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Show t nrPTTT! Bf Taa Tma TIMES rnuxtaii Ooufast. VETERANS CORNER, Good UTAH. COALVILLE, The ray may prove the new be a marble heart wo-tn- aa short stories forthe OLD SOLDIERS. f Klghtftwaaaa Th Haiti TodaJ OM Wwj Li Oa st Aaaapoll Os th March la Tassa kppltai The heat corks come from Algeria. of cork foreeta hhanuaa There are Z.500,000 acre In that country,' BE YE STRONG, in an evil time, O be y strong '' and trpj For tbe night fore-me- n After thirty: year of aecrecy Keely la to have the motor patented. Look out for vibratory engine. r tho morn- 'bp Two thoueand bicycle were destroyed In a Itoaton conflagration the other day. Scorcher. Indeed. - The world didn't come to an end and neither ,dld the comet strike u. Thu It Is with many calaxultte that people foolishly anticipate. Oraada $ ing prime, And good is born anew: For tbe Mammonlte King would he " y , king The meanest that ever reigned! The souls of men are full of dismay. And the heart of tbs world 1 pained. to-da- In Mr. Astors case Lady Henry Somerset ha demonetrated that she 1 But right shall rule. In the evil day, Nor slacken Ilia guiding hand. "enough to make a man mad." while proving that ihe will not "drive him For God baa not cast His crown away. And tbe Root of the World shall mad." stand; Mr. John Jacob Astor. ha "aworn this year to the extent of a trifle over two million. . That' the kind of leap year John Jacob says It Js. off" paying-taxe- s ' Though the Mammonlte King would be king The meanest that ever reigned; The greater need for th strong to to-da- Py Where the weak and the poor are chained. With the approach of warm weather It doe seem a If Mayor 8utro was Then choose your stand. In the evil right when he said that Colli Hunttime, . would not ington carry away anybody O choose, and never fall! red-hstove. For Courage la noble, and Truth sublime. Bismarck Is superstitious, but we are Whichever king may prevail: I not likely to bear that he keeping the Mammonlte King will be any extra number of black cat In order Though king te Insure tbe success of the young EmThe meanest that ever reigned, . peror new navy. His scepter and throne shall be swept away The weather bureau service costs the By tha King he hsa long disdained. government $900,000 n yer. Of course. It la a good thing, but It sometime O be ye strong In an evil time; teems a If we ought to get better O be ye strong and true! weather for the price. If our be the battle wljh Cura Crime, It le perplexing to learn that the Why, then, th attack renew," Turkish Government has promised For tbe Mammonlte King would be king r, safety to Americans until Minister Terrell returns from his trip to the United The meanest that ever State. Why should th promise not Tbe Just mans right he baareigned; taken away, continue after that? Tbe heart of the world be has pained. The Tennessee centennial exposition AppwlataienU s Ssaapalla. to be held In Nashville next fall, while I cannot but feel that while nothing celebrating the 100th anniversary of th too much baa been done for the Imadmission of th state Into the union, provement of tbe material condition of will be national and International in Its th navy, too little attention has been character. Every atate and foreign given to what, after all, mut be th Is Invited and to take part, country main arm of attack, th main bulwark every Inducement is offered them" for of defense, cays a writer In Harper' the making of exhibits and the erection Magaxine. It hardly need to be added of special buildings. that th reference la her to the character of tbe officer. Ships, armor-plat- e, Recently n newspaper is Louisville artillery, are not merely Important, published the pictures of sever! young they are absolutely essential, but, other lady clerka. A wealthy young man waa things being equal. It la the men behind Verjrmecir taken with the face of on hm wim will vtoeid wfceUtwr viator of them, and lost no Urns (knowing that or defeat II In the scales. For (he sedelays are dangerous) In obtaining an curing of these men for the navy and Introduction. It la now announced by the statement la equally true of the telegraph that "the parenta of the army the country not only employes young lady have found that be will tbe clumsiest method conceivable, but make a desirable husband and have