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Show IIEREDITARY DIVORCE STArtTLINQ tlBLATIONS IN 8TATB OP INDIANA. 'It ClrotratlMta of On family Ltaaad Tnstlhrr by IIIIU nt Haparatlan-The I'll! grama lo nao ,n ka rami-lira. rami-lira. CAN there bo an Inheritance In-heritance ot a disease, dis-ease, "divorce ma-nlaT" ma-nlaT" a por ; handed down from I Vl iw 'ro ,0 n "" IMJi Ul 'rom motnr to VToJ IPvwviJ daughter, which 1 1 MAF1DBB makes them Itavo I ynrpOtKaH their Utter or I j) II worse halves, a KirJ tallsmtn against th penetrating darts of Cupid? These questions and others ot a sociological nature easily arlac, the result of legal procedure In the courts of Anderson, Ind. which go to show that tttrl-menial tttrl-menial Infellrliy utlen Is the result ot Inherent qualities Allen Union has Juit been granted ft divorce. Ho mar-lied mar-lied bla wife, Minnie, somo months go, and from the very first there arose strife, and In the light of the evl-dine evl-dine brought ont In trial, It msy be presumed that she waa the fountain head of all of the troublo Indiana In-diana dlrnrrea are quite often granted on very common evidence, but this decree de-cree was Usui d because of a most remarkable re-markable sociological demonstration. After shnwlna that she wns disagreeable, disagree-able, fault-finding and stMptctou of him on rirry possible oecntlon and was otherwise anything but agreeable ths defendant's attorney Introduced her family ire, and a most Intireet- Ine one It nrv,t In hm In order not tn go back over on hundred yenra they began with ber greet-great-great-grandmnther, and showed thai she bad been divorced. Thl old woman's two sisters and their mother had also been divorced The npplli ant's grandmother and her sitters sit-ters bad all been divorced from one to four times and their daughters. Including In-cluding the applicant a mother, bad similar records except one had carried off all honora by contracting a filth divorce. di-vorce. That brings the woman side down to ber own generation, all ot tbcm with black divorce record. The applicant' mother hsd been divorced three times, and ber name In her fourth matrimonial venture, which Is now In tbe norelty stage. I Fox. The mother bad two daughter, tho applicant appli-cant and her elder sister The applicant' appli-cant' nge was but St, but still she had already contracted ono divorce and was due for the second, which came In on time quite a good record for ono so young Her sister, who Is two veers ber senior, had lust tot through her second divorce, which was also a fair record for the last two ot tho divorce family. It Is Impossible to figure the number nt names that the women nt this family have thus gathered gath-ered Into probably the most Interesting Interest-ing family tree In tho country, but they mount up near to n hundred. Tracing their history back still further. fur-ther. It Is found that the women far beyond tbo great-groat-great-grand-motber were also built on the divorce plan. It I also found that with probably prob-ably three exceptfon the women were always the applicant far the divorce, and In the case of Mrs. Lemon she had previously applied for a divorce tram tamon and because she hsd resided In the state of Indiana six months tbo caio was thrown out of court She had then been married but five months. He then filed the cross complaint and on this most remarkable showing the court decided that probably Lemon had gono up against the real thing In tho tqueeter line and he promptly released re-leased him from tho Us that bind. The other case which li itrangoly along tho same lino wa a mixed up paternlty-probate-wl'l affair ln which the property ot I'rank lllack, Insane, wa at Issue, a young man named flop-hart flop-hart being a claimant on the ground that niack wns hi father, his mother having previously been Mr lllack. and giving birth to the plaintiff a few thi: nx-Mits i,i:mon. month alter having contracted her second marriage and within halt a year after the had been divorced from Illaek. This of Itself makes a mdst complicated cose. It wa brought out In tho trial that divorce was an Inherent In-herent mania In the lllaok family, and argument wa made along those line to bring out some most vital points. It developed that Krank lllack had cot only been divorced, but almost all of tho men and women folk ot hi family, fam-ily, If not nil of