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Show iSewiiJ lonsumpM ! MTe.,re ,ure ) noe. I Nobody wants it Built comet , lomsnirtnoussndseteryteer. Itcomestothoseuho have had 1 couthi and coldi until the 1 throat It raw, and the lining I membrane of the lungs are I Inflamed. Stop jour couth i when It flnt appears, and ou I remove the great dinier of J future trouble. SAyer's I Chcreg topi coutha or all kinds. It doca so bceauto It Is a sooth-In sooth-In and healing remedy of jreat pocr. This mates It the greatest great-est prcicntlvo to consumption. Put one of 1 Aycr's Cherry Pectoral B Plaslcrsovcryourlungs I A whotm Madloml 1 Library Troii, I For foar raftta ( t atafflft tftfaa Mat. I aca.wa wllliiidywuiiiti)ludlcal H Mmdlomt Adttoo Frmo, Wo kaaa th. aaniima Mitlr.i e( n aama of Id nini ami.ttl at r.trtaiia II talba UUI.4BUIM 1 1 .iial.ri-or II laalila, and ! a timor .ml I II nanllf Sltb.mf rtt'ltcr ilD4iral M I ad.laa Writ tfaal. all tha rrtle- Mi fll ntaralnyturra.r T u 1 I racalta a ti m "',A,jj;,;"J,","Aytt, b r.crhiWl?W PENSION I r llllllrtlltll, tVtuhlniliin. I. C ibai I I lll main nulcb ropllra It ilk N II nil nus Kta oiriw- Wottciiiiai cislnt slats 17 a A monster sewing machine, weighing Jlf tons, Is In uwlul-oeds. It sws cotton belting. DOIS tit III l AKI'f Jobnnnaila4ahisallimrralnlaiilrinlbaLt Samplalir. Tin Jobaaoti Co. flail Mia bun. I'bTslclans carriages hare the rlgbtof way In tho streets ot llertln A traveler can Jounior round the world In fifty dajra. Ilrantr la IIIihhI llrrp. Clean blood ineans n clean skin No beauty without It (Jasrarr-ta fundr Cathartic Cathar-tic cleans your Mood and koeps it clean, bj etlrrlng up tlioltuyllvrr and drlrlngall Impurities Im-purities from III" truly lleuln today, banlahplmplra Inlli, lilolrhr, black brails, and that sickly till louscompleilonbv taking Cascarels, tmiiitjr for ton cents. All druggists, drug-gists, satisfaction guaranteed 10c,S4c,Ka Jara bat Just gono Into tho manufacture of quinine. Two bottles of 1'Uo a Cure fur Conaunso-Uon Conaunso-Uon cured me of a bad lung trouble. Mrs. J Nichols, 1'rlnretoo Ind , March , IK. Onoalsth of Ibo Inhabitants of Krone havo bank accounta In Africa wires are sometime sold for two packets of hairpins Mr. YVInaloio-o riMIMtit Ktraa, ra..blMraUlblaf aariaaaUaeawa raSaaaalalaaa. aaUaa.aUafaala,aara laaaUa.B,a.aMabaua. Tho total population of Iroland on April 3, lt'Jl, was 4,;ui,TM Can't Tsttces Spll iai Smeas Tear Ills Swta. ToqQlttobaeeo really ann rorsvrr, ttnar ertlr, full of life, nerve ana vlter, lake No-le-llae the won4r-orkrr, mat loakaa weak mta strona- Alldrurslala.ailti.nrSI Oureeuaraa-trrtt Oureeuaraa-trrtt llooklrl aed Mtnple frri AOJrSM HMrllat KemeJf Co., CLIrago or New York. Steamboats are dls lacing gondolas In Venice. Cake made with Schillings Dttt baking powder has no bitter taste. v , "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO AUTOMATIC GRIP HECK YOKE. A" AZ?IrAJ-lc.ZZ M-naaifa. IllllHaS SHI I I I SSWaSBaaWMaa.aaaajtjara T I nrrTMMaWf''ia''lrtaiiisias V'r ' Or.at.il Ktrk T iia ar.r lurotad ramblalnt rf Klckall anlrra ltl Itrana-b, datablltif aad aafatf Ilaa4amtalr J1 MrkalTlraaaillratara 17) laiad. Wlllantall wlueaaalitln'PIt tracaa Al I aaura, wtlhaflt T ka , M aroma Itman. he ratlla. 