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Show twice from the earns man. In WWT OUK BUDGET OF FUNJ case these living eaponents St divorce Inheritance bed been the applicant. This Include all of the present gen- BOMB GOOD JOKES, ORIGINAL I ITkMS op maids eration. It le needless to trace beck AND SELECTED. . , and matrons. further in detail except to stale that Is the further back the family tree Trunfee Jibu a A Vrly ataadJukuu traced the more complex It becomes, - Wiw Bom aa Flat SeleM4 Original in rivals It Summer Is coming her footsteps fall Together by until It le found that possibly SeyereUee la the deepening shadow of hedge and Irta- Ska TUI at to Bar In the Fujul- - that of the divorced Mrs. Allen Lemon. kU Imw wall, Child's Bum , Sara Wap It was shown In the trial that divorce But the breeses, sighing a kind refrain. Whits lawn, tucking. Valenciennes! was a mania, and It was attempted to Kiss her and lead her thro Hollyhock lacs and Insertion combined to make lane. prove that it was banded down tram Tka Buuudlcfs LujuuuS. AN there be an 1 t The pattern dress. title this to generation. dainty Backward, turn backward, O Time, la Summer Is going her blushes fads herttance of a dis- generation month that notable more low a still yoke Only last provides for a short, Where the riotous Climbing roses played. your flight;' ease, divorce ma- ease came up In the superior eourt of Make me a bach" again, just tor to te simply fitted by shoulder seams, to And her withered 'garlands are tossed e nia? power porher skirt aside and j mother which the a wherein of the upper edge handed down from Anderson, Mrs. In the painted splendor of Autumn's Ella Barton, mother, Fix Itnight; tlon is attached, the fullness being col- j so that I can com home new end daughter eon to sire pride. freered aad Mrs. Minnie Stanley, daughter-appealected In gathers. The skirt falls more from mother to in the earns court on the Without catching fits aa I rater ths Bummer Is going-h- er ly from yoke to the lower edge, which Junetime days which daughter, .which! over Each wide .Were .the sweetest notes in my song of divorce. same day applicants for finishes with a hem, door! makes them leave praise, two evenly spaced rows of insertion j the charge oMn compatibilor preferred Take from my neck the sad yoke that So my heart has fashioned them Into a better 1 their are placed. An attractive feature granted decrees on tune a ity. Both-we- re I wear; worse halves, same day. The matter attracted Oh, let me come la without losing mf tbe That measures against lallaman own moon. a great deal of attention and wsa hair" , the penetrating dart of Cupid? Tbeae mented on at large all over the coun- The hoy bare Invited me down to the sociological Summer Is going she leaves me here of a question! and others fact the InveetlgetiQii!eveals With the harvest gold and Its crimson nature easily arise, the result of legal try, while the mania. If such it 1. may But Time wont turn backward, AkJ that cheer. In the courts of Anderson, procedure But my heart to the sorrowing rose-tre- e exist In the family and can be traoed rttrl-monl- al there is the rub! that which to(L, go to show le not clings of back several generations, etlll It result he And over Its fettered passion is often infelicity Blaak ao pronounced as la the sings. Inherent qualities. Alien Lemon has nsarly Bleeding railaat and Lemon Incidents. It wax, howSummer is going wtfy may not I marHe been Just granted a divorce. unheard-of and With her to eternal roses fly? a very strange ried his wife, Minnie; some month's ever, Out there In the gardens of endlesi June, coincidence and this waa carried etlll Where life leads over Love's path, ago, and from the very first there further when n. they were married on the arose strife, and in ths light of the evisame day three weeks afterward, the It dence brought out In trial. Summer is going down Hollyhock lane, Tuly Salad. ceremony being a double one. may be presumed that she was the But the cavalier asters are nodding In Boil a few potatoes. When they are In the neighboring county of Henfountain head of all of the trouble. In- dricks a still vain;, . . more marvelous dlvoroe them Into slices and put them For with quickening raee.wtll she. yet oold, cutsalad diana divorces are quite often granted thin established by a young bowl.wKb w Is into ft record, being withstand dH very common evidence, but thl deBenson The furious tres of Poppy land. man slices of cucumfier and beetroot. Add named Eggefa. Young cree was issued because of a most rea third dlvoroe one egg cut Into slice and a few