them except his own father and mother, for somo year back bad been applicants for divorce and had gained an accumulation of decree de-cree numbering from ono to three. There waa Joe, James, Illt and Henry lllack, Mrs Pave Harris, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Ilvant and Mrs l'rlti, nil brother broth-er and alster still living, and Mr. Fritz's daughter, Mrs. Lowor, also living, liv-ing, all of whom had been divorced from ono to three tine. In tbe case of the la-1 ono she htd been divorce4 twice from the seme man Tn every cose theee living exponent It divorce Inheritance hsd been the applicants. Thl Includes all of the present generation gen-eration It Is needles to tree back further In detail exeept to stats that the further back the family tree r traced tbe mere complex It becomes, until It I round that possibly It rival that of the divorced Mrs Allen Lemon. It was shown In the trial that divorce was n mania, and It wsa attempted to provo that It wns handed down from generation to generation Only last month a still more notabli eaie came up In the superior court ot Anderson, wherein a mother and ber daughter Mr 1511a Uarton, mother, and Mrs. Minnie Stanley daughter-appeared daughter-appeared In the same court on the same day applicants for divorce. Rich preferred the rharge ot Incompatibility, Incompatibil-ity, lloth were granted decrees on the some day The matter attracted a groat deal ot attention and waa commented com-mented on at large nil over Ihe country. coun-try. Investigation reveals the fact that whits the mania. If such It Is, may exist In tbe family and ran be traoed back several fenerations, still It Is not nearly so pronounced as In the Illaek and Lemon Incidents. It was, however, how-ever, n very strango and unheard-of coincidence and this was carried still further when they were married on the same day thrre week afterward, the ceremony being n double one In tho neighboring county of Hen- , drlrk a itlll more marvelous divorce record I being established by a young man named llcninn Kggers Toung Kggtrs has Just added a third divorce to hi collection and still he I but II years ot age. His history reads ilka a romance, with plenty nf aetlon on the part ot Cupid He started out when he waa 11 years of axe by marrying a neighboring girl who had Just acquired ac-quired tho age of IK Thy lived to gether just three weeke ana in nsr op' MIlS. MINNIR BTANLUV. plication for divorce It waa found that ho poatrwsed queer, boyish traits ot character, lie uted her much aa a child uses n playmate, only he carried It to excero, and would draw a knife across her throat or put a revolver to her head and threaten tn kill her. He then wandered around In boyish fashion fash-ion for about six weeks, when he found another neighborhood girl who wu sweet on him and they were married. They lived together about three month and ho treated her tbe same a he did his first wife. He then gained a divorce di-vorce and waa then married to a girl named Dorra, who lived down near Terro Haute. It was the narno story. Ho waa dlvoreed somo tlmo ago and now he Is to tak a fourth bride, and still be Is Juit past hi eighteenth birthday. birth-day. It I doubtful If thore I another ease In tho nation that will compare with thl. Tho tast Indiana report for 16)7 mako tome Interesting showings In this respect, and It seems that ccruln section sec-tion aro particularly blessed with happy rnnrrlagt, while on tho other band troublo seem to agitate the matrimonial tea of other counties. In fact, twelve out ot ninety-two cnau-tics cnau-tics In the stale furnished 42 per cent, or almost half of the divorce for th cnMro state. Tor the whole state It Is found that for every ono marriage thero wero seven divorcee granted. Tbe matrimonial waves down In Clark county were unusually pacific, there being only ono divorce to every IJ5 marriages. In Marlon county, on ths other band, thore were but three marriage- to one divorce This goo to show that a country community generally gen-erally superinduce domestic happiness, whllo the hurly-burly ot city 111 drive people to tho divorce market. Clark county Is without even a railroad and tbo peopla are of the agricultural classes. Marlon county I tbo teat ot Indianapolis, which Is recognized from one end ot tho country lo the other as a great dlrorco center of a great divorce di-vorce ttato. |