also hedges it about with such restricconsented to the match." Girls, get tion as to make It even worse In practice than It la In theory. your pictures In the paper. The apportionment system, when perverted to purposes for which It la not Some idea of the terrors of a bursting volcano may be gained from the fitted. Is bad enough In any caae, but account of tbe last eruption In Hawaii. its moat baneful results are seen In the Tbe .crater of the volcano waa filled method of manning th army and navy. from $00 to 1,000 feet deep with molten The present practice la based upon the lava, which finally forced Its way apparent belief that the military and through a subterranean paaaage. It naval talent o i th country exists In th ( waa forty ml lea from there to the sea, ratio of on man to n congressional diyet this avalancheof motten rocki strict Purporting to be democratic. It reached the waters In less Jthan two la sasentlally ths opposite. It Is obvious days, destroying every tiring In Its that the only sensible and fair way la track. It continued flowing for three to offer ths advantages of both Instituweeks, heating the sen water twenty tions to every one, regardless of his birth er birthplace, who Is desirous of miles from a bore. availing himself of them. The number of accepted can be re In -- 891 the legislature of Nebraska strlcted to any extent thought desirable, passed a law forbidding the ownership f rest property In that atate by any though there can be little question that, ha it la now. It should be sensibly encorporation not Incorporated under' larged, With this limitation th choice state laws, and ordering all property can be confined to those who are .best o hgld forfeited to the state. The first fitted or who most promise. It suit under the law has been brought these exhibit display on trial the capacity to Waand Land Platte North the against the jmslttons they have secured, let ter company. a corporstlou whose hold them keep them, whether they all come stockholders are principally Englishfrom Maine or Kansas or California. men, and which ban not a Nebraska A a matter of fact, th experience of hold about charter. This company our chowe that at no time would acres ef valuable land, and before therecolleges be tny essential difference la th they giro It up the supreme court of representation of different parts ct the be the United States will probably country. Even were this so, th nation asked to rule on the validity of this would be certain of obtalntng tho serNebraska law. vices of tbe very persons who have a natural taste or aptitude for th naval A floating mining camp la now being or the military profession. No country fitted np at Elleusburg. Wash., and next but on under (be domination of the spring will ply up and down the Snake representative system run mad would river. The camp will be perfectly ap- tolerate such a method as prevails with pointed in every way with a full bat- us of selecting officer for its army sod tery of mining appliances and Quarter navy. for th miners. It Is being constructed '1 on an Immense flatbottomed boat esOld tll.e, I.lvaa O A On the pecially built for that purpose. It 1 a question which no one tan boat is a big stationary englnw and answer what become or th flag which boiler, dredgers and pump, of varlotm fly ,fter ,egslon over tbe two j howi of stwe, and all the PPlUneea for exU-actconcrMg My h WlKhtng. ton Star. The life of a flag exposed at lng gold, end a boarding and lodm least at accommodate house that will tuch height to the uttering wind ISO miners. The camp Is an experiment cannot be long. Every now naturally by a Chicago syndicate, and It will be and then after a storm a great rent t moved up and down the river, working een In old glory" as It proclaims from the bank and bed of the stream tor tbe housetop that our statesmen are degold. liberating Sometimes tbe. edges only are frayed. Sometimes a stripe is gone A wealthy Japanese gentleman whe er perhaps half the store may be torn came to this country n few weeks age away. Then In a day or two itflie -to study itretvlllzation has aeen one again with all its stripes and Its store, lynching, watched n football game, at- as if it hod never suffered by the storm. tended a meeting of tbe Chicago City I asked what became Of the old flags Council, witnessed an afternoon ses- Nobody