Show Irrlotlnn In llrunn County 1ho JolmntoHii Iluni Crvrk want ami Irrigation company him gilt the wuhr In nUiht of Johnitown and lion seen uorklnK at the rate of n Iinlfmllu I > rr duly It will hrhiK I alxint 90UO omen under IrrlKntlon tlil i iirliif acne ly I all > i > on to rent and ml U jet un Illnl on Ono quarter nectlon wn illthltsl and port Milil Tmi other qunrtrrMHtlrniBharu Uen Ned nml two new wtllcrit hare made llllnB > Tho outlny tip to Junnary il ern JI1U1 ant thus nmount of tend I I rrntn i is I 1 lil ncrn at 81 her nero for Miter It Is I claimed I that Idly fitnillln ran lied homeit iiml Hint n fetter llvlnp awn ho iimlofrMii forty iiercn I iuMi a ills Irrl atlon thantlfleen families nut make ltliiml Irrlirotlou lthouih farmlni 100 aero each Kmee npenlnif I Hie dltoli anil clearing IrrlIII V n part of the curie I fnim olutnictlons I Hi flow of water U onallfth more ami till flIIIl that b > rleariiif time creek fornliont ollr ilill > tthvyainmon than ilonblo tho mpily at uuter and rooru II f ro that eventually HID I tabln bond west of tho main draw lan bn Irriiiitwl |