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Show will U? v Saint. The fun- that a faithful Latter-dlacking will be the supfrom the other ehd of the ward sect were port eral the in held ices county. Peoa Utah, May T, Mi. Pleasant is to lmve electric AwpgfMet City AOeme- lIt wasraiumg meetinghouse on Tuesday afternoon. lights. fast night Editor Timas : snowing There-wa.... v' E & a I fcv Urg the Creek isfwt iiraditig rail tti sT6a fond' GATHERED BY OUR ALERT jn We were vieited with a refreshing The Citypdunul met in regular ses- has been begun. Chappell of Coalville and Andrew PeterJames Fowler stiff" has some good, iiower on Tuesday afternoon. son of this place were the seakers. The Amarican Fork creamery wae clean seed oats for sale, and can be seen sion Monthly Iasi, Mayor Fad.lies in the A few of our young folk went to Park add four members of the ronncil burglarized this week. chair in CAville often. very HlllTSVIUE. Event of the Week From Nearly City on Wednesday to take m the TIi? little sonof 8, W.Chipman was Mr. lewis, the photographer, has present. Every Ten a In Huunll County - H bat circus. iloiievuiK, Utah, May After prayer by Counulman Wilson, drowned In this place tbs at American Fork Saturday. bees He : Times week. Editor The Ttmev'i Keprreeotatlve Hate past Albert Miles, 'Mrs. R, N. Miles and tlie niinu'es of the April meeting were for Ala.v May fith. left The Cottonwood company will Found to Write About. Big old t sick. McMichael is on The Lake to bait Miss Ida Miles went very lady read and approved. furoiah electric light fur Salt Lake Georg Roberta and wife were called Moudav. Mr. Ltew art, principal teacher of our City. . mu allowed. to Huntsville May let to the eick bed of Ir. Hardy has taken charge of tho HAMAS. Mrs. L. J. Roundv and her daughter last school, left for his home Tuesday. bills The were allowed ; following kit sieter, Mrs. Barrows. Provo Insane asylum, and Dr. Pike haa Mr. Pettit of brass Creek was up to Maud hav gone to Jensen, Uintah Kama, Utah, Mav 6, lH'KJ. no Time Pub Co, yon tin I retiled. James Mrs. it of Burton : Timks Pound Editor Kaysville keeper, lemling eetray the sacrament meeting here on Sunday. county on a short visit. Wrlili. iutuber 213 31 ... , visiung friends and relatives. She Janie George Q. Cannon has retained from F Kippuu, labor ou dilewalk and bridge Jeee Jxcol of Heber City was lit Farm work is progressing between the Mr. C. W inters has the scarlet fever here lhj UO labor of oa the keiioti. IJ UO the east and savs the outlook is James t Hy guest rentetary Lythgoe. for the considerable Kamas laut Moudat Is plowing in his fatuilv but fortunately of a mild showers; there XL tSl i L Campbell, watermester aew railroad ie eweuurnging. The hire health of general the done be people to tv and A yet. sowing pe. SILLS RSFSBRKD. Traveling men for Clark, Eldredge this spring is quite poor. Ir. Hoemer Work on the Sanpete Valley The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Co., were m town this week. railway Bishop Sargent is erecting a hand- called to See four Tho bills were referred to is following Wedneslast progressing very rapidlv. The new patients Miss May Burhidge has gone to Wood- 1 'aimer died on May 1st and the ii.ncrai some picket fence in front of his resion claim and accounts: committee the day. grade has been finished between Chester wa held on Sunday afternoon. dence. land to stay for two or three weeks. labor ou aidvwalk and bridge f KiRpon,Coulry. M ts and Nepbi. Bearden returned borne last Thome. ffyrum u Jumre S Tear M the some-whbeen ! Your correspondent has The little gu of C. 11 Meet, while at We have very fine weather now and feeditir aud caring fur vac The jury in the Hat ken Sunday from Tooele county, where he W HreBranch, ii la under the weather for the past play II 23 bribery case , fell and broke ber arm. Dr. the farmer have got in most of the been sheep shearing for tbe last six City has official dull 13 SO at Salt Lake disagreed after being out readers will not be lloemer was called and reduced the hence week, your crop. weeks. Tbe reports of fhe City Treeeurer snd twenty hours. Seven were for convicafflicted with much liom this place this fracture. C. W, Mis Nell Carter of St. George is in tion and one for acquittal. Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Phillips are City Marshal were read and accepted. week. W AH A ITCH Kamas. Nhe is cook at J. W. Carpenters Communication were read low from Gov. Wells has but reported very at this writing, appointed J. S. Peery Ralph Maxwell has gone to 8alt Lake hotel. Wahsatvh, Utah, May 7, 1896. and withdrawJones still there J. J. of are for Snyder Ogden to the position on the Board of good prospects see about commencing work on the Editor Times : to J. W. Carpenter hag concluded that ing their applications for appointment Industrial School Commissioners made " change for tbe better. of the railroad. Mrs. J. S. Bull was sick for several card tables dont pay, so he only has a grade vacant by tbe refusal to act of Prof. T. B. Attorney. aaCity It Is impossible to find a lazy man or committee ike The on ef license recomweek is the but pool table. Lewis. days early part or in able to work anyone that is KOCKFOHT boy mended that the request of James Liv Mrs. Alice Simpsons little baby, who the ia that place. to Re epokt, Utah, May 7, 1896. Everybody busy IuSalina late frosts killed all the has been very sick, is some better. It The season is reported as having keen one dont know w hat to do first. tey for a free peddling license be granted blossom such at plums, Editor Times; early six haa the whooping cough. which for was done. apricots months, very severe on sheep, which are conAmos Dearden met with a very pain and teaches. Apple trees arm now in There are a number of new arrivals in Win. Coesey has been very sick for sequently in bad condition. Tbe committee on street ajlys and ful accident Friday, May let. Il was bloom and there ie prospects of good town, some looking for wort and eoine several day. The branch store of the llopkin com- riding home from work when bis horse bridges recommended that tbe petition crop of that kind of fruit. Lord families coming here to live. of be John net Lorenzo Clark of emit Lake is here to pany has Opened up for iheir granted, and the The - home re customary became uncontrollable. Edward E. Clark, superintendent and waa accepted. Mrs. Lucy Pack was proprietress of the assist R. Sidcfoway to erect a new resiport in trade, a George Oleoa in charge. spring the and fell whevlrut on stepped Kansas House the two days that Aunt dence. The committee on claims and accounts pait owner ot the Eagle mineat Mercnr, A. A. Perry kas been transferred to .riders legs, which caused hint considerRuth attended conference at War.hhip. reported progress on the Marshal Jan died at tbe Walker house Salt Lake at Mrs. Annie Salmon of Coalville was Hilliard, his old office, the llillurfd sta- able pain lor a lew days. 9 :35 oclock Friday Wiles A Johnson have been in tows the bill. ereniag, his sorrownary guest of Mrs. F. A. Hortin last tion haing been reopened for business., Mr. John wife and children being at his homo our inventor, Jones, motion ing last three On ol the Councilman the days repairing sewing week. Wright , William Moss, the Davis county sheep has bolted two plows together and is salary of the City Treasurer wsa fixed at machines. They went to Park Citv Miss Hattie Malin has returned from owner, waa here the latter part of the successfully plowing old stubble land 150 per year, Information comes from Preston that where she has been visiting week looking after his Salt Lake, itself of holimotion J. L. Hoyden was ap- there haa been first . On large sheep in- and breaking lucera with them, The May proved a rich strike in silver ore, relatives. terests. , only requites one man to bold t.iem pointed City Aiterney and tbe salary running over 600 ounces day in this vicinity. Some ni the hoodto the ton, near I do not know whose fault it is that lums got. drunk and have Ween in thdt Thomas Jones, the Utah sheep John Is a great schemer to get through was fixed at 50 per year. that and that there is