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Show - I Whaa Travail, Ha Had Heard Her Say So. goara Gears la FbUorapby. AMICABLE DIVORCE Her recitations of some of Rileys TbsJ.it ia only a step from the sob-The man that singe-th- e loudest in Whether on pleasure bent, or business child verses were among the hits of the lme to the ridiculous U well illustrated I chun h throw Caapls Celebrated his head an far beck take on every trip a bottle of Byrup of entertainment. i Little Uleeev Party. by the following amusing incident that that he cant ace the collection baakel Flea, aa It acts moat pleasantly and WHERE CAY GIRLS ENJOY '''The grand march to the dining room effect ually-oth kidneys, liver, and is free. happened a few sabbath ago In a well- - j when it comes along Mrs. Tillio Fmmm-Abbo- tt THEMSELVES. was' sn amusingly misfit affair and the Some folk are ao fond of trouble bowels, preventing fevers, headaches, her known church, and rauaed no little Eilseorlh granted Juqs 'Saturday merriment among the teacher supper was in keeping The bill of fare The they can't enjoy honey for thinking of and other forms of rteknesa. For sal . la decree of divorce from George H. superintendent ' wan t4Hg the wee what might have happened if th bee in 60 cent and tl bottle by all leading included beer, sweitser lv for 4lu.t..iun C' and I Abbott on the grounds of desertion druggists. Manufactured by the CaU-mall folk of the custom tn certain j had stung em la Fig Syfup Company only Sanaa of the Jnftr ( Uararren, llppre- - sandwiches olives,, anchovies and all failure to Oakland ootin the U so narrow of tries provide, sajs that' Jibe road toLnaven chaining the prisoners avnt.d - A rlrbralod lnr I'art in sorts of indigestible dainties In which Times. Aa soon as the decision was bands and feet together. some And, she Every man has reason to bo thankful people have about decided there women dearly have to indulge when the that tbs fool killer la dead. Detroit, Mkb. rendered Mr. and Mrs Abbott shook S&ked, dont you suppose that if some is not room tor masts time occasion will permit After supper they M hen you hear a man of Mr. one came and released them they would saying that quantities of fish ars being shipped be happy and grateful?" -told stories for anKjur, while some of hands, and upon the suggestion this is a hard world, ten to one ba'a from Maine to Cuba. the the fair Ttllier father, Fromm, ID jou e.rr hear of the bolder smoked it was unanimously agreed that they broken hi leg try ing to fiy w hen be cigarettes and drank trio celebrated the separation with a a "dovu pprty"? apollmarls should have been walking Atlanta punch to clear their heads And continued the superintendConstitution. This query is ad- before going borne. At II oclock' the big French dinner In an Oakland cafe. she ent, coming to her dressed partieular-- l guests began to go, and by midnight the Mrs Abbott lives in AlamedSTwhere point, Jean was Ao Idle Sreranger. a tall, sent to the world to release people from to male men v. ho house had resumed Its wonted air of was born and educated. She Is The booeU act the part of a scavenger, nnd cap- their sins Are any of you here bound of blonde stately figure perfect nialrl-raonl4nal travel with the chain ns the? remoie Dutch of the debris, demure conventionality. lain?. ANTo, piped tivating Tentttrej She has the distin- the the wste effete matter of the system. W hen harness old of the minister, l'ui in grow Idle, neglectful of duly, It U of guished honor of having engaged but my grandmother ia Louis- they Doubtless the dear the utmost imp irtance that they should be TELEPHONE. more matrimonial ventures than any not, ville loL Impelled to activity Hostetler's Momirli firls. wedded and in the Springtime. And a Hitlers effect this desirable obicet without other young lady in the Enetnal city, lMrat-t- o In Wl.li-filvrn Intlanra, It lisa all know single, them like a drastic purgative 1 he inplng or. in fact, in the state. The divorce 8 late of Ohio, City of Toledo. Lucas r. bugreat many who are not Is for Me(r-endealso cRIchcIous hitlers malaria, about it. but for Count y- -es attrouble llous, aud second case kidney ended djt. marks her eptir Just