way. won in bom toaetifol ay r 3. 1 808, w aa read and approved. Karl Clover Root Tea is a pleasant Bfaeriff-rtjeo- rg about Chrietma for the bevefit of the Lindsey. Jr. After blddlag o lot odioo J attic presented the qu directi The City Beard laxative. koor M Regulate the lewis, paribvt JAMES E. HOxMER, U. D., Treeiorer F. J. McLaughlin. homo, guafay School. George Utm aad frioad t on of collecting poll tax from tbe blood. the Clear , the complexion. 1L H. ;S0 Survevor Rhetd. E. p. .,Jly log train ot Icho of It andtl Physician a i Surgeon . Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 8 B8 oftor The Cah Borgain Store be pul ft taeinhert of the fire department, Wm. Comniieeioner B, root bouad, arriving Carrutb, on eta. Sold A den committee to John Son. reterrei the by Boy a as matter OFFICE AT5 ESIUFS; C. McDonough, Daniel Lambert. a boon doloy at KyvUla. oa aeooaat belts and counter for the accomoda Uw. You invite when B. S. disappointment you a at Kimball, Coalvilla. -- of A krokaa aagiaa Representative tiofl sad aato of grocsries.std a aooi iaatructed to lie Wiua Little Early , The City Recorder otdor no experiment. roll of to fool 'There dttirWrir th to opposition any of Office line hour from Ha. m. Ij J good' Prefatory th pain t ia dry thi th aeceesary ballots, list. candidate I rocuro Risers ar pleasant, easy, thorough little for the effice Sher aro required to attoad to certain dutioi, bo added, and 7 p. . for th bond election. cure Poxei. sick etc., and They pills. constipation iff, Attornev and Commieeioner, receive certain Inatructiou, otc., appof all who cun sltouh. observe th- - ehors headaehe just as sure as you take them. For thi election th folio ing named & Sowartn. the phoUgra-pberThi labor. Hancock For reR. Sheriff, to Sainabnry George Bovden mirefoaary A Son. John near as possible. taiaing is a to act judge wore erson appointed .30 ceived five votes, George Lindsay 42. hat gone to Salt Lai a for Confer- j f don, all waala readia, and all : Wm. J . Wright, Jr , Frm.k election the. woro For Attorney, Frank Olson received 10 ence, They will, omraoa Monday, ?tb, M tho fnin f d-- y - Henry-fbiel- dt Nippon, Band CrArCattn 10th, and tew am in Coals ih a fe 'vote,under oy. 2t i An order for ehrubery given bv ibe Utah, of Sandy, Cooimimioner B. McDonough For 29. only. When la tbarrieiaity end Sexton for th City Cemetery received 47 bankerchief, my vote, D. Lambert 40, Wm. Just received at th Footle Merc.n-til- ..layor pot faallng for y by the Council, et approved il of excitement Wro. Rtcbint line Carruth.87, a complete carloaity, or rather Company Councilman Brauch of tho committee fully the" thatl close of the convention R. Before their it then and and atk and winter underwear aronaed, 0 city property waa authorised to baie C. Chambers had to be n w excused, aa he aenied the reality of my eitaation, for was never to complete a it the land prepared in the cemetery tor had to lake the tram for Halt Lake, A lock You re from It. inveatigation , UdWxamine thorough at "f aa eJtfuht'rr ordered. JindWsik-sJJW.iMpvote of thanks . o eollar, 1 dlacorered that I had eery 'etffrt Main order! that ihe Council which Wm. M. Ferry presided for tl e baltnn dupatchea announce the Tueeday , quietly been relieved of my pur, Btou-r- , Center aireet to First South be of torn obn of but Falla value, the meeting. death near Idaho of iteelf wae of ao particular to Stc cr, , reded, and the Coun U adjourned CiHSn COMMITTCe. ban tine boon convinced that the grip brother of Hyrum and Jo- - ph 7 :30 ro. 17th at p. in enrroncy welt known la Summit county. The soeet October about and The koy.itnd following were appointed a th we feif Frttm Manila. eoold hart been seed much more prof wound that caused hi de.th Lottor county committee for the ensuing 1 Inflicted. He ebot blmeelf through . h Buriah Wilkin permit us to two yeai: Mr. Ela M. lloriin, itably than 1 feel that It baa been Mr. aaa assure you I wae eer oa my guard beadr make tbe following extract from two A. G, Brim, J. G. I amhert, John iftiV tbit. M. Suiamit county of written August 7th and August Hortin, of George lb Young, people Many w glided along ihrongb tht many to j th by her huibsnd, now at Manila . 