knew. sion of th Kentucky Legislature, and What do you do with them? then started back to Japan. Nothing They are the same (lags that is. have not parted. there The Be Castellan are no new ones. The old flags Tbe controversy between George Gould are simply mended. There is a patriotic nnd the New York tax department over poem In this. "Old gtcry" has a perthe size of the estate has been explained petual life that L. "oil that presatisfactorily, doubtless, te Mr. Gould's side over the capliol, glory" When a stripe tro.tLrr-ia-laFrench J blows away a new on Is put tn tut lilac and the earns old Pea L nulled ot to-da- y, to-da- SO,-0- 00 ' - Jt 1 t 1 the bin field and to the hd- - THt Star that are gone they r reproduced.. If only a rent It is darned a bold It 1 patched Then another INTERESTING . CHAPTERS FOR OUR RURAL READERS. stripe goes and a new one I added. So on, tbe old portions are blown away, tbe newer Standing until the new beepmf tbe old In turn and tears away, and in Hw FaecMsfal Ztrain Optnli Tfela endless evolution (he old flag lives on. Dtjananl f th hra-- A Huts ft tft, thft (trft ftf LI Stock It la always tbe same flag, but from year ad Foolery. to year Its entire texture is changed and the small blta are blown away by the triads and other small blta take their N England, as In 0,d place. There la no .graveyard the United States, glory. It baa perpetual life. No ode there is a continual can tell when the flag which floats over warfare carried on the senate waa bought. It is .till a perbetween tbe mak- no hut fect Hag. part of whatj as. first era sad seller &f dawn itf'tlfe' masthead la now in butter DAIRY AND POULTRY. 1 ;Jt r fr Os tbe March In True costs tho government no more to small bodies keep troops In the field-Ithan to maintain them in garrison: it Induces Interest In the profession, gains It and the pure seller of margarine. Most of the Utter material Is Imported from Holland. In a recent Investigation a commit by tee of the house of commons, one of tBe big Importers of margarine was examined. He told the committee that himself and his associates were opposed to the selling of margarine for butter. They had. however, found that the local officers would not enforce the law against such sales. He and hla associates had therefore begun prosecutions against offenders, and bad already convicted some dozen men In the local courts. He described the efforts of an honest tradesmen to prevent hla competitors from aelling margarine and margarine mixtures for butter. Said tradesman had purchased a grocer's stock and with It had found a large quantity of margarine. The clerk told him that the former proprietor had been selllDg it for shilling butter and that ho might as well do the same thing. He refused to touch It. His competitors continuing to sell, aa described, he secured samples of their goods and called In the Inspector. The latter informed him that if he would attend to his own business and let the doings of other people alone, be would be all right Tbe only way the law could be enforced, declared the margarine Importer, was to have- - national Inspectors who should pass from place to place, aui who would not be affected by private and local Interests. of September, seven months, ahe laid 144 eggs, by actual county I also had a pen of three pullets and a hen of the asm breed. I kept a record of this pen for eleven Extreme tired leellng sflUcts nearly everymonth. In that time the four birds st this seaaon. Ths hustlers eresa t laid 561 eggs and each one of tbe fowls body th tireless grow weary, tbe enerpush, raised a brood of chickens within that getic become enervated. You knew Jurt J. R. Sheoffer. time. What we Often. Some men and women Da via County. Iowa. endeavor temporarily to overcome that (The above la an excellent letter. The five fowls spoken of made good records, for high record are much e. more uncommon than most people Ed. F. R.) Feeling by great force of wilL But this Air for th Coi Is unsafe, ts it pulls powerfully upon the some time nervous system, --which will not lung stand gsverB-saent work oa ago took up the matter of the proper such strain. Too many people supply of air to cowa. It is regarded tbeir nerves," and t be result is seen in unaa part of the work of the public health fortunate wrecks marked nervous prosofficers to inspect all barn and tee