poets, pay tribute to the A good many stories are told of the Frank J. Cheney makes osth that he once they keep the season in the same way,. tempt to get fid of Abbott. He con- 1 the eentor partner of the firm of F. I ha Show. secret among themselves, says the strange uses cf the long distance telefor Getting Ready J. Chern-- A Co , doing business in the her tested first and The difference is that the suit her prevented Washington Post As for the young phone. says the Tacoma Ledger. The Young Perkin had been paying court State afore-ael-d, In the last case he City of Toledo, County and will some for to the poet breaks Out in about daughter bloods, if they ever heard of surh a dav the line was opened to Morrill, getting a decree the billposters and that said firm pay allowed entered be to a um seemed to no for against default but of each YVis One the same spot annually, Dollars time, engsgement . Hundred a In the thing, they suppose it is a variation of Chicago man hunting him Both suits were in Judge Ells- and every cam of Catarrh that cannot come of iL The. father, becoming imwhile more prosaic people e thp and by no mpans rorthern woods rama Into town nnd be cured by the use of Hell's Catarrh patient, said to Perkins finally: learned of the Innovation. He went into worths department and when the de- Cur. break out in various parts the parallel of the masculine stag FRANK J. CHENEY. show docs when man, your 'Young Sworn to before me and subscribed tn e of the soundproof booths and had fault was entered hla honor suspected Cut it Is to a certain extent. of the body. Its natural. part my pretence this 6th day of December, open?" Par-kin-a ncnlf put in eommnnleation with his that there was a collusion on thesecure I haven't any show, replied A. D. Spring is the breaking-ou- t Possibly some married man rememIS St, A. W, OLEA80N, of fair Tillie and her husband to Public. season. It is the time (Seal ) bers a Fhort timeago. when his wifo Oir.ilv As they had a telephone In the a Notary divorce. Judge Ellsworth ordered him I thought you had, for you nnd Sue b'vim ihe tilck wsa a Final! one. He Hall a Catarrh Cur Is taken tnternal-- 1 when appeared to be in an especially amiable impurities of the be to back." and blood some time and acta directly on th have been billing for subpoenaed. to the surface. work blood mood, and askpd him if it was lodge chatted with hlswlfe, told her a fish mucoua Bend of and Iht surfaces system. Perkin took the hint, proposed, The trial Saturday was as tame as th for -at which she might smile withia the testimonials, free. aliOw commenced It night or If he didnt want to spend an story therefore, e and tha time, was Abfirst Mrs. accepted, contest was sensational. out embarrassing him. since he could F. J. CHENEY A CO Toledo, Ok Texas after. and most not evening with the boys Of course he the Sifting long purest Bold by druggists; T6e. not see the sign of Inernlnilty: talked bott briefly told how she failed to agree assented; such rare opportunities are blood Hall's tSo. mother-tn-lapurifier, in with powerful Pills, her Family and Tsata. Is finally, It the Baby Cottlug wti w, tot and girl and then called not to be slighted, and he was furtherIsaui oodasethstuld aud writ tried iwtaedy. Baa " 1894, packed her trunk and reiOctober, for Gyp Wit. more surprised when bis spouse gave Supreme Court WwaLowW SooTuor aravr for Chlldna Nothing turned to her father. Her husband and The grave and reverend justices of Gyp was a setter and a .great fam him a latch-ke- y and told him that he her No man over thought a woman was an statements. father corroborated her the supreme court sometimes oftener, v pet which had been kept behind need not come home before midnight Mr. Abbott testified that he was earning Indeed, than though many of them have lied deang', be might euspected of terause on accident which repdered at out it. But in his innocence he never dreamed scend excur50 the marks from as an their a montn that for only dignity agent Gyp was called to the telthat this was to get rid of him for the it lame Thera Is pleosoro end proaimublevsws sion company in San Francisco and oflirial and public lifeand do not acorn and oo small to sbaUng ephone and he stood on a chair, his to indulge in little pleaaantriea and aod FOUilul IIU tr asm faifcer evening , oittfvr luuia. forefeet on the back, and his mistress half of the amount went to the support frivolities mortals that enjoy. ordinary If he bad happened to come borne bold the of bis mother. that stated He well further If you love snyou enough to die for The other day Mr. Justice Urey was in transmitter to his ear. about 9 oclock which, by the way, he even If his wife consented to return to him, first get your Ure insured in his favor. 