Show TTK NKUrt Ml IlpaMtit 1 U I lo hnvo I electric lighti 1 a UrsuIh g Oil Ihe Ilerp CI railroad l ban hewn begun l The Aiiiarlmn IL I creamer waf u biirglarltnl week r The Illlli mn ol 8 W Ghlpman wan iliuwned at Atnrtlain Fork Eaturdni J Tint lug ColienwtHid muipvny will r furnlfh clrclrlr light Mr Salt take City Dr Nerdy lust taken charge of the mviiltiMiin ylnni and Dr like baa I rellipil Merge I j Cannon Inc l rctninrd from thoisiit ard My llinoullnok for her he-r rallimdii It I OHenuraglng 11ork IIn time Non ehe alley rillivay In i progteniilng very nvptdlv The new gtadit hu breii I Iliiliheil between dixieland dixiel-and Nephl Tho jury In Ihe Ha ken bribery n oat o-at Halt Luke dlceagrerd < 1 after being out twenty hour Hevcn wcrotor roiulr Ion and 1 OliO for annltlal toe Wrllihai p lnlixl J S Teerr ol 0 < len lo the poihlnn on the llounl of Industrial < hool Cnmmltilonrra undo vacant by time refuial In oU of 1rof T It I Leah In8 llna lain frouli 1 killed all llm early hloiiomi pitch as lumi aprlcnt nnII I eaehen Apple Itftt ara now In broom soil there li I ploirxcli of a goal l crop nf that kind 01 fruit Kdwanl Clerk inperlnlendent and put owner ol the Eagle olnut Mercnr died al the Walker hoiun Bait Ukn at 0M oclock Friday erenlag hli aorrow log wile and chlldrnn twliig at lilt Ixd slue Information mummies from 1reilon that there hai been A rich strike In illveroro runnlnR over COO ouncrii to the Ion near that place and that hero li great ex ellrlllent and many locations In come gnence1 Lojan Ilepnbllcao Tho Illchnetd extenllon ol the Ilia Irando UV lrrn li making blghiadiray The forco li I kept busy at work revcit dayi In lie week and time track baa been laid Loa xilnt within a looln seven nlllci 5 of that molly Hon Oeorge 0 Chawidjed < at4hTi f IIMM 4Q f ifP LttrUt fi ifnkrjiHfn > MMi Barr era at S t clock Mr Chain will taken down with phrutaonla nine day ago Ho was UI yi an ol ago und has pent many II I yean of hit life In Utihilcrald r It I F Hamilton the embeiillng poll mailvrof Vernal has lice tentenced lo 10 year linprlionment and to pay a a Annul 1274ft the amount of his etnbei I clement In addition to tIe embattled amount which bar Len repUcnl Ins wook or two lime usual iljliti will bo wen on our stems ol u morning tint ol a hoitof little fellnwi shim backed hind wending their way lo Ike beets beet-s lo thin one llioie Important plant which have made Ixhl such a bury ami proipernui place for the pail five you Iuslsl llauner Sir 1 Icorge Wager of the Seventh ward died Wednesday morning after yrlll lulTerlng Funeral service over her remalni aero hell In the wail 1 meeting meet-ing Mri Wager war i a good 1 woman and a faithful Latterday I Balnt Him Itavvi a unhand and ion to mourn her Ion Logan HupubHcan l r Two contincti were let by the Utah A 1aclflo Improyiinonl company YOu day tor week on Iho Sail Ukoi Taclflc I which comiacnica tomorrow liioinlng The lift contract awarded was to J C Walton A Urui for grading this tint coition I coi-tion of the hem thirty miler Tbo pee t ond went 10 Ell Uppcnihaw of Santa gain for 80000 lIsa I The mining fever hAt again broken out In Vernal and limo ivmptomi are t broomlngalarmlng Win McCailln John Vopv and other returnwl Hnndav oven Ing with iainileiot ore which innyivl 1 138 and fSO lu the ton In gold and they claim Ihe hive plenty I m at Iho urn In fight and proniln the KipreM plenty to way In riuaril to thvir rids illiooveiloi Inauoupleof wn < ki Vernal Uxpr i r Htate Auditor Itlchardi Imi been t aikf1 to audit elalmi agnl il the Hints founded IOU rrrtllliuieii IIIIIIIJ l limo Court CommUiloncra of tin Territory for jurors uul ollnfuei foci etc There are about flOOOnf them ccrtlflcnUx out i i Handing and limo Uiililaturo inadv an 1 I iippruprlatlon lint amount for their aS till redemption but Ihu Auditor li I itot certain cer-tain that It U till duty to allow them I Ilnwill probably rviiu tlha Attorney T i l1eller1 to glee him nn opinion on time 1 I iubjt v 1 |