tration," In every direction. That tired either that the buildings are well ventilated or that they are large enough to permit of being shut for some hours without detriment to the health of the cows. It Is said that the execution of tbe law baa occasioned a great deal of lng is a positive proof of thin, weak, Imof friction In the country district pure blood ; for, If the blood la rictJ red, England. The medical officers make vitalized and vigoroui. lt Impart life and specifications as to how a barn shall energy to every nerve, organ and tissue be ventilated, or In the absence of venof the body. Tbe necessity of taking tilation how many cubic feet of air Hoods Sarsaparilla for that tired feeling may be given to each animal. Most of la, therefore, apparent to every one, and the barns are found to fall far below tbe good it will do pu is equally beyond the requirement. It la very likely question. Remember that that Investigation would show the same condition of things to exist in this country, though in a less degree. In fact, seme of our barns are so poorly built that they need neither ventilators nor air space, since the air has free Ingress and egress through the cracks between the boards. To such Is the One True Blood Purifler. All druggists. i. as have tight barns tbe question Is Prepared only by C. L Hood A Co., Lowell. Mast. two mentioned, Of the ways pertinent are easy to take, giving the cows more breathing space flOOU S PillS to operate. 23 cents.easy would appear better than to ventilate, since by the former method all drafts The Greatest fledical Discovery may be shut off. yhen an animal is of the Age. not in tbe best of condition, a draft of cold air too frequently proves the beginning of serious and sometimes fatal disorders. till the first Xhe-.&g!4- them experience in taking care of themselves and fits the' soldier mind to the Idea that he must be able to live In a state of nature and not n a large hotel like man with money and tbe gout, says Harpers Weekly. These practice marches are much Indulged la nowadays by the regular troops. Two companies of the 23d Infantry, under Cap'-Le- a Feblger, marched from Fort Clark to the East Nuces rlver.' ln Texas, last October. Their orders were for the officers and men (o carry the usual field order, exequipment cepting knnpsacka. Three days rations were carried by the men In haversacks, while the blanket rolls contained change of underclothing and shelter tenL "The command not having transportation of any kind on tbe march, should It become necessary to communicate with the post for any purpose whatever, may do so by bicycles, tbe use of which on the march by enlisted men owning them la hereby authorized," say the orders. The report of Capt. Feblger says: "Each officer and man carried three day' field rations, the fresh vegetable portion being optional, which lu Mutually Interested. all cases was greatly reduced, and even The creamery man is interested in more so on the second day out; haverthe welfare of his patrons, whether he sack, caatpen pud blanket roll, the last realizes It or noL That la. their Interconsisting of one shelter half (new patests are so woven together that what tern) and pins, one blanket, change of hurts one hurts tbe other. Too often flanunderclothing, blouse (marched la the idea gets Into the head of the mannel shirts), one pair of socks, towel, flood Hec Koported ager of tbe atock creamery that hla soap-etc- ., and the additional rations concern is to get his patrons to chief e been have I thirty-fivFor year that the haversack would not hold as cheaply as possible. (about one days) and tbelr respective breeding poultry. During that time I sell him milk anna and belts. The total weight of the pack averaged about forty pounds, when A HORSE OF 600 YEARS AGO. not wet, divided aa follows: Haver8 sack, packed, pounds; canteen, filled, and cup, 4 pounds; cartridge belt and ten rounds, I 4 pounds; rifle, 9 3 pounds; blanket roll, 19 pounds. All officers and meo did their own cooking in meat ration can and cap. "Four privates and one musician, with Corporal Reeves In charge, constituted the bicycle eorpe, carrying their on the haversacks and blanket-roll-s handlebars, and rifles strapped to the frame. They constituted faliy bn the march the advance guard and were ready for use aa messengers and couriers. Two of the