9 reminiscent mood and began the narHello, Gyp! called the master from osatbi sd Olvso Is did not do bp would have seen strange Merrill. And obs nods sa Um him he could not support her. On this ration of an incident with the sentence, I Is so eosy toromera Cores with Blodoteoms words, yofty the dog In Chicago picked wsto osr dess aesse, wlV LOW to many will suauie them. (1st Nr SM lot ot M ooly aswwdsr so things. His house apparently lighted up his ears and whined. The master showing the judge granted a decree. it ben I was a little boy. Mr. Just- last SB suv CIIOKS d lots Nr St SS Tkls Is nt Ms. sv sums ss rwrali rckas was ice Shiras broke in with the incredul- Uuulsrsurat sad sss how slcslg It ukss Utam OS. throughout had all the curtains closely whistled and the latter Mrs. Abobtts reception of the order MM vortoUsM nr U cheerfully laduraeml ptsss ous eapMl! In mean circulation to aay Castiroa penniss are in remark, You dont drawn, while the gas burned dimly In barked dire-fl- y wry bums OS IM Ikso sum. M oowy MMrW into the receiver. He most emphatically Joyful. She could the ballway Every now and then a knew his master's voice and the whis- hardly restrain herself and clasped the you were ever a little boy? Washing' Birmingham. vtowaa sts ta, tl'niiru this sa M- will " IS km I closed carriage would roll up to the tle as well; and the master cheered hand of her attorney warmly. After ton Star. FITS MirtUiataPPsdfrrabyPr KUasasGioat iMb Kttinr. I believe Plso'e Cure ia the only medicine door, a mvsterionsly muffled feminine him by ready laughter at the prompt the adjournment of court her father UfimkNMt urvt. TrMilwiinii ISiml twitkfrwli that ktUHvItt drutMiii'yiftql'k litctoAb. Nnd cur consumption. Anna M. Trade-Mark- s. figure would alight and swiftly scurry and eager reply. playfully Introduced the separated cou- Ross, will WLiamsport, Pa., Nov. 12, V5. to ea. h other and together the enblunder ple fatal of makes up the steps to the carefully guarded td the Everyone Isssilnettao dsad Advte ss ts fiutblllly It was worth the 92 40 it coat. tor lavior Uoidor H 'liM tire left the courthouse. As they telling their tecrete so those who toll their Nvaouos.door, where, after Identification, it or Favorite Story. Hyes A A wasshmicm. A lady living near Indianapolis, whoi trawsiraixici byasixu 'downd Ytaui AbfcTu' rdh'ud7-she would he admitted. Bill Nyea pet story was the one aa to secret, had for more than a year been In dell Writ for yon wbi va4 for vorced wife chatted very merrily and bow be was charged $4 for a sandwich If he had attempted to gain admis- cate Billiard, table, second-hanUU to TH health, was brought to Chicago were Vfc.rrkKT OOvr total editress, H. C. Axrr, well satisfied that their in a village in New Jersey. He told the ebsefh Apply to or sion himself he would probably have apparently CM B. Uwww, 12th BL, Omaha, Nets last winter, where she received union Ml men who sold it that it was a high price had been'dlssolved. been turned down on bis own doorstep early for a sandwich, and said that he bad surgical treatment In a hospital. It who stranve a but muscular servant, by was impossible to take her home for dinner frequently gotten a fOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOp Lm Grandeur of th East, would Insist that no men had any busi- the Christmas with four kinds of wine for just mak she celebration, Such ilia as although A comparison between the annual a speech, and finally asked the man ness in that house and the master was had recovered so much she could revenues of that S4 on for a ham sandwich. out for the evening. Later if be still walk readily all over the the Byzantine empire