great explace, the Itockport news is dated 1986 so owner, was here the first of the week his bard work, if horseflesh can possibly ", On motion Dr. J. K. llosmer was ap citement and condition ever since. many locations in conse. G.F. pointed to fill ths vacancy on the Board quence. Logan Republican. Bishop S. F. Atwood and wife, Sisters often of late. getting his herds separated and in shape doit. ol Health duringthe absence of the City Roth Pack, Celeslia Pack and C. D. Elders Ralph Maxwell and Frank toy the lambing season lg Silver Halt. The Richfield extentioo ol tbe Rio Burbidge attended the Relief Society Marchant of Peoa were the speakers at Physician. The adoption of the bounty law is en6. to the Returns Ottumwa, May la., Grande Western is making big headway. ' and Ton ng Ladies conference at '.Van the services on Sunday. On request of tbe City Sexton. 150 couraging to all, especially the boys. office of Secretary Welsh of the Demoforce The is kept busy at work seven of Pertonshaving items of news which TirachaaCe are now that the squirrel cratic Butte central committee show feet hose was ordered purchased for days In the week, and the track - ship. hae nee in tbe II. Koyle, the barber, returned last would be of general interest will confer nusiance will be abated cemetery. that twenty-thre- e county conventions rapidly. " been laid to a point within seven miles two hand On were rail e, motion, evening from Charleston, where he has a favor by leaving the same at the Quite a number of sheep owners of the have been held in Iowa. These coun- ordered of that city. been for three er four daya. He brought put on the north end of the new western ranges had to ship their sheep ties bad a representation of 244 in tbs with him a raceherse with which to beat foot bridge. Hoa. George 0. Chase di-- d at his Mr. sBd Mr. Henry .Wilde and Mr. to W ahialch en account of the irn Marshalltown convention last yeartml Franklin on t QjQjjfttggtiJA jrwfo tftlsw.wfteewsww the county. Mrg. bout was, motion, grann iff 2. will at a voting etrength of and Mrs. W. E. Chappell of Coalville peverished condition of tlieir flocks, t The party last evening was very welt earns at Dubuque. In a Tree peddling ihense for six moLlhs.' at 6 o'clock. Mr. Chase was taken down convention the of Mrs. cewug funeral ' attend the to The season (for this time of year) is tip Tbe Council then adjourned ; benedic- with pheumonia nine c""- altended,Tor alTjt rained snd the wind 1896 at Marshalltown 105 votes were days ago. He CockerilL very backward. The new grass is eery tion was 04 year of age uml has by Councilman Wright. "blew very hard. The Walker hand for free silver and 1.19 .for gold. spent many wae quite low in making its sppearance to tht cast dance The evening Friday furnished of bis life In Utah. Herald. the nnir and everyone years will east at Dobuque, if delegate They ladies ot up discouragement of stock owners. SheepWEEKLY REVIEW. seemed to be having a very enjoyable well attended. The young the instructions of their county F . Hamilton, the embezzling post- an icecream enpper for the benefit of men, especially, are anxious on account obey time. conventioss, 143 for free silver and Tit Duels of the Week SsReperled b, master wf Verna! has been sentenced to to of slow the of was the a which the band snd are the growth grass surprise J. A. Merchant of Peoa and Dan 1mm-belor gold. At Marshalltown the sixty-tw- o itrsdetreet's. two yeare imprisonment and te praying for warm days to send it came pay ef this place were to have been beys. e counties gave thirty-fou- r twenty-threfine of 62,748, the amount of his embex is less Theie B. relatively improvement Alfred snd Dsvid SeamoHscame home op, home missionaries at Kamas last Sunmajority against free coinage. At in general trade this week, the present xlement, in addition to the embazrled ECHO. day, but did not occupy any of the time, from Provo on Monday to attend the ( hey will cast a silver majority Dubuque char-acle-r. amount, which haa been replaced. ' Mrs. partaking of a between-season- a owing to Pres. Cluff and