machines, being second-hand, very old and worn, gave out on tbe march ; the other ftur came successfully through, 'thougl not of the moat expensive pattern." So much for heavy-marchi- 3-- m bicycles. "There were numerous complaints of the government shoe, an! they wore much wore than those ptrehased outside. The tew shelter tout with the elongated rear end waa very satisfactory, except that It la far from rainproof In anything like n heavy shower. Indeed, no tent Is proof, for that matter. "Th haversacks were rendered completely unlit ' for garrison Inspection purposes, on account of the grease from the bacon carried In them." And In conclusion the captain says that "both officers and men appreciated and bav been benefited by the experience." Uftw. Ihftrni'i mm hi Sarsaparilla u KENNEDYS MEDICAL DISCOVERY. DOKALD KENNEDY, OF ROXBQRY, MASS., Has discovered in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor). He has now in bis possession over two hundred certificates of its value, ill within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the right quantity; is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking it Read the label. If the stomach is foul or bilious it will Ouse squeamish feelings at first No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you can get, and enough of it Dose, one tablespoonful In water at bedtime. Sold by ail Druggists. CUMLASH 1 SMOKING TOBACCO, 2 oz. for S Cents. CUMLASH! Here Is the picture of the greatwhite horse of Northern Europe as he existed nearly 500 rear ago. Thla la reproduced from an engraving of a picture by Albert Durer, and bear date of 1505. Thla waa painted 13 years after Christopher Columbus discovered America, OrudMs. have bred Langshana, Light Brahmas, White Cochine. Partridge Cochin. Buff Cochins, Silver Spsngled Hamburg. Sherman Thorndike Is a Rose and Single Comb Brown Legvery promising young gentleman, horns, White and Barred Plymouth till In kilts, but possessed of n re- Rocks, and am now breeding Buff Comarkable plainness)! jpeech jndnot chins. White nnA Btfrred Plymouth at nil Inclined t lisp or use any baby- Rocks.-F- or town l thlnlr the Buff Coish circumlocutions when he marches chins are the best breed; for the farm upon any difficulty. His mind has been the Barred Plymouth Roclfc are th the battlefield of a problem, evidently, beet of late. He has been assailed la his I have four poultry houses, each mind even In hla nursery and he put 10x30 feet. S feet In front and 5 the question to the touch the other day In the beck, with high a shed root. They In prompt military fashion, determined are warm houses, with aash winto possess himself of an unprejudiced dow good, In front In my winter feeding. outside opinion, entirely uninfluenced I usually take equal part of bran and He ap- shorts, and sometimes mix corn meal by parental or nurse's notion peared beside hla mother, Gen. Sher- with it Sometimes I add chopped man's daughter. In her drawing room oats. I etlr It all up dry and pour hot while a visitor waa present find ex- water en It I atlr It' well after that changed courtesies of Introduction po- and let It stand about an hour before litely, with a manner most distin- feeding. Thla Is for breakfast T also guished tor Infantry, Shermaq sat re- sometimes feed wheat At night I teed garding the visitor. In silence for a whole corn. fe moments. then he leaned a little Our market bere Is usually - good. forward and with the distinctness There Is a cold storage firm her that of a diplomat enunciated hie question: ships to Boston, and another firm that "Should you be mad at me if you saw ships both live and dressed poultry. me suck ray thumb?" Boaton TranI get a fair supply of eggs In winter. I had last year 55 hen. and from these script. I got from January 1sC1S95. to JanuHa Move Klftftlaf There ary 1st 1896, 4.878 eggs, and raised It has hitherto been the custom of the 300 chickens by hena. I have lost children attending the public school of ! more fowls from roup and cholera (or Austria and Hungary to kiss the hand Indigestion) than from any other cans. I think mere fowls die from Indlf- tlon than from cholera. In raising ! der from the Imperial board of educa- - brooda my. chief troubles have been in tlon. Which bases Tts action on the tact the chicks having bowel troubtsnnd Infested with lice. that sanitary Investigation