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Show V y COALVILLE TIMES; OOALY1IXK. FRIDAY, tlllTI AJ Far Wa. IM , U6, Vo .. cur 11 Iro amp mu Amiv O.X,Wv L E.K Ik. I. lul iallurUnl rn - P Ilk. CrwfoiliU Ml 'u 4,T - , - Tl- Vaaklrh Ororxn . W H. I'tiarlr John A v ( f Wt lark i.iiia j. Bnir.in loMh A kail A In loinlou Au swrarlum A W . . SuapJ, OF lyi, Iltvurv fAUlAO tcfca C;ika on an U . . . ladianyon, V . L. . o. UHaui Hrewar . AU A.hlr Ohurcl) Directory MAIM. LATT-DA- MrTiMi--Kvcr- Wash ttecntvieNT Semlay, at 2 p. m.-- F. are pleased to not that he is much He will not again go out oa his with rancn family creek Yellow tha ss soon as be is in good health again. The' -- New West school with their teacher, Miss F. E. Baker, took their baskets filled with eatabes and spent very pleasantly Thursday afternoon under the big ledge of rocks. George Edgingtoil has changed the complexion of his hou-- e apd.froot fence ty painting it pea green. It ''improves its appearance materially. The house has also been repsired and thoroughly renwkbcd- - - , "T. The official colors of the Pioneer Jubilee will tie sage green, yellow and red the sage green bein' typical of the sage brush so plentiful in Utah, the yellow ol the sunflower, snd the revFof the know n as the lud.ans footnill bloi-sopaint bush. Mrs. Jsne Griffiths, an old and much respected citizen ot hny derville, died at her home at 11 oclock Sunday. The lady was not exactly a pioneer, butiauie very near being on that list. She was few months after born at Salt Lsjy! the pioneers pitched their tents there. improved in health. return toParkCdy, but will , Xn. Ruib Optus laraaa CrevX Kraek-- U0.m i Hoyunula r ,. scuo. N Vakha) fcvm oak port- -. vanahit, 187 Hntnie of Mint ro COIITIUJ i Atmr A PKlLlfi, sre y II. W right, Prc. Every Sunday at 8aath 10 . in. lie. Beard, 8upt. JUst Sunday Famt MrrxiMi-Ev- ery at 2 p. m Bishop. f tne Gsmlsvi. FiuesrHnnii Mietiso Ward. First Sunday of each month at Watemiaster Campbell his posted notices informing all owners of water ditches to clean them out on or before April 281 h. We nope the order will be oteved in every instance, and that not a ditch will be left uncleaned to breed di4p. m Klrdiop. . Avnww Pwsatiiooo Mkktim. Every sease in the lominuuitv Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. Bndiop. Born, in Park City, Sunday, to the first wife of Brig Snyder a daughter. In Mmtimi SociKTi Every IteukK Tim red y at 2 p. iu., in Academy Huild-in-- consequence of tins, Attorney Plain vn k lizateth Lusty, Pres. of Coalville has changed his ' Y. M. M. I. A. Mr mvoa Every Sun-da- y Snyder will and added another clause thereto. at 7 .30 p. m. H. 15. Copley, Pres. Bismarck prose Vo distribute V. L. M. I. A. MttKTixus Every Monhis accumulations tqually among his day at 7 :30 p. ui. Eliza Barber, lre. nephew a ami nicies. Every Irld y at Ikimaky Mb Messrs. McGinnis and Welter of Og4150 p. m.t in Academy Building, den were ill Coalville Monday ol atMaggie Salmon, Free, a meeting of the directors of I he tend at ('hoik Fa vcTicK Every Thnrday V. 7 :30 p. in, J . Nnuetei, 1hornter' .summit Mining Company. They d elded to buy up a mini tier of share-o- f OoMUBBO VTIONAL l III K II. the capital stix k In older to Preachtng service every , second Sun- push development work ard purchase Sunday School every machinery. The mines are located in day eve-m- g. Sunday at 2:30 p. in. BeaverCreek. -- - Mrs, Elijah Swainston gave a very pleasant birthday parly ton few friends Wednesday night, who were rigtit royally entertained. Mrs Swainston was 38 years of age on that date. Social conversation, games, music, and excellent refreshments made up a program that as thoroughly enjoyed by the company. It 'was I oclock when the guests re!n"tanlly took their departure, wishing Mrs. S. many more such anniversaries. Im)rofmati. Thk Ttwts is more than glad Vo note tbe imptovetm,nts that are well nndjr way n and about Coalville. The new walk to the couithonsa is nearly finished, and