others being funeral of tbeir grandmother, of eighty-tme- . These counties in 1895 Echo, Utah, May 7, 1896. Wholesale in merchants Mias Sadie staple In a week or two the usual sights will Sarah Cockerill, as also did Editor Times : present. Constituted 22 per cent of tho total vot- lines in maay instances look ahead with be seen on our streets of a A curious thing happened ts Kamss Blake of Center Ward. morning, that of Marshalltown the stormed in Echo.' ing strength Say, it eonfideace to tke autumn, and in such of a hostof little fellow with bncketa ia Wm. Blake of Center Ward, Mrs. M. 21 yesterday. The mail carrier forgot to 1896 iln constitute they pet departments as agricultural implements, hand Tbe sheep and squirrels are more tbeir to wending tke beet way bring the mail from the Park and did J. Wright of Nephi and Mrs. J. B. numeroua than silver dollars. of rest the total number of delegates at building materials and hardware there fields to thin out those important not discover it till he reached here at 5 Holladay of Saataquinwere called here n plants t ie same cou at the In i reported moderate revivalln de- which have made Lehf such a "John llopkin he opened bis store at Dubuque., busy and Marshalltown 43 per cent of their vote mand. p.m. a mistake that- may "cost more this week bytbe death of tbeir mother, Wahaatch, with George Olson as manprosperous place for tbe past five year. than a laugh before it is through Mrs. Sarah was cast for silver and 67 per rent for Bullish speculation in the New Yerk Lebi Banner. ager. new cornerstone of our The meeting will At 69 cast Mrs Gibbons, while returning home gold. Duhuque they per stock mat ket Is checked b)Tthe renewal Echo Tbe bouse was, laid and dedicated Monday from a free a give Debating Society cent for silver and 31 per cent for gold. of Mrs. George Wager, of the Seventh neighbors oa Friday night, fell gold shipments and the bull in tbe morning. A large crowd gathered to into a spring and was obliged to remain dance and show in Hopkin Hall May This shows conclusively that tbe State died Wedaesday morning after ward, caused events London in market, by bear the dedicatory prayer, which was until help came. Mrs. F. A. Hortin, 12th. will be for free silver, as the counties Seuth Africa. Declines are year of suffering. Funeral service over moderate, offered by Pres. W. W. CInff, after which Mrs. Wm. Bromley and Mrs. George yet to hold conventions are the anquet W. A. Smith and several others got into and traders, though expteting reaction, her remains were held ia the ward meethe encouraged all to go to work with the a creek the same waa dark so Bromley gave a select party to some of tioned silver counties. night. It act cautiously on tne bear side. Public ing house Thursday . Mrs. Wager wae epirit of unity and get the building com- that it was impossible to eee the read. tbeir friends on Wednesday evening. a good womaa and a faithful Latter-da- y ' Ayers Pills are recommended by lead lot erest i, however, splendiJ.and quo- Saint She leaves a husband pleted. residence of her daughter, The time was spent most pleasantly in and son to the at Died, of are the resalt professional Ward conference wae held here Sun ing physicians and druggeets, as the tations mourn her lost. Logan Republican. oa May 3rd, Mrs. singing, recitations and dancing, Tbe most Katie Mrs. Beamons, prompt and efficient remedy for arvvity. day afternoon. President W. W. Cl off, Sarah beloved wife of music was furnished by the Echo ElecEx port! of wheat ( beat Sour i Deluded ' Two contracts mere let by the Utah A Edmond Eldredge and W. H. Branch bilieusneee, nausea, ertetiveness. Indiget-tioBand. tric reThen most Suing dainty D. Cockerill .of Wanehip. Mra, as wheat) from both coast of th Doited Pacific Improvement company yesterof ths were present and addressed a large con W. sluggishness liver, jaundice, was burn in Nertk Moulton, freshments were served and yeuc cor- and sick headache Cockerill this sreck sre smaller than last day for wots en the Salt Lake" Pacific" States ; also, to relieve colds, gregationT