has shown I sometimes doctor the hena but It that kissing Is unhealthy and should not be practiced when absolutely un- Is easier to keep them well than to cur them after they are rick. Give necessary, them plenty of exercise and good, dry roosting places, a have a new breed Ahaarri Mistake- developed myself. They are a rose-co"Marla!" he said nervously, Barred Plymou.'h Rocks. I bate sat straight rp in bed. "theres of ttato breed that began laya pullet In the house!" ing In October, 1894. and kept up lay"William," she responded, "you are ing an egg every day till along into Very er,!;,.. Thcve arc ter bloomer February. Then I commenced to keep tBrs'cs tier the back of a chair. a record of how many eggs she would tt tvlnn Sia lay. From the. first of Fcbru.tryJ.S2i Gen. Sherman hat n grandson and namesake In Boston. William eh 5 -- Toi Fed aup-poe- - SO years beforetbe settlement of SL Augustine in Florida, and 115 years before the Pilgrim Fathers set foot on the shores of New England. Thla great white horse was the one ridden by the knights of that day In those countries. CHEROOTS 3 for 5 Cento. Give n Good, Mellow, Healthy, Pleasant Smoke. Try Them. ITOI 1 00. TOBACCO WORD, hrtta, 1 CL f f t f Hers your Denver (rain t the Burlingtons "Denver which leave Limited, Omaha at 4:85 p. ra. daily, reaching Denver at 7 :30 th next morning. and he does not care whether the patrons make money or noL In the end this course must be disastrous to the Fastest and most comcreamery Itself. Aa the patrons find fortable train let ween the out they are making little money they Missouri River and the decrease the number of their cows, or Rocky Mountains. go out of the business altogether. Throueh sleepers cbalr . It Is to the Interest of the creamery car Diner. d, that a large quantity of milk be and the rfdher It la, the less will Tickets and full informabe the loss In separating. It therefore tion on application to the becomes advisable for the creamery local agent or by addressing manager to have a friendly interest In the cows of his patrons. If he be ambitious enough he will stir up his pa- J. FaAxna, On'l I aar Agt, Omaha, Nab. trons to test their cows and do away with the poor stock. Probably there WHAT IS AUBASTINE? are a great many cowa In the list of A pur, permanent a&4 artfatle vail eeatfef nearly every .creamery! that would ready tot tbe bruah by ipixing m cold natar. a of. yield profit by being disposed F0 SALE tt FAINT DEALERS EVERYWHERE. tap-plie- abowtog tt renir Rock arat Ire free! ataoenv lahastine one meotiooinc this paper A Tint Card A Dairy KoIm. Is It a fact that It costs $35 per "yew to keep a cow In feed alone? Is better to test the cows before you buy them than afterward. Look to tbe condition of the cows about to calve. It is better not to have them too faL Do you know just what each cow of your herd to doing, or just how much milk and butter ahe can produce la a It year?-- - 8011 deeirable tints. ALABASTIhE CO.. Grand Rapids, Mich. IRON AND WOOD weupae and Fstitnnk Vna4 nulls lowers, Tasks Iiriira-UOn tllta, Iloftft. BftiUna. Grind!! bcllem. Wend ftftws Oriv Feints, Ftttlnrs Brau Goma andlire, ralrkailft ikreles. Pnm taadsrd low Get tbe bets Bead luf on PUMPS OF ALL KJNkS, Cfttaoaat. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., - 1102 FarnemSt. Omaha, Nob. er ARkERS The man that begins to keep n strict HAIR -- BALSAM book account of all things la the man ' ? - hxniH frovfh. that has Improved his chances of sucFiili to $aton 0r Hb3f to ito Toitihut cess In the dairy. Color. fliwro Cora A The old idea that Ignorance and dal- iMjHihBii JVwrref npthcT ts explod! ed If itTlng any part of the farm work need UNBSEY.OMAHJU RUBBERS' euce. It ia the dairy. vHh Some of our beet dairymen advocate If uro owk. uq j Thompson Ej Pater. having thetr heifere drop their first calves at two years of age. What is OMAHA-141IV. N. U., 895 tbe opinion of our readers on that When writing to advertirere, kindly , , point? mention this paper. Although U is hard to fatten n cow during the milking period, it should .w-- .i be attempted whenever the cow Is to Vin. 1 ' be sold for beef after ehe runs ity lu I Best hyrufk.ra.eA tV'.VL' Use j Some cows will lay on fat even wheO fi? ?m J hr Jn)C3rrwt, they are giving mtik. provided ore fed all the fattening food they caai - t.srr t-- dwggfi ta e 14 |