skinadded bat Just Eggers markable -- sociological demonstration. Summer Is going It only seems also cut Into slices. he le hat 18 stUl onions and to his ned collection young Her departure ends as It starts tn After showing that she wss disagreeable, the a in reads Ilka a shake and HI wash of Well years age. history dreams; g and suspicious of romance, with of action on thh But the know Us a broken white leaves from two or three letplenty and him on every possible occasion spell He started out when he tuces. Do not cut up the leaves, but of was otherwise anything but agreeable part 15 Cupid. of Like the heart that Is sobbing "Farewell! half. Put them In them break was age by marrying years simply farewell!'' the defendants attorney Introduced '' 1' who had" Just acf Into the bowl, Bprtnkle over them a Geo. E. Bowen In the Chicago Record. neighboring girl, Interesther family tree, and a most ft of T5. They lived tolittle salt and pepper and two or three the age quired ing one it proved to be. three weeks and la btr P tablespoonfuls of good Baled olL Toss Without n Chsporou, I had eupposed, until yesterday corIn order not to go back over one gether just - well and lightly in the bertha, shaped with square aboutthe leaves Amarylls writes asaing If It Is Doctor, that the dsy of the bleeding her with hundred also Is which, of years the lower began ners at they one edge, In tablespoonful ot patient were past. considered necessary for a young this, then pour and toss the leaves, edged with laee, headed by Insertion, j woman of twenty or twenty-on- e to be vinegar. Again lightly And o they are. But what changed sewdivorced. showed and been bad that she the round top being gathered once. accompanied by a chaperon If she goes and serve at your mind? ed on at round yoke outline. Plkln or This old woman's two sisters and their out to an evening party or the theater "The hill you sent roe." 81epiag ApurtwMtfc figured organdy, dimity, nainsook, mother had also been divorced. The under the escort of a young man who There are lew houses the rooms of India silk, Swiss, challie, cashmere on applicants grandmother, and her sis- has been on intimate terms with her which are so situated as to render good any soft, becoming material in silk, ter bad all been divorced from one A Smart Bey. family ever since she can remember. ventilation Impossible, and the Influ- wool or cotton, will make pretty to four times, and their daughters, Mamma," said Benny Bloobumper, He often Invites her to go out, and ence of the practice upon the health dresses Mr. Trivvet sent his little hoy on ani the mode. In place of the ths applicants mother, had she ban accepted the invitation but of of the Inmates Is too Important to Insertion bycan be used ribbon In plain ilmilar records, except one had carried errand to get a hundred thing, and late some of her friends have begun permit of neglect from any slight or gathered rows, braid, gulmpe, em- off aU honors by contracting a fifth diJimmy didn't forget one." talking about a chaperon. It all dates cause. A bedroom should be divested broidery or ruchlnga of the materiaL vorce. That brings the women side the right kind of a hoy to Thats back to the visit of a consln to Canada of all unnecessary furniture, and un- As Illustrated, the dress Is worn with down to her own generation, all of I have,' replied Mrs. Bloobumper. and her acquaintance with some rather less of considerable size should never a gulmpe of white lawn, the yoke of them with black divorce records. The wish you were like him. I cant tend antiquated customs In a very old- - contain more than one bed. There which le tucked. you to the store for half a dozen thing applicants mother bad been dlvoreed cannot be a more pernicious but you forget one or two." three times, and her name In her - custom than that of having But I can remember all the thing? fourth matrimonial venture, which is Girls Stooping, Mr. Trlwet told Jimmy to get ; children sleep In small Many growing girls, especially those now In the novelty atage Is Fox. The . "What were they? apartments with two and tall for their age, are inclined to stoop, mother had two daughters, the appliThe A hundred postage stamps," applisister. her cider cant advosometimes three beds end and often persons crowded Into the same room. cate the use of brace - or shoulder-stra- cant's age was but 82, --but still she It Is scarcely necessary to Bis ImpraMloa, as a means of correcting the had already contracted one divorce observe that cleanliness In tendency. The braces may fore an and was due for the second, which . "Hiram, said Mra. CorntoesM, whs