Show 1HESIDgNT TCVN The Yew hid M < cltrt or tl llrh 1r e101h Judge Stern who aas recently been elected president nf the Orange Krco State was chief Juitieo of that country before his elevation to the office Of the presidency Tho position had been filled by the late K W Relit Judge Stern election Is considered a Doer victory ns his candidacy candi-dacy was Indorsed and promoted by President Kriiger of the Transvaal Dr Jameson and his raid Into the South African republic had the sympathy of the ulllsndcn or nonelllzcn of the Orange Free State Stern stood for the conservative or Doer lnt < rent and his election shows tho tide Is flowing against Ilrltlih domlnitlon In that part of Africa 110 1 II an able jrsl a Root 1 statesman and n strong man Tho country over which Lo will rule Is an Independent Dutch republic In South Africa On the south of It Is Cape Colony Col-ony on the west Irlqualand the Transvaal Trans-vaal on the north and Natal on the east Us area Is I mc square miles Tho total I to-tal pouplttlon numbers 20T603 of 4311001 jtmnn STEYN whom nearly 30000 are whiles The gotcrnmtnt consists of a president end n council appointed by the volksrnad Tho country Is dltlded Into nineteen district with a Ian droit to each appointed ap-pointed by the president and confirmed ty the volksrnad Tho volksraad Is 0 legliUllve body elected by tho adult while burghers half of tho body vocal Ing sects every two years |