1 d r aril T. ill James Berry, grieve Sweeney, uerehaata, th especially 2tt. John Paradise, Willard Srenen, Van gorge, aepectally th Grand Canyon, Isaro 1 Ibe death of John M. Eaeton, iIami., Philippine Wands, Aog. th in bed were bor mind I our visited Children: unitedly and Br wn, Daniel FcrgtiBon,TbomCupit, has Dear W(fe wbt ealesmen Uy encircle os. tbe traveling for many ye eived your letter last night and it fill G .1 Merchant, George Judd, J. L, grtadenr which eeemed to section regularly this 1 amenre on Seeing 1 believing, and Eaeton wae a g nerl favor-i- t. oy heart with joy to learn that you are Rjtt.cn, C. A. Calli. J. E. Hoemrr, of euch past. Mr. tho grandeur eaa appreciate in Salt Lak. on Sunday dl welt. I am at well at could be ex- Fit man Maim. J. T. Neele), Jonn Hadied ob tb oily it, teeing been pected, but none of uacan feel well in C'tik, J. S. Ball, Solon Sorensen. only by canary s( from peritlnitla, alter having -, JeotloB er regret waa that th wen for appotdiuUe. lie hit climate. After being wet through EisouTio.va. wae not operated upon ebaegedtoo suddenly, for it in Salt Late. mr thirty da , we are now in dry quar-i.eron child and wife a leave e Tl mouatain a a ccmmiucaonieo!utioupreeetit. so e long til inch a thing and feel t fie effects of it. Four or weald ant bo n, but rather, vast corn boa. Aim Eidredge entr HooT'Johh dv of our battery ar quit sick, and ar ed the following, which was adopied : The Democrat of Bummit count . next Said a far aa tho oyo could roach. Henry Smith at Brick echcrlhons tliin 1 rakes, and It i to be a convention .ottinga 11 tins assembled, hereby pledge a little and Stop woro mod Tuaeday ovaaing. oped tbe War Department will won their faith anew to the around look to can-rwho glean lor pattengeri t ming up on Mk tbe men away from her A th Echo train waa principle of the Democratic party, tt e a tack place a Glenwood Springe, climate. the A1 stand Howhan and believe iu the principle ret forth in the before paealng othara and luoday, PtUbio, Lead villa There are over 300 in the hospital, which eorne muttoa ere which place, at platform ot 181)6, aud aasert Chicago Eldredgaa place reached, Denver broken tr.ed v cross th rounded end 11, fever having ire aud u ilimited th that i changed car for the firet time. Arriv be bad in paeture. very rut among Abo men. Iho oity Tb ya of th engine. front of in and sliver at he ratio of 18 track Just bad gold bo dark I opportunity cauee of age lag there after wae cntinio, akhy and dirty, which ia on con scut of any ihe without to . I, of ateing much of th place. Wo were result wae that one beep brok-- 1 4knaa, and whtiwAba Ameriean ' other nation, is the paramount issue of . aowotd Chicago via eansat meat, nnothoe had ite leg moving lung ym the rying to clean it up, it will take Into wee another our party, and will continue' to be to andattll ' tn tboBorlington. ante to make a showing. until bimetallism ia restored. We deAt Lincoln, Jfob., circulorl woro her There ere over 200,000 people announc nounce the Republican party for ibe the turn throughout uow Spanish, Philippines, Americans, of and fraudulent profession ALMA ELDREDGE. false minnto. allowing of e nation-Thfifty leg I ftop German, English and nil other for silver, through an intertimo to board tho fiiendabip ampin voter of a twice than J paueagori time for registration 'K aitje. The city is moreand national agreement, while insidiously oiootrio care and visit tb principal 11 the election the Lake City, j district galt la tbit year for tbe permanent establish portion of the resident aud bueine th State w ill be from 8 . anu throw everything out into the twcl planning of a gold standard. Tbe time Brvan bora. 1. W. went -Son. passing on dtp, Tuesday, yard and ttreeis to 9 p. m ra. gone by when the true friend of bimetal-lin-n Of course wo took it ia, and aa a change Ootaber U i Wednesday, O.L, 12 Tues- - If our government knew tbe fact for can aily hirnteH in any manner 1 a good a a rest felt amply tepaid At about thie country it would not want 10 day, OcL, 18 and Taeday Nov.L; with that party. Th prosperity ol out o doing. of office in th moat end ar th at hold it. The Chinese th lima mentioned In a to waa day spend intention Our state, as well a of the whole country, th rpectiv registration agent, and telligent natives here, and our Indian Omaha, visit th oipodtion, W., but aot elsewhere, name of ot voteis may are kings oomparsd to the Philippines, depends upon the just solution of thi and until it i accomplishet auUundoratanding wo war ' through be added, and tranafere and corrections ami the wood sre full of tbe latter. question, w this pledge our loyal support to tba ploaour. , dtprittd Outside the cittea they