in why he charged hospital. She "Well, Ill tell you," said the sandlingered near be might have beard had three beautiful children at home, the beginning of the thirteenth cenman, the feet is, by gad, 1 need sounds of music and revelry and per- and the father present revenues of the wich a Chrlstmaa tury andof the the prepared Detroit Free Brest. money." tbs Ottoman Turks brings empire chance caught glimpses of grotesque tree Just as he had formerly done. before and tha like. the of a minds the window on the silhouetted eye Iowa sale on (Top payments, 10 picture for forint figures Only he added a feature which had shades, but that ia all be would bave never been found there before. He had lost grandeur and 'wealth of provinces per cent cash, t elence H crop yearly, until J. MULHALL, Waukegan, UL over which now broods the silence of paid for. seen. the electricians come in on the afterdesolation. At mentioned the and was the latest dove party This periods Some People Lira Jut for Mranaraa. noon beforO Christmas end put his resiit is asserted by those who should dence telephone In the tree, wherO It' the dominions of the Greek emperors 'T hate halt a notion to end my ex know that It was the swellest event whs concealed with pine needles and at Constantinople had been impover- Istence," said the dejected youth, of the kind that ever occurred in Wash tinsel. He arranged with the long dis- ished by the invasion of the Frank bave nothing on earth to live for. and the chief part of Asia Better wait a while, said th ington. Of course, there will be others, tance people, apprised hla wife of her Crusaders, After you get a few with its Minor, saga had flourishing anticicities, who and for the benefit of those part in the play and at a certain mo- been wrested from tbe Byzantine 'mou,7fir wont went anything y pate indulging in such entertainments ment in the evening, when the children, archs 1,,r tor - Jutl X by conquering Islam; yet tbe aa-a special Post detective set about gatb bubbling overjwlth Joy at their pressuccessors nual Conof income of (he affair ents, still felt a sadness at the absence ering aa many pointers about the as possible. Names could not be men- of their mother, he clapped the receiv- stantine amounted to $900,000,000. revenues of tbe sultan's empire tioned, but some details of the festivi- er to the ear of his youngest child end The shrunk to $90,000,000 per year. have the gentle voice of mamma came over ties have leaked out Such Is the blight which Turkish miswell It be to wire. the A Doable PoBlahmoBt. the may la beginning rule has brought upon some of the fairA men was tn the dock charged with It was their most precious Christmas est stale Abat, while the new woman la regions of the earth. Philadelphia theft. He pleaded not aa bad aa she is painted by tbs present. Guilty, but the Record. was Not Guilty." The jurys verdict paragrspbers and cartoonists, the idea judge was not at all satisfied with tha Womans Stntas In Germany. of equality of the sexes is gaining Go A hood Without Collage Education. result ot.the trial and remarked to tbe WALTER BAKER A CO., LU., DortWar. Masa. sec women and not do la women German have sent a petition ground society Yon do not leave this court w by, because they are women, they can It ia a somewhat remarkable fact that prisoner, to parliament protesting against some without a stein upon your character, not have as much fun in their way as clauses iu the new civil code. Accord- out of the upwards of 4,000 women of for by your own confession you are a the men do. Therefore, if hubby de ing to this code, a married woman, for this country who are physicians, not thief, and by the verdict of th jury aerta bis wife to attend a bacchanalian instance, has, if no special contract has more than 200 have a college training, you are e liar." Pick M Up stag party there is no reason why wlfey been made, no right to dispose of her according to President Tbwlng of the should not enjoy a more or less hilar- own fortune without the permission of Western Reserve university. Of the IOWA PATENT OFFICE REPORT. ious dove party with her Intimate fe- her husband. Moreover, the latter ia 1,235 woman preachers and 208 women Dxs