1 rlrral Vw larm vraana Urtp Htaa .IS ri.la ualt.la4 .. . HA) UaJa la Ibraa aura, airoia ttfa lltWIM. hlekal J-oura aa4 Aeora llaatla M Sail rr rasa lllaalraud clrrnlar. AUTOMATIC) CRIP HECK yOKECO.. 01 Hording St., Indianapolis, Ind. " Better than Gold 9 S and better than any other chewing tobacco ever S X made: YOU are not obliged to dig for It. f 75 The 10-cent piece of Kft tfiM& lkx . 8 PLUGW 8 W Is the largest piece of really high grade tobacco, II and you can get it anywhere In the United States. W I Oemember the name 8 B when you buy again. 1 Ar7Ynur JolinR.OIckej'i it:ii,f.v,ii;iij.i:iaSB 1 OirG W . Old Reliable T 7 m' h!f. S 1 Eyes Sore? E,ewaier &Zgg$fisaiZU I ffiE2WaBiWiW,SE W. N. U.. 0..t U.kN0.4.. I80B. I-ove blinds some men, and It makes lots ot others too near-sighted for military mil-itary Service. X rillaUtib.d 1710. S 1 Bakers I Chocolate, K (t A etlebialed for mots 0 idVlL n eentury as a l ) delicious, nuttltlous, t Ok v5SIn,' flesh fotmlnj 2 Ck wJsAfSr beverage, hss our f j B vVv well-known jj .5 (S Wtmi Yellow Label g K El ItoVlA on the front of ere7 Q & iM tiflni pack'ge, snd our Si ? rM 1 1 "viT l) luile m"l't"l-alltl11' r K -v-s-i I rill U ChnoUtltic."on the V A NONI OTItCK OI.Nl.INn. O j MAOS ONLY BV F WALTER IUKER & CO. Ltd, j Dorchester, Mass, &tat3a4444t3t3ra-3344444!i' Iashlonable Japanese ladles when they desire to look attractive, gild their lips. The Japaneso language Is made up of CO.OOO words rSaraleTnar llnwala Ullh Taararala. Csady rsihsrile, rare renatlpsiloa fortrsr tCcile. 1 1 a C C. fall dmsstals rrfubd raooar Tbe marriage of minors in this country sreO percent, Of 9.000 OU Inhabitant of Ilerlln, only 42,000 have an annual Inrwnie of over I7W. toe-gum cuncn CORNS Or inonty tack, lie at all drvifilsla-Wooden drvifilsla-Wooden sleepers on railroads last about flfteeo Tears, !i-Tn-llae nr llfty Cents. auarsnlrrdlot-arMt habit eurs, makes wrak tnea I irons' bkietl 'turn. Stta IL All itruffUU Alt the gold mined In California since IW". could be put Into a room It yarda long, S yarda wide and &. yarda high Jv How to rrevrnt Hoc Clit.Ir.na. KK U0aC.ll0l.HtA Is eauaed by ladlfes-VVyUoa ladlfes-VVyUoa and can tw praiaou-d by (rolls juSdVVn. rooked (cataL Weadvlaeourrtaa-SSV Weadvlaeourrtaa-SSV era to wrltelb tUNM M'0, CO., ?avxV o' Hafflpoblro Hu, Qulney, III, LKiw ,forCauiue ot Tsui coossne HMvAtlTliMO Cookers aava at leait one-X'jJlblrd one-X'jJlblrd tbo Irrd putatoi.li la btallbv RR'ccndlllOT, save jour '" "H,u' """ pSlbsti pay (or thcuueitca la one wvak a uaa. The washing ot clothe for tbe queen's I bouicholl costs mora than 118,1X0 per an ' sum. toe ncattNXB op syrup op ncs Is duo not only