go naked and may be mad. We congratulate our fellow citi-te- n cause. SUll wo did not aogloct to uaiia th run wild by the thousands and they J Manx E.A. Agwin eeveral walked we for hour pnt thorn, upon the successful concluiiono! kill a man for two bit. When Wo ee by the Salt Lak paper that would w many nw tighi A 'R with Spain. W glory in late.war the block up town, bobbed up you hear anyone ear w want these of our army nd navy upon victories the and a gral many paopla, especially at Dr. E, A. Man ha wremjy court island, tell h.m to come over het ami laud and sea. We salute the flag a it tb depot, where tom of th troop who again and ie seeking throu :h the he will change hi mind. W of Hats, Trimmings and Summer Drexs Good. tllistneon, Ansa of wave of tCqba and Porto Rico, and aa wer about to luavo wart eutioaad, to get possession fun to read the newepaper reltia Mr. formerly of fi ;30 Mr. Men, Saturday morning, deughter ft float from Deweys flagship In Manila Leaving there at Shirt Waist and Slipper will be sole at cost. usuo- - port about these poor insurgent anti harbor.- reaobed Chicago at ;30 th next day. George Addy of thi place. Hi 1 for eee and the facts, of tb , then be here x We rejoice in tb courage and ptnot Remained tber until 10:30 on Tueeday, eeetfnl effort to get poaeion Have in stoek a nice line of wrappers and skirts. Aeu Spaniard into J would rather tk our remembered well by be iU no time aasured from this county and wai girl her of the bad von may reel ism boys confidence than one of the. ie how Maying with who' responded to their country' pared la eeolag aa ouch at coaid pos- reader. Th girl native shot two of the Battery L ute, The and uncle her and limited wife, WUey Corbett tay, to ceil arms, and faced the peril of tbe sibly be seeo during our at Cavite yesterday on i dead and The elder wbotr laboring there did aunt, at Balt Uke. WUey say the girl boye camp and th hospital. We field, and the other ie just alive. In unmeasured term tbe all m thoir powor to make it pleasant is still afraid of Manx, and doe not a ant condemn I have put my trust to God Mnca to go with him. If th .utement .he of the war department of lor ui, heft home and He brought me administration W visited tb Stock Exchange, Chic- mad her with relation to Man aoout that left our tb present a I long eh ha good re. ooa through so far. I feel af are true, Mnaie a a of plenty, land in highest starve to ago eoldier yaar Tplo, ago library, thus far do what i right, and will get home all and without proper medical attention bnUdiag in th city, th Armor Packing t fear him, and Tax Turn ha will be by tbe first ADO beeves found nothing that would warrant tin right, which I hop A , Co., whom 7,000 bog and 8, a I think w will be ia hospital camp. of. rigid investigaof the at affar of netryekr, the of these ar butoberod daily. All of that r trading it venlon tion charges incompetency, to bo released, busi- - that time, and for which Manx thteat-eus- d a mon g th fi is demanded for fraud and tbiigs, alao tho many other large Thoms and Sam Wycbsrley ar corruption to aue u for tiO.OoO damage 1 or ol humanity aud good governsake the beta block, bote's, ate,, wer of exceed- -' of Our guarantee gees with every new took th in good health. Sam W rend greeting to the fog latorost, but tb climax waa not libeling hi good(D name. ment, Be sure you are buying Our Make. If you hard. death Lottie pretty roaehod until, after having spont aomo Again wtaay that if tla httl girl boye from Utah who have been matterDaw 7. Cam tried it you km w --if you haveat it have Jug. ' it, end to those who timllo oing tb aurioeitie of Lincoln itatemanta, made to u at that time, the enemy for ed out of service, been We hove fighting will for fear well Fotn on him, th pay you when ready to buy your Fair were true, the may big Fork w took a tido bear arm for America' honor in one week fodty. Ae nearly a w atiil or Overcoat to purchase Our Make. moral i In Suit just a he diamatet feet to her lo leper w and nory bid them of tfii according island Luton, wbool, which -can tell, IS Americana have been killed the a specialty of make We of mission endtakaa twenty minute for each revo- and unfit to have her under hie charge. their in humanity, 400 Spaniards godspeed about 43 wounded; and whom of to Park th Humboldt little her Relative girl, lution. WoaloovUltod and hv;e that they may toon return to We got bold of the led for protection beioce, wiU go in killed and 375 wounded. crowntad many other minor place. their families, friewd and of the 1 Spanish paper which gave it ti follow; abovo end court timo the to convince tho at for themselves their and try Chicago honor with ed leaving killed, 315; wounded. 