Mourns, March 25. Patents have male friends. Cut with that conservasolely entitled to administer and to lawyers in the country but few are tism which alwajs tempers womans bave the usufruct of her money, even college bred. Even mora surprising is been allowed, but not yet issued, as most audacious achievements she Is not of that which she earns. Every finan- the fact that tbe colleges have contrib- follows? To M. Maey, of Adel, Iowa, bold enough to own up and taka the cial transaction entered upon byn wom- uted very few of the literary women of for a gauge for flouring mill rollers, credit ior a very unique entertainment. an without the knowledge and con- the country. Most of tbe womens col- Tbe device ia very simple, strong and The guests st tbit particular party, sent of her husband can be canceled. lege graduates becomq teachers or or- durable and well adapted to show being assured of the strictest privacy Except In a few cases, women are un- nament homes Many of tbe preac- whether or not the rollers are trammed and requested to come in fancy cos- able to act as guardians. They are her. being good talkers, do not under- or parallel while in motion. Rollers tumes, exercised their ingenuity In de- also excluded from family councils, and take tbe regulation three years course ere often parallel when etatlonary and in theology, but go right ahead and dis- yet out of tram when rotating, and the vising some original and startling ao on. course from the pulpits, learned or device for detecting such defect ts very effects, with eminent success, so the important In milling. ToC.F, Murray, HOUSEHOLD HINTS. gossips say. The hostess herself, being of Dea Moines, a practice! railroad a woman of ready wit, introduced each man, for a block signal system that Do Grow. of to of added the They white A pinch salt gueet under an appropriate name, and will automatically to protect ln 1892 the prohibitionists polled 7,500 trainoperate tbs amusement caused by ihese odd eggs will make them beat up quicker in front and rear when going-l- a votes In Massachusetts and the popu- either direction. It is designed to be and lighter. characters was immense. lists 2,200. Three years later. In 1893, used at stations and on dangerous the little wnsa and will cut a purloallles Coarse brooms Among carpet, ia positively actuated almond-eye- d lady, whose complexion although Imperceptible at first, their the prohibition vote wee 9,100 end tbe curves, etc,, end train Six United tha passing and leatures admirably adapted them- ravages will at length show themselves populist vote 7,800. - Tbe socialists, by were issued to State patents who 649 votes 1892, aa -, In a polled the asto attired polled selves character, in the increased number of shreds, Iowa inventor on the 17th. 3,249 in 189$, They were most numerous Printed Chinese laundrym&n. her hair, drawn peclally if the earpet be a velvet pita. copies of the drawing and in Essex county. back tightly from the brows and specifications of any one patent sent When ordering meats remember that to any address for 25 cent. Valuable braided in a queue down her back, com- beef, when boiled, loses one pound of information for inventor about securPERSONAL. her of tsriental effect the very pleted weight in every four, and when roasted ing, valuing and selling patents sent she afterward confessed which costume, ounces. Mutton loses even ' free. elghten said that In London It is facetiously was composed principally of her hus- more than beef. This should be thought "No wonJer poor Dinnle's so tired, carrying Thomas G. Axb J, Ralfh Obvio, for I am Coming. 