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Show THE ILLINOIS AFLOAT MOST POWBHFUL UATT1.B8HIP IN TUB AMBRICAN NAVY. It largtr Than Hie !" nl llealltr Ibanlhe Ore(on-loM Thmnanil l'eoil tlltafulh jnn,t,lI. Newport Kewa, Va., )et. . One mere werful battleahlp waaadded to the Amerleon nar when the Imttle-thlp Imttle-thlp Ullnolt alld Into the water at llila place. The launch wat a brilliant aue-cei aue-cei In every particular, fully 40,000 enthutlattle prup'e being In attmid. aoee. The aponMjr of the Teeael, Mlaa Dalty Mter of Clileago, waa accompanied accom-panied by (lovernor Tanner of Ullnolt and htittafT, In full uniform, and a erewd of prominent Chtcngoan. Notable among the veatclt In -the harlior waa the United Htate dlapateh boat Dolphin, hating on board Aatltt-ant Aatltt-ant Heerctary of the Navy Allen and a party of Waahlngtoulaiia. Among the dlatlngulthnl apectalnra were: Uorernor John It. Tanner of III-Innla; III-Innla; (lorernor Taylor of Virginia; Mayor Carter llarrlton of Chicago, Attlitatit Seeretarr of the Nary Allen. Mm. John A. Logan, Narnl Conttruo tor lllchborn, detlgncr of the rmel; AttliUnt Secretary of WarMelkluJohn, Captain I'agel, llrltlah naral attache; Oenrral Meatrago, Hooalan naral attache) at-tache) Mr. Kenedy. Italian naral at tache, and M. Ilonfre, French naral attache. The Ullnolt will be the blggeat, tnott powerful and probably tho iuul generally gener-ally elTecllTC hatttrihlp In the United State nary. Larger than the low 14 and hearer than the Oregon, tho Ullnolt Ull-nolt It atlll iki designed that ahe will be able to enler any harbor open to the amaller balllethlp, whllo In the matter of apeed ahe will rank with any of them The imitt alrlklng difference between Ilic Ullnolt and the iMttleahlp now In aerrlee It the high freeboard of the former, enabling her to lire her guna from their great deration alaire the water In teat an heary that the gunt of the loner reaael would be euh-menfol euh-menfol and uteloa. Mjwndld aeagolng Miwera are alao uxpeoted to result from thU lucreatnl frceboanl, by which le meant the height of tho hull aboro the water line. The dlmentlona of the Ullnolt are at follow! length on load water line, 307 feeli beam, extreme, IS feet S liichei) draft or normal illaplarvmcnt of 1I,M tout, Si feet 7 Inchot) inaxl-inuindUplacement, inaxl-inuindUplacement, all ammunition and tore on hoard, 13,311 ton; maximum Indicated hone owcr (rallmatcd), 10," 000; probable tynt, lAXkuoU) normal coat supply, K10 tont; rwil supply, Iokko storage, 1.5W tout, full bunker iaHiclly, I, (X) to 1,500 ton; complement, comple-ment, of ulllccrt, 10; teamen, marines, eta., ttO. gTmalnbatUrytwilleonalstCrfmif iSIuch brrech-loaillug rlllit la lllchborn lllch-born baUnrvd turret, oral In ahape, and placed In the tenter line of the rctsel, and It six-Inch rapid-Ore guna. The secondary luittcry wilt eontlst of It stx-pounder rapid lira gunt, four ouc pounder rapid-lira guns, two Colt guna and two field guna. hhe will carry fourttrptdo tubea. There will lie two tet of triple expansion, ex-pansion, twin-screw engine, each In lit own separata watertight compartment. compart-ment. The vollrctlre Indicated horse power will bo about 10,000, with DO rerolutlon per minute, stroke four feel. The Unl keel plateof this teste 1 was laid February 10, l'J7, nolipilte twenty monlha past, and the percentage of work completed to thlt date, bated on the teasel titled out and ready for sea, la now reporlrd between llfty-three and llfty-four per cent. Tho contract price waa IJ.WJ.OOO, and the dale of tompletlon la stated to tie October 5. I1W. |