Thefate manifesto was" rea in August, 1818; respondent did ample justice to them. Devonshire, to 1,260,000 bushels, which commences England, amounting week, and rheumatism.' fevers, neuralgia, and sai voted for unanimously, after morning. to Utah in 1866 and has re- Alf says he never misses the cake and 1,280,000 .brnhels Ust week, and The first contract awarded was to J. C. against which the names of the ward officers he came is when around. The it pie passed Bleli Idaho since until ever Hlsti the party totals between two and a half and three Watson A Bros, lor grading the first secwere presented by Pres. Cluff, which sided in Wanship w as gotten up in honor of Mrs. Marcia V II. five weeks, which were epent in Boise, Ida., May 5. last Rearing raillion bushels each in corresponding tion of the first thirty miles. The sec. were sustained with the unanimously Rock port. She leaves a husband, four Griggs, who is on a visit from Big Pmey. ton and Charles Crane of Salt Lake have weeks in three preceding years. In the ond went to Eli of not which was clear a Oppenshaw of Fanta-- q one, exception grand children Card playing was indulged in and J.E. purchased a group of claims In the Wil like week in 1S32 the total was 3,951,000 children, twenty-seve- n u in for 30,000 R. D. K. vote. a lie. earned away the booby prize low Creek district and let a nontract for children. She Bromley and filteen great-granbushels. " c The mining fever hae again broken out died as she bad lived, a faithful Latter and Fraak llopkin the bab) prize. the development of the propettv. They Weekly totals- - ol bua'nee failures in Vernal, and the armptoms are wae The funeral held Echo Kamas, Utah, May 5, 1696. will several The at Debating Society days there last week and throughout tbe United States, while give spent day Saint, becoming alarming. Win. McCatlin, John its Editor Times: exercises in 6th. on were with closing show May Hall, the greatly impressed llopkins Wanship averaging feaertbau in winks during The relatives feel very grateful to all Tuesday evening, May 12th. After a ing made. They do not hesitate to say the f.rt quarter of tbe year, still attract Pope ami others returned Sunday evenLast Tuesday the hospitable residence them in their selected program has been carried oat that they never before saw a district attention. The total number reported ing with samples ol ore which er saved of onr respected townspeople, Mr. and who were to kind K 8. the remainder of the evening-wi- ll be tbfo gve as much promise with the Is 21 Uhls w eekragitust 46lat week , 38 and 650 to tjbe ton in gold and they . 1. Rurbklge tbrew wide it trouble. claim they have plenty ol the ore in in The doors to welcome a goodly number of dancing. 179 spent society, under amount of work done. Wby," 200 i a the last week ol April, 189 WANSHIF. sight snd promise the Express plenty careful of the the who Mr. if had bidden management Wa that host was district Remington, principal by the guests in 1 i, and as compared with 248 in the to sav in 1896. 7, May Utah, Wajsship, regard to their rich discoveries of the Echo- school, Prof. 3, 8. Welch, tfoiorado there would be 10,000 men in and hostess to w itness the marriage of week of 1893. Business Times : in a couple of weexs. Vernal Editor of has one the Express. most successful iu HitwereiaUtah.it would have proveu their daughter, Hath, to Mr, Robert L, ia the Canadian Dominion numState Auditor we from here who Richards ever not have that had were in of The has nd be' would Missouri. There been bride organizations ' 47 many population Hale, last week, large King largely ber tins week, against asked to audit claim against the State our vicinity. From its commencement heralded as one of the mineral phe 30 in t e corresponding week one looked charming robed in a gown of took the circus In. year some eoft, creamy material tastefully Steve Daniels of big Finey has been to the close it has been instructive and a nomena of the tinges. If such a man as ago, 9 . to years ago. and 30 three years founded upon certificate isnied by the Court Commissioner of