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Show L'TAII NEWS. H The ctlltrna of Lebl celebrated B "Peace dy" on the Itt- B The recent rains hste putsn end to H the nittcr famine In Slt Luke City. H The contract tin been let for a mod- Hj era water work ystcm at Fort Doug- H V I'rltate Adam lien been honorably H dlacharged from the III all Caralry H troop. Hj Fire hundred an J nineteen students Hj are now enrolled it the .State Unl- H eerslly. H Cbsrles A T.amboume has been pro- H inoted from 3T0 to H an a carrier at H Halt Lake Lily. Hj A party of alotit 100 editors from H deorgla were In Halt Lake tit; the H fore part of the week. M (lorernur Wells returned home Oct. M S from a three weeka' trip to through B the Yellowatone park. M The quarterly Milarle of the forty HBl fonr state officials, elerkaaml deputies Hj inoantatull0.SI9.lt. H lllliens of Merenr hare organized a H brass band which thtjr Intend to make H one of tho flneal In tho atate M The sugor beet crop thl season la H aboro the orcrage, aomo farmcra rata. H Ing an overage of UK tuna to the H (leorge K Nye, of flail take, liaa H lieen appointed aiiprcmo court reporter H to All the vacancy caused by tho res- H Ignallon of John M. Tanner. H There are alwtit fMK) poll tax delln- H iltienta lu Halt Lake, and the clerk of H the atreet department la preparing to H aue them for the amounts due. H Tho Newsboy' Union of Salt Lake, H are mklng an effort to found a hmnn B forth homeless newsboys. Theelll- HHb rent are materially assisting them. HHb In the Foulscii patricide oaso the H jury rendered a eerdlet of not guilty. H Young I'oulaen killed hla father while H the two men were engaged In a UgliL H The Utah Sugar company hat paid 1 Ita eighth dividend to Ita atoekholder. H The amount waa S per rent and here H after dlrldrnd of IK percent will be H sent out rach three month. H Artlolei of Inroriwratlon hare Wen H filed for the Tropin Co-opcrallre Mer- H cantlle fc Manufacturing Inatltutlon, H The placo'nf business I Tropic. Clarfleld M county, and the capital 810 000. H That prosperity haa struck the ramp H of Kurcka la erldcnecd by the number V-e' of new bulldlnKa that are going up, H and the limmnemeiiUbeingatnaaeainj H J! lha wayot plntlng?r pairing,-eio. B William lliodle, the Kurcka mer- 1 chant accused of raiting a check from H J 10 to 11,000. hat been liotind over to H await the action of the dtttrlct court. H llrotlle'a atore la In the lianda of the H Lieutenant llrlant II. Wells hat been ordered to Manila, where he wilt Join H hit regiment For the patt two month Lieutenant Well haa been In- H xlructlng the member of the Utah H National (luard In military tactics. R Anctta Jenaen, an agetl Handy wo- Hj man, haa Weil declared tnaane and H tent to Vroro for traatment Nhe wat H dlaeoTcred walklni; about the atreet one day latt week with no elollilnif on H except an apron and a tun Ixinnet. H The origin of the fire at Jlrck'a Hot B Nprlnir atlll remalnt a myatery. The H ofllcera who am worklnir on the cate H atate that there waa no doubt that the B Are waa atarted by Inrcndlarlea, but H who they were and what motlr led H them to act the tire are ipjeatloua yet H Kephl I'ackanl, the RprlufTllla nur- H aeryman, la eihlbltlnir a peach which H meaturea 11 Indira In circumference H and welha II mince. It la a new variety which he haa originated after H tcteral year of eiporlineultuir. It H he ha glten It the name of "Utah B laor Oenrral 1". V. Greene, In hi H reort of the battle at Manila aaya; 1 "Tim Utah gun on the road fired It H ahota at block houte 14, with good cf- H feet, a wat aubaequently oacertalned H upon luipectlon of the work. Lleuteu- H ant Orow and the detachment drterre H i;reat credit for the commendable man- B jmr In which the piece wa tcrrcd and B iullel through tho mud, without the fHBw atalitaneo of hone.1' fB Kdmund Le CI rand, of Salt Lake, HK corutnlttcd aulclde atrhleago Junction, BH O . by thootlng hliotelf through the HI head. He had been a retldent of Salt HQ Lake for alx year and waa enroute to jHfV franco on a plrature trip. No caute BkQT a known for the deed. HBx A 1'roro man ha reeelred an allgator HBJI from an admiring friend In Jackaon HHHM tIUc, I'la., and will place the rcpelle MM r In Utah Lake. Thlt may eaute the HHHr' amall boya of 1'roro to ateer elear of eBfflj the lake, during the bathing eaaon at cHJB The Home lire Insurance company lH of Utah, paid Ita forty-aeeond dlrldend HAV to atoekholdera, the amount belug IK HH jvrcent on th capital of $10,000. Tho HHVj Mrano company celebrated Ita V,n1fUi HHHj aDnlteraary, It organlit"' 'tl BhjHJ trom September SO, mill |