the widest significance of upright carriage, but they do not give cams in on time quite a good record lad been reading a Latin quarter not-t- i, . the term Is, If possible, even the Fearer, any means d maintaining for one so young Her aiater.wha U whats a ' more necessary with refer- - It, since. they prevent, the exercise of I two years her senior. had just got Well," replied her husband, after those muscles which through her second divorce," which Was I couldn't long and serious thought MRS., MINNIE STANLEY. should be trained to also a fair record for the last two of lo no moren make a guess at It But the divorce family. It la Impossible to plication for divorce It wss found that eggs is only bringing us 12',4 cftnt produce an erect figure. Any exercise figure the number ot names that the he possessed queer, boyish traits ot toeen now." Washington Star, He used her much as a which, strengthens the women of this family have thus gath- character. child uses a playmate, only he carried muscles of the hack ered Into probably the most InterestOne of Sun You look pal and this and shoulders will aid ing family tree In the country, but It to excess, and would draw a knife Thompson in correcting this dethey mount up near to a hundred. across her throat or put a revolver to Johnson. Why will you persist in killTracing their history hack still fur- her head and threaten to kill her. He ing yourself working night and day fect' , mothers used, to drill ther, It Is found that the women far then wandered around In boyish fash- inch weather a this?. ion for about six weeks, when he found beyond the their stooping daughtJohnson I am trying to earn money were also built on the divorce another neighborhood girl who was ers - to walk with a to pay the expense of a week's ' enough also? found that with probsweet on him and they were married. rest tn the country. New York Weekplate carried on their plan. It Is ably three exceptions the women were j They lived together about three months ly. heads, and this is realfer the divorce, and be treated her the same as be ly a good practice. always the applicants Mrs. Lemon she had did bla first wife. He then gained n dicase of the in and Quite PoMlbla, High plllowa and very a divorce from vorce and was then married to a gtri for previously" applied I wear my heart think "Do you near In fashioned p r o v 1 ncial Lemon and because she bad resided named Dorrs, who lived down scornfully. she sleeve?" asked, toy town. So deeply has the state ot Indiana six months tbe Terr Haute. It was the same atory. "J dont know, waa hi bumble rethe Talk of her cousin case waa thrown put of court She had j He was divorced some time ago and then been married but five months, j now he 1 to take a fourth bride, and ply. Impressed her parents Then he looked at her. that every time she He then filed the cross complaint and J gtm jj u just past hi eighteenth hlrth- "Theres more room In the sleeves," a with another the is alone if remarkable te there out doubtful on thl most showing t goes day. It he added, "than there is In any other i a Is court decided that probably Lemon case in the nation that will compare gentleman there of the waist, any way." port scene. What shall she had gone up against the real thing in with this. 1897 reThere for he end the squeezer linq promptly do? Answer: The last Indiana reports . A Definition, leased him from the ties that bind. la .but one thing to do. make some Interesting showings In this (looking up from McLubberty Mr. The other case which l strangely respect, and It seems that certain sec- ter newspaper) Ihwot Is an epigram? Try and Impress your along the same line was a mixed up tions are particularly blessed with parents wit hthe idea McLubberty Hear thot, now! Irt affair In which happy marriage, while on the other paternlty-probate-wthat It Is necessary and little good yur redin la moighty the property of Frank Black, Insane, hand trouble seems to agitate the afther doin ; right to follow to soma ye. Shu re. an epigram la waa nt Issue, a young man named Gep-ha- rt matrimonial sea of other counties. extent at least the custhot is partlckler about phwet n feller couno being n claimant on tbe ground In fact, twelve out of ninety-twtoms of tbe community SOME AUTUMN MODES. Puck. he ate. that Black was his father, his mother ties in the state furnished 42 per cent, In which they live. If i 1 been in. the habit of ence to the bedroom than having previously been Mrs. Black, or almost half of the divorce for the you A Bwort with almost -- any .other parents and giving birth to the plaintiff a few entire state. For