Show That Extreme feeling outlets nearly everybody every-body it this lesson The hustles real to push the fitting crow weary the ton gello become enervated You know just what WI mesa Homo men mil women endeavor temporarily to overcome that Tired d Feeling by great force ol will Out this It vault n It pull powerfully upon the nervous system which will not tang stand such strain Too many people work on J tbelr nerves ind Ibo result Is itcn In un I fortunate wrecks marked 1 nervous pros a ttttton r In every direction That ttrsd Feel Ing li a jwslllve proof ot thin weak Impure Im-pure blood for It the blood U rich red vlttllied ind vigorous It Imparts lift and energy to every nerve organ and tissue ol tbo body Tho nccnilly ol taking Hoods Parsspsrllli for tint tired feeling Is I therefore tppirent to every one nol the good It w III do yiu Is I equally beyond question JImemlJ that Hoods Sarsaparilla Hint One True nlood Purifier Alldrucclili IU IYepret only bye h flood or Co Inweit1ran are easy to take east Pillsoerto Hoods Pills to operate cents The Create nodical Discovery of the Agc KENNEDYS MEDICAL DISCOVERY DONALD KENNEDY CF ROXBURY MASS Has discovered In one of our common I railure weeds a remedy that curei ever dM kind ot Humor f rum the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple He Ins tried It In over eleven hundred CUts ant never failed except In two cut both thunder humor He has now In hit tcrtifntes hundrus roueulon over tlllO hundred icrtlfiatts ol Its table ill within twenty miles of Boston alS < nJ postal II card for book A benefit Is always eiperltnccJ from Hit first bottle and a perfect cure Is war ranted when the right quantity taken When the lungs are ailecttJ It causes shooting pains like needles raising through them the same with the Liter hf or Dow eli I IIhf caused by the ducts 1 being slopped anti always disappears In a week aler taking IL Head the label I l If the st much Is foul or bilious It will ruse squeamish IttUn1 at frit No dune of diet ever newiary Eat 1 the test you ai set and enough of IL I Dow one tablespoonful In water at bedtime bed-time da by ern I sW1trr CUTAHDSLASH r 9 SMOKING TOBACCO 9 9 2 oz for S Conta 1 CUT SlASH 0 vj ClIEROOTS3 for 6 Cents 9 9 live a Rood Mellow Healthy t I f Pleasant Smoke Try Them 0 J i f HOI i CO IOB1CCO IDII3 Mu L C f f ceOO B r4 lO Heres your Denver train the Ilurlrutoni Canner Unilled which leaves l Omaha BUST pm dally reaching Penvtr at TOO the nut morning I 1iutrit and niixt com fcrUUo train lotween the r I Mluourl lllvrr and till II I Rocky Mountain Throuch seepancbale 11IIIllnor Tickets sad full Information Informa-tion on application to the local agent or liy address log J IIUMII Cent I in r Act Omaha Nth l i Tlsl ALABASTINE1 A pits permanent aad artistic well rotting MMtl f II j o1d f ready for the brush by mining I in cold water FOR SALE BY PAINT DEALERS EVERYWHERE r A Tint Card ibowloir II d rlrat > l tlnu FREE Also AlAhUlJnM Wurrmr hock trot list to act ono hlUolor this paper UDASTINE CO Grand Rapids Mlco 1 IRON AND WOOD rIIJM4Frt > umo4 mult 1o ri Trot Irrlrft I PUMPS t us 4 rune brten Ilea tr oJ 14nlat f urns Ivlms 11y nlll llr C 1 4xi4 end liilrliniikt i OF ALL klNes nlaodard lo net abo heolee tint Send trw rte Llteu0 FAIRBANKS MORSE co 1102 Fornnm St Omaha Nab I tl a S F1naHAof PAR b rl14A kIa W w IsYrna M e Nr volt tnt for rty Ilar to y l It Iour6Ct F ° LINDSEY OMAHA RUDBERS Illip E1B Water w K l OSIAIA141BOa = ii iuii nrlllnu to ndvertlrere kindly mention till paper r I natwin hjntp u yf Uoa r a w Coo In lima 1M 1 Or entairuta S A |