260 Our stated, eoatiaaod oar jearnsy oestword fact whea th care come up for hearing Sponiah garments are acknowledged Americara killed, SOOQ; wouaded, 700. country to tb repeal of the the peer of any produced and the prices are ao small , are We vit tbu Foaniylvania line. Failing tomorrow. opposed r, 11 A burthe me. leans But 1 have seen so call.-- eight boor law, for w deem It youll wonder how it is possible. Our ready-to-wethrough Urg cities, inch a Columb w, , . RsenMteaa Batty aM nollfieattco. and 1 know 18 ar 11 up to tonight; ied, Philadelphia, llarrwburg, Pitubnrg, John Alma Henry Hoa. just and needful protect ipn to th clothing la equally meritorioui, lower in price of Eldredge, but tome of the wounded wtlldie, W Trenton, Newark, Jersey City and The Democratic ad min is t ra- course because it costs less tn manufacture in n and County laborer. Meak wae and Prof. P. J. reached, York Sow1 Smith, to V other. quanare looking for the bombardment affair of Summit county baa Brookltn of tbe of .be the Bridge, address great t commence tomorrow aa we ar don after crossing candidatoa will people when you are ordering your suit, over and' mtious tities, W a Concord, a Missionary Coalville at th - Brick rboolbeus on wise, commended itself to th public eur destination, Coat or trousers, dont overlook the fact that we can rto get through with th fighting, and a toon our abode. ; economic administration. headquarter, waa and 7:50. at October ju,t llth, evening, of the town Tuesday few a tbe sooner no are here to tak tho Aftor having removed famish the balance of your outfit, whether it be enter layer m dost, felt much imprsvd -- we do it th better. outside or in, or any article of furCure t. .asxocxnxt surprises Shirts for jurear, One Minute Cough though awfolly tired, , The third expedition ia now leading. and childreti cores goods. nishing ncJi week) it Re(Cowcfrdcd quick I ahait horeafter affiiiat t with the You know I used to kick ones in awhile peope by take it in large quaotiue without in politic. may all party home publican ; at well, that Warned tba about trub , Truth wear walk Popl hat J . E. Pirar th least danger. R baa won for itrelf off now. Had coffee without sugar and that paWiua I4ttl Early Riser are best reputation of any preparation ae Be L If yon are mush for breakfast; hate had no sugar the Ladies, lax llttls pill for regulating tb used to day for cold , croup, ticking in 1 Jooati; atlon, Bellow for week. tb throat or obiUnat cough. John boo sis, coring constipation and ick troubled . wu W are alt well from Coalrtlie and in Boy den A Son,. . Feelii f, Wke Karls bred ache. Thojf dont grip. John Skm, and Clover Tea, - e2ttan to take. Bole good spirits; no Utah men la th hoe Bsydoa A tow. Be Sot Deceived t A Cough, inioct by Joha.Royaea A Boo. For brokoa euriacea, pital at this writing. or Croup ar nota to be trifled with. utiles sad of disaare eapocially Manila Wtarewith.n thiee " A Utm, born, akin etubborn cough or ikklirg in the J A doe in time ot gb DeWitt on to Utah la .share batten remedy, and tb expect there pf. On Minute Cough to 7 rea ie throat yloldt for call in the honors of the bombardment. But i tT.kb Easel Salve. When yoa It armies in efievi, touche tbe Cure. - j or coonterWte renotice ol tak oy dont . DeWitt1 dont accept . nesspsper tZ34a. You wi m be wimppointod right poi, reliable and Juet what is j ' Old paper wanted. It nsta at one. Joha Boy dsn port regarding the battl. w(mi DW iue Witeh Harel Eolra. Jobs & F , Lets of Doit bar! bat brnoa i tba Aiwa. ' LOCAL BBErmit' Dr. W. V1SICK, , Dentist. e4 ' JOfBce J -- ........ br rd, iHri"'" refer, J -- 4-- til ept e, bo-la- g Jl? 1 1 o 1 1 n j e rerprw-i Blankets Blankets W have now opened -- and are showing a complete line of iip ttrt ! -- BLANKETS at the following prices: a. mrnBmBmmmmmm T -- time-honore- d ot " " let-kin- g aga tod Peoples Mercantile Co., u itihabi-tbrougho- bi 1 Clearance Sale J Ur Maggie R. Salmon. b.J 1 Wanamaker & Brown.: Clothing is Best for Service" rt nt. gs-m-- to-da- y - - Merchant Tailoring. tt made-to-measu- - re d ar r W. " ' tor, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. . CftSH BftRQftIN ST0R6 ... an. , v 'i r "1 J. Wright, Agent COALVILLE, - UTAR - |