the whole state it as your say, out you going "Did your Comedy Co. make a good whole It In one now. the marriage for Ao. every apartment Is found that object are most unwise record last season? there were seven divorcee granted. makes you appear as- though you had house,. The practice of sleepFrom "Thats what they did. ocTbe matrimonial wave down in Clark been Imprudent or had done some ing in a room which Is fiats in four bourn. Finchs to Scbony county were unusually pacific, there No other company ever walked Jt U thing to forfeit vonr. right to freedom cupied during the daytime 885 of action.' ThRls no reason why a Is one to he condemned. being only one divorce to every leas than six." not Perfect cleanliness and suffon the should womaiwH Marion twenty county, In marriages. young marto or cannot time ventilation three ensonable but icient were free . go about at aur other band, there Sure Thing. to any respectable place with gentlemen-who- under such circumstances riage to on dlvorce. Thls goo show that a country community genshe has known all Of her life. bepreserred, especially At the same time the wishes of your during cold weather, hence the atmos- mattresses are blamed as an aid erally superinduce domestic happinesA of city Ilf while the hurly-burl- y phere become constantly more vitiat- In producing this defect, and without parents should he respected. for doubt a markets. rather unfit with low hard divorce flat, the respiration. to bed, and ed altogether drives people - Wah Yonr Banda. While too great a degree of caution pillow, is preferable for growing chilClark county is without even n railroad It has recently been claimed that c- cannot he observed to avoid sleeping dren. A stooping, awkward walk deand. the people are of the agricultural cases of Infection that could be been have in damp rooms, beds or clothing, the tracts so much from tbe appearance no classes. Marion county te the seat ol wny other counted for in If pos- that there U every reason to avoid It, Indianapolis, which Is recognized from explained by the finger as a vehicle. temperature of the bedroom. under ths bad effect It exercises from of Increased never be apart should One end of tbe country to the other, a especially sible, money, .In handling on health condition."' the circumstances of straps physical car the a great divorce center of great dk ordinary knobs, banisters," JJ paper,a door vo re state. and hundred things that every one by artificial means, excepting possibly are during the extremely cold weather, and s must frequently touch, .there To Boast Keats. LEMON. chances innumerable of picking up even then the temperature ought not She Waa Bee Bea One of the small but essential points A confirmed bachelor was sitting on germe of fyphoid, scarlatina, diph- to exceed 60 degrees. In ot contracted the her meats roasting often negafter having theria, smallpox, etc. Yet mIn Pr watching the wave and a group lected or not understood by the aver- seoond marriage end., within half n n rock their eons actually, put such things maidens in bathing costume summer bi Waists. Skirt of Irreprea-Ibad been divorced from mouths. If not too large. Before eatare getting lower and age kitchen priestess la that hot fat year after she of Itself makes a most were sporting in the surf and on the waist Shirt ing; or touching that which la eaten, lower in price every day, and wher- rather than hot water should be need Black. This Suddenly out from beach near by. In white, and, .the hands should be immediately and ever the stock come from that the to baste them. Start the fat of the complicated Case, It was brought out vision n ran mldet their - scrupulously washed, - We hear much roast with a little butter or good drip- In the trial that divorce waa nn In- running up to the sitting figure, withhand since on early had have and shops Black to family, herent mania In the 'about general cleanliness as next out a word of warning and hugely to In the season, and where It all goes to pings and then depend upon the Juices along those line she plumped gracegodliness. It may be added that here It le hard to imagine. Never bare to continue the process. It should be' argument was made most vital point. hie surprise, down bachelor's In particular It Is also ahead of health there been more shirt waist sold than remembered, too, that all roast meets to bring out somp Jap. He In the right fully, not mis-had Black t He I met Mrs. SneerwelL Friend oven to start with. After It developed that Frank have a and safety.' The Jews made no need hot he didnt that astonished so was never sales have the and