the Territory for wonderful helpto the young and old, G. II. Robinson could be indued to m trimmed with lace and orange blossoms. spending a few days with u. ' ' , and so exciting that "if not only called sped the district and makeareport upon jurors and witnesses fees, etc. Tliere an im- - The brass band played a number-- of , The ceremony was performed in Hevesae Rsrprleed. are about f 0000 of these certificate outout every person from our little hamlet, it u) the public press, there would at pressive manner by the father of the fine selections on the street Sunday. but many from pur neighboring towns. once be a great influx ol mining men made an VVvo., May 6. The news standing, and tbe Lyit-luturbrio. After the happy couple had reesne, Cl A ward priesthood meeting was held We are that the Treasury appropriation in that amount for their ceived the congratulations of relatives greatly indebted to Mr. Welch anxious to secure a foothold in a region receive I here on Sunday evening. The next ene will for the interest he has taken and There is no rea- department bad selected a site for the redemption, but the Auditor is not cerand friends a most bountiful feast was only of such great protni-- e. be held the first Snnday in June. hope that he can be persuaded to spend son w ny the district should not become proposed building in this city caused tain that it is his duty to allow them, nerved, to which ample justice waedone. lie will probably request the Attorney- Died, en Tuesday, Thomas Chrittian-- t thecouiiug season wuh our young peo-pi- famous, and it certainly will, for sooner About seventy-fiv- e guest were present great mirprme. Over thirty bide were e general dehiiityv.Tbe B in BBn r later tbe niining world will learn that submitted rirthw department several General togive him an opinion he young lady has the' no superior ameng the gold-bea- r subject. None ol tne bidders has it Kansas and a kost of friends, snd Mr. ld gentleman bas been ailing for some months sgo. HEWEFKR. n has had lo be supported by ing sections of the west. poeaUly the surceseful oce- f- knew King bat made many friends since he l'm BICKLKNS A KMC A SALVE " 1 He NEVER, Funeral Utah, May 7,1896r services and ward county. A highly important came to our beautiful mountain home.' the been has discovery of tbe visit of any representative of tbe The beet salve in the world for Cots." Times Editor made in the Hidden Treasure in Neal to examine the sites. Tbe Bruises. The presents comprised both the useful were held Thursday afternoon. department Sores, Hirers. Balt Rkrm, brewer Wm. Is still very ski district It has been found that there it site wleriediw owned by and ., ornamental and altogether tie Died, on Satorday night, the wife of Fever Litres. Tetter. bpned disease. a second ledge in the claim that is fully Carey, and consist of a half block lJJx Corns, and all Skin Eruptions,thtiq affair was a most enjoyable one. MaJ W. th CockerilL Mrs. Cockerill has Brights Cl,il- -' as and some blame, time be tbe She Dont future elecrich ef of ill for one before been quite the principal tbe as positively cures Piles, or past. surprised at the next it be an earnest original lode, and the 264 feet fronting en no pay required. It is guaranteed to give them. Mr. ad Mrs. King will be at wae Mopping with her daughter, Mrs. tion if llenefer doseut want tbe county or body is ever ten leet wide. The new treets of the city. The price bid is alsatisfaction or money refurAJed. perfect fo 150 of ber cat removed tnis end of fbe county ledge is feet sooth of and parallel most nominal ene for tbe property, be- Price 25 cents home to their friends at the Kama! Beamons, at Rockport at the time per box. For sale by - C. , death. Bho waa 78 years old and died The plant are partly drawn nt, and all with ths other. John Boyden & Son. House for the present. ing $11,000. COUNTY NEWS a fc v lhe-fee- p 3, y ..... at v l, h : i 6 i x to-da- i , post-offic- X ba -- - -- 1 P I rt t Blake-Cookeri- Blake-Cockeri- a, d Kinc-Berbtd- fdk - ' tij r. e to-da-y e. naany-relativ- U-jg- ea ei-ce- pt v( V - a. |