1 Hold the Fort, band's pajamas, Solicitor of Patents, of where much meat is used. all day that grtaX big piece of Dr. Jamesoo'a favorite hymn. gbe established herself In a corner of To make an excellent lavender water, A .o her Fnalty f GrratawM. The post of directof of the French tbs parlor, where she ironed indus- take one quart of rectified spirits of which ' The but Impecunious literary triously, jabbering pigeon English with wine, two ounces of essential oil of lav- National Conservatory of Music, $2,(W0 genius gifted wrote an impassioned letter to only her casual customers. Later alls gave ender and five drachma of eeaanca of Ambrolse Thomas held, payshbfior.a personal friend, asking him in tbe - -a year, but is one of great an Oriental dance. name of sweet charity to lend him 810 ambergris. Put all ingredients into a are Laboucbere observes that there to keep him from starving , Another Indy, who is a very fair bottle and shak till they mix." three classes of literary people In Engpianist, by the way, was Tigged up to Jewelry can be beautifully cleaned by land The first Is obtrusive, the second quized sealed it, bat bitterly aa be represent j'ausresskl, with her light washing It la hot soapsuds to which a Is obscene end the third ia obscure. some day a mercenary grandchild of hair fluffed wildly In imitation of the few drop of ammonia hava been added will pet 100 for thi Rev. C. A. - Carter of SL Mary bit Polish virtuoso, fSba contributed the and then shaking off the water and laybaa bap- cago church, England, Liverpool, and music iaeirumantal accompanied ing tha Jewelry In a box of jewelers' tized 14.014!nfants during tbe last B.ir For. r..r.lnn. vt. th. w.b..h, sll the songs, A big brunette wai at awduaL This method leaves no marks seventeen years, an average ot eixteea 'Th short line to 8L Louis, and qnlek route woman Italian and an like pod tirfd or scratches. Eost or south, a week. was XruiL of There dint a big basket ith, 21t and Hay 6th. Excursion to Banana Hour has been adopted Dr. Floto or San Francisco, wbo it April South alsu so Irish washerwoman, who sung in tha manufacture of latelyFrom at one fere forth round lu 94 years old. Is still in the active prac- - trippoint. yeast with 2.uu added Bince Katie Got Struck on the Bingo rich per in aurch and good flavor it ia tlco of JUNE Htth, Quin worthy uf tiaggio dice la National RepubliraB Convention at BL suits lie for such a purpose. he is the oldest a negro mlnetrei with some good darky psrticularly . Louis. The yeast Is of good color and has the the country. JULY Bd, smw'randg dude who fvnavrtrd for keeping welL requisite properties National Association at Educational n evanwidely-knowSam Jones, the gush i You Bee It en Broadway. Buffalo. can be reClled gelist. has recently completed n new plcklo Empty jars made were JULY Vth, Dot the bits of tbs evening LorUtlan Endeavor Convention at a with pickled eggs. Doll one dozen eggs residence at Cartersvllle. Ga., which Ly Uie hostess, costumed en tout cold lcto thou throw firteen B asbfnzton. e minntea, rooms, sod which, ballet premiere, and whoso pas soul to water and shell them. Boil several red contains taenty-ouother-hi- gh JULY d. Ja its exterior, is said to embrace an National datiee the of skirt itiTir.i laminar and Silver Convention at Foopl the -In the them slleo them and hteii, put ecclesiastics) effecL" Lonia. wat pronounced immensely fancy tad Jar with tht fggs. Heat enough via-- 1 rates tiros8ttab es and further inforDr wuam Sew;(, Webb by was repeatedly entered. The other star call mation. to cover the ewr--. Add salt, pepper tbe Mat aril ticket ofUc. way, is known ae colonel" In Ver- 1415 V aruana atKt,tbaIazton was & very tall rtigular pirl, mured gar liotal block, or and pour over tha mont, ell kinds JO writ df a the member 4N. Ciattok. being Geo c? in m.litary pins after i!;o fashion of a child Keep them tightly cawed. F. IV. I'gAi. Agt , Omaha, Neb. staff of the Green Mountain state, has ie atst'hgs-fiscab and short fere, been elected of the Society ot Aibotorra;b of Hont Wane ha lee dress, by the'vrey, bflcns'.;'z td her LThe silk worm is liable to over J09 Colonial IVarigovernor taen at a diatann of til ty fix mile. la Vermont. busslns a dini'.oUtlTi (Be.'SSCS. iitiie als'er-a- nd SEKNATADOVEIARTY. doll. 1 n I j i Poets Break Out LONG-DISTAN- old-tim- tea-part- to-tak- aatWt-eU- Ayers Sarsaparilla oa lEFTfflr lrn win Patents, pa ten-cour- SORENESS, STIFFIIESS, Cum-minsv- ill 'er T Its Pure Walter Baker &x Co.s Cocoa is Pure its all Cocoa chemicals. no ho -- - No matter how much you are charged for a small piece of other , () ' u Pr ac-- brands, the chew is no better than For JO cents you Battle Ax get almost twice as much as of The 5 .grade goods cent piece is nearly as large as other c&it pieces of equal quality. |