this of year, all hut almost f washed o been divorced, they they In yours. Isnt she? She told me peoexcept that only take ward the heat should be tempered. of mind to throw hi eras up better. One reason for this In at tbe hotel think you and J am the men and women folks of hie fam- presence ple ate not. It Is a sanitary ordinance as kept hold and beautiful girl that there are so many white waists, all of them except his own about the and sister." not brother if l ily, well as an ordinance of decency. Tbe vision quickly Jumped up Whit Bat tka Bt( and the people who have bought all N no;, shes to friend cf She father and mother, for some year there. rejbined her chums amid areas Gift to Womrt. feel want still the colored waists they are en regie for city use, back kad been applicant for divorcee again, ot cheers, and grabbed a 85 bill, mine." Whit hats An article In one of the English pathey need more white waists for the A leading milliner said the other day and had gained an accumulation of de- chorus amount of the bet she had made and pars points out that the most extreme weather. There are the cheap cree numbering from one to three. the have Purfeet Strung!1. America in were hat white more Bold gift to females that Bath .Me.) Independent won. during best la was Joe, James, Jtfllt and Henry men. waists, and many of the very "I ay, who is this fellow There Glucose all come from the liberality of womin any other month. She Black, Mr. Dave Harris, Mr. Clark, and material, made by exclusive August than -' la mentioned la the pur design who of Hops, the Vassar College, pioneer Conjugal Anraltlw. makers, are much reduced In. price.. explained It on the ground that her Mra, Evans and Mrs. Frits, all broth bill In the legislature? beer ene universities, was the gift to Amer- - The the to colors found which married they ere and sisters still living, and Mrs. woman who has her nhlrt waists patrons She I was a fool when I I can t say. I have been Corn Meal Jean womanhood of Matthew Vassar; mode ber own dressmaker. If sbe had been accustomed unbecoming to Fritzs daughter, Mrs. Lower, also Uv you. He Arent you a fool still? She hj this brewery many years and I bav was by Cornell of womens department the did not split hairs about the very latest their tanned complexions, and fell back tng, all No, I am not. Ho Then you should never seen him or even beard hla name had been divorced built and endowed at great expense in not one on pure white a presenting fewer there and material case be thankful to me for reforming you. mentioned before. In of the New York World. one to three tinea other from style by Mr. Sage, and In almost every In n thousand who know what Pirash. had been divorce4. one she person la have of who men Is the It cases cf the many FOE WOMAN AND HOME interest for rd. i . , rose-strew- made the munificent gifts to tbe future of girls tn American colleges. ' The article goee on to say that the tame rule holds good In Great Britain. Not Mrs. nor Miss, but Mr. Holloway left a magnificent sum, however unwisely arranged, with the best of Intentions, to erect and endow for womens higher education the pile bearing bis name, near Windsor.. But a few weeks ago In England It was recorded that a Scotsman had left a bequest of many thousand pounds for the purpose of building a womens medical school In Glasgow. The Pfeiffer bequest of some 50,000, to be divided at the discretion of Sir Joel&h Finch between several great educational institutions for women. and of lncalcuable service to them the new building of the London School of Medicine for Women, opened by the Princess of Wales on July 14. being an Illustration how the money has benefited the recipients was, in the most part, the property of tr. Pfeiffer, and It was his will that actually so bequeathed It, though it had been his wifes Idea, as well as his own, that their money should be so, dispensed. In both countries, therefore, It would seem to be a case of mans generosity to woman. In face of which Smith College, the gift of a woman to women, .appears to be unique. j HEREDITARY DIY0B.CE that la, particularly la wash io bought her materials at- the shops and paid 15 cents a yard for the RELATIONS' IN material that last year sold for 15 is STARTLING STATE OF INDIANA-85 cents. These were pretty and serviceable materials which will launder well as anything that has to gtand bw ewmtlw f Om IhM water and, possibly, soap, can." Tha Bill of f - rily ' -- -- Jot. I a-te- tea-clot- h, fault-findin- corn-leav- -- -- well-meani- ng ps -- t "- ei tip lll -- 1 1 the EX-MR- S. , hr Pick-Me-U- - gen-cro- ns -- -- v p. |