to tha originality nnd simplicity of tho combination, but also to tho euro and altlll with which It Is manufactured by sclcntlQa processes i known to tho Cuirouiu l'io firnur Co. only, ami wa wish to Impress upon all tho Importance of purchasing tbo true and original remedy. As the Ccnulno Syrup of I'lrra Is manufactured by tho CAtiroiitn. l'io Hrnur Co. only, n knowledge of that fact will assist ono In avoiding; tho worthless Imitations manufactured by othor parties. par-ties. Tho high sUmlltitf of tho OaU-roiiNIA OaU-roiiNIA I'm Hrnuf Co. wltli tho mrl. cnl profcaattin, and tho satisfaction which tho Kcnuluo Kyrtip of Klgs has Riven to million of families, makes tbo liatno of tho Company a guaranty of the oxcellonco ot Its remedy. It Is far In advumo of all other laaatlvia, as It acts on tha Kidneys, liver and bowels without Irritating; or weaken-In;- tlicm, ami It does not Krlpo nor nauseate. In order to get Its beneficial effects, pleaso remember tho name of the Company aUFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. IUI riUNCIaco, Col. locisville, ttr. Ewiroitr.v,T, c,OUf EiJjj SLICKER WXICEEPYOUDRYs I aXj Don'lUloilaJaritliaBackllltoall . C "rr orrutfrcoaL If vtuvantacoal rJNfr 2BPa ltiatllllprouiiylfilh.lutJ. Vvr r ait atom kit? llw liah Kitoi f'j' SU SlUkar II not for lata In your SM A. J TOWI H It sm, H.aa j'Tg ONE FOR ADOSC. EtBi O tlaiallaadarUaai IHi.iria Sawasw A mar.at.al at Iba b l. .aab day la Bfa.iarr l.t aaallb, Tb-r a.llh.t atlpa far altk.a, f, a ataaaraa.wawlllnall .ui(l- ff-.,f fall baa far Saa.Sal4brSraiil.ta. tl lOIAall CO . MIU . fA. n Bin D QV NEW DISCOVERY) - UttUtO Iul kKllaIaiSiataiUi( raiaa o4 jyr 1 1 1 loan i i lata an I III Uja' (IS will brtal ua a nrilln and llbatal tarai 1 prasiibartas ti 1 1 1 1 1 1 touaall If U latrrail iMarlair UUI1U aaoi at oaca to U.'lllIaA.atlAI f;i)rn.rlian,Chlcau,IIL "wAMTID-Caaa of baa batllti Ibat II I TA N S arlllaatbo.St. brod S raota to ltlaaa Cbamtcal (a. Vaw Tork.for loiaraj laa and tJMi taf tlnvalala. Vtei aiiiicrlsn, Advertlscoesti niadly Heotloo Tail rspec SALT LAKE CITY DinECTOBY." H r?t lttr Mlsrltnibol nrlj Is. Ihn IsMt Mtvl fl H THTER-MOIINTAIH MlLLlllGCo US RMf fttiTft. 4H J.Mm ritr, rwh. M HlKhMt tftilt I rl rii for ttht 4 SM Clflu Uirlttad lot ft ftprUliy fH UMMf PAPER GO, SSsiffl n KTf rythln It ihf jln nf I'rlnurV nop11 WfiB TrPptnr I nffTg I t,' lK(TwlnMf Kim iBMh hTHsPCniCQ Kill Oritrtand Get Price! rSM UnUuCniUOi Trom W. S. HENDERSON, Mt fMmavttr (irctotur. faitrjUroerlev.Kch tot MaHl THE KEELEY INSTITUTE aasKS HI Hilnm (rlti r rlla irnl TiMm h'lt HiUfl tmir hplir Irt-Mlu tn ttx tii W W, Itrawn. WOV IMtM.f. IMrtnr nit Minirr Isnrk rot 11. QBuVei jtr11roll w trt tnfi lfnr 1 h Krif InUIit w MBgi Uriiatrt Hrrt tivnn HU latakaUty UUb. UjV?3 Lamb Family KnIUIng Machines W Knltanrrrtiratiyrarmraia. Kslu Hoalarr HBK Olotaa Mlllrns, In Irrwrar, eUt J K. bli.r. HI lotk, AseatOH rat Jlrst tioutli Strut. MM A BUSINESS EDUCATION. 'VlXr H JOS. NELSON, M TEMPLETON. SALT LAKE PITY. H Geo. Q. Gannon's Sons' Go, H , IIIINTnis,. It and II H anl itrtaiu hTATIlrus. PtUUkaUty HB fpHrmTloans. McCURRIN & CO. HALT l.nlCIS CITY, UTtlff M CIVCN AT THE H PEW YORK GUSH STORE Checks On Decorated China, Wllh all our Ntw 17B SOUTH MAIN, ,MH Fall Goods. Sntt IjiVo City. jH Wll'Z,Z, MUSIC HOUSE H IN THE WEST. H SVtnVTMINO KNOWN IN MOSlO, H D.O.CALDERS'SONS, M, Salt Lnko City, Utah. H Haurrkrritllinttirturraoflliertntiilitd H Willi iirotruilliur Piles bruuet t on by ronitlp- afaaaaafl Hon wllh bUt 1 was affllrtwt W twsnlf H yrara. I rsnurois jour UAhCAItirrSIa tbe H ! town of Nawslt,la. nod never found anilhtna; jH In equal tbam To-day I am rnilrslj Ires f torn ffH rllaaan.l Iralllkan tirwrean," m a II Ksitx, llll Jones bu, Sloul Oil, Is. HH ! atfaV CANDY H Nsa vaaos suss ssaiannsoa' tt riaaaant, I'alaUbta lajl. Taita lo1. ,! M Quid KatatHl.lii. Wrakan or atTr.IOa.SM,Un. M ... OURB OOM9TIPATIOH. ... Ml SMHUt ttm4t tWaa.,. tbhaaa. SI1. Vart, lit M W0.T0-DACK,'.",;VL1"uV'v;i.',.7 DR. G.W. SHORES M EXrRT SPECIALIST H IN ALLDISEAOKS OP MEN, M fSISICtlY SILIlBtl. H "PAY ME I WHEN YOU ARE CURED",,., Not Ono Dollar H Raqulredln MJ Advonco. MJ ip you ourrcn rnoM IBa I OQT MAN- LUd I HOOD, Cyphllli, GoDorrtiiHt, Hirlrtur mII 01 ktrtjBkftt orfint, prtmftlur oM tM ttnd U H otbtr prUftU dlwitei. wbeUter,cUa)t4 by If H rtncoitreonlMioB QonattrrhowMTtr. H oucnconiuHI)r (I W hnonw ihtrhr-.lein M whohtf ilTfnhUHfetocurlDf chronlfldliMtt, H DtttvtiftDlDfd, Jt1sJ, utv4 o4 eor4 H without iyiof tlmona dollar until lb eurt U M ttretet lb doctor rrifrrtt Ui rlibt,bow yJ ret, to rtfuit in Incursbl 1 hi d I If9 tor you t dob t wut your laooey Buehaa Tk offtr wa nTf r tcforo md by reapooilbU v3 VbytleUa, and Vr Q W tihorrtUoolykblttl L-J isftk It btai h pottlTrly rurti thet dlo mM , Dont etftitatnothercrnt on oueitto H bli doctors but ec-ivulttl. OIJ Uootor nt H hcurL UUH1NKHS HACUKVLX UO.Nri- H DKNTIAIa. H Call nt 110 lltrmon niok (tin. Ibor M H biiorM dm) or H 11niTr DR W. SHORES, is 111 I sUjmjt ! Alt i: CITY IITAn JM Strong Prink is Dtairi I dr. CHAiicora tohIo taulETU M trUunwlfbmttlTtr aiurowMl rtmdor tbm B TlaklUMLhrYeWMW4 UUt.l.u.lCa4 H byiuutifftiHiii H VK UUAIIAKTKI. sTorn iioxrs H9 toeur M mm wild txwttlf rrlllM inure H nisM rrffuM Um luot.tr u4 tUUvf U H tVUU (trf InloilrtUDaf ItfjWJft H THE TtBttTS CAN BR A1UN VelTHOVT KAUHLLOQB OP THE PATIENT H STROHB DRIHK IVrlZ'VSi 1 r10WmUllWI(oar(l tMtHM.tttrsJt H I Hi wrlllrn lunriialt it cuxt U ttluvX IH F, C. SCHRAMM, Orugglit, '..'.'.'IJ IS..U St., SALT I.AII' ClVV UTAH. jB yZin CUREYOURJEIF! tXltrtX I . ll( U f r unaaloul M f lalutaia, I dlwbars. IlibaDiatallana, H irfjf um.i-M U It11. II ti. or ulcatlana PaH l2lrZiJZ."i2.'?.'U l ","s taaaiblasaa, JM l"SJI"7 TT '- attola... ao4 uat aallla- H ljQUittuiCHiiiiaiCa.f'oiuri.uou H Veisoaiin,o i I ajid by ircsau, M V S.H.7, rf' " In S'ln orarr-r, B J-U )il.'"Sbolfl!si.Tfc H Nn fr u Circular aaat on taqaa.l H |