is s creditable piece of work. Messrs. Algixxl, Hancock and ltecs LOCAL BREVITIES. have pearly completed tber snbBtantial f otbridge and walk across the Weber, which by the way, is nearly large Panes In tits I. 0,0, F, Hall tonight. enough for a wagon bridge, and buiit to Ward conference next Sunday, Every- stay. Gomor Thomas has almo-- t completed body invited. work of grading the knoll oil' the the House cleaning, seed planting and oiirthouse lull, the ditches are being bicycles are the order of the day. put in repair, jd tux woik is under Tliers is more activity in cleaning up way, and altogether, a great deal is . pre uises this eeaon than for year. being accomplished. The weather vlcrk has res.gmd, and Uetverl the tUritBM Ills succcsirJliMitttrtingjnff with a good A vmik agoTtrc Trwmt mentioued the record. fact that Nheritl I.ind-.i- v of 81111)11111 The goods of tbe Hopkin Mercantile and Sheriff Abbott of l,nis county Co., E. ho, will lie sold at Micrnls sale passed through t'oiijville rnud iv, but that we could not then stale their mission. of Orson Born, Friday last, to the wife We have since learned that they were Arnold, a boy. Mother and child doing after some four sets of harness that had well. .This makes boy No. 0, teen stolen from Bp. Seerist of Farm Verily, Coalville is fust becoming a iugton. lnetfoilitan tow n. The festive scissors The harness had lieen shipped from grinder has made his appearance. ttgden to Coalville as housetmld goo Is The rejKirt of the sail event of Fred- and consigned to parties who are urn rick Meadows, one ot our test young known here, and supposed to te liett-tienames. The propertyjwas rejdev men, has cast a gloom over the entire lued ami returned to its owner at once. of etth nient, says Bp. John Clark Up tBr Mitchell of the Cash Bargain Store has Added liirywles to his stock. He is agent for the Century,' a hfch gra te wheel, and hat some nw on hand. Thev ur lieatities. a J I'IumiiI tarprlM the evening of April 13th Father Hayes, who resides at the narrows, A I son of Thomas The little slx-- y ear-olBees fell off a waeon yesterday and the fron' wheel passed over his chesLThe little fellow does not apoear to have been injnredr which borders oa the mirnerdoue. d Thu Board of County Commissioners, og ther with the Assessor met with the On Chalk Creek, was the recipientol a very pleasant surprise at his horn s, the oc casionVing the anniversary of his 80th birthday. Alter many tokens of respect were tendered, Father Hayes responded with a short speech of thanks for the honor, A wall prepared repast was enjoved by all present and the tel ance of the evening was speut iu songs recitations and dancing.'in which the older people took a very active part Those present besides the family were Mr. and Mrs. Staples, Mr. and Mrs Mortis. Mr and Mr. Ellinsworth, Mr and Mrs. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Steele Mr. and Mrs. Clark and a host of young people. After a very enjooable time tbe parties returned to their several homes early in the morniag. J. 0 te B riBISNAL. l -- te 1 Tho0 Lecture The principal attractions in Coalville" this week were the lecture delivered by Mrs. Van Fiiikelsteln Mmntford at tbe Make House Monday and Tuesday evelargo stage had been connings. structed for her accomodation, ami the house had been tastily decorated. VilMonday night her subject was g and besides lage Life tn Falestine, talent, a powerful and well trained voice, she is gifted with unusual dramatic ability. The costumes and illustrations were very fine, and she made clear many points in the Bible that a great many have heretofore teen unable to understand. Tbe subject embraced a large number of biblical points and illustrations. On Tuesday night her subject was City Life in Jerusalem, and like the former lecture, was interesting, instructive and highly appreciated. To sum up Mrs. Meuntford as a lecturer, we would say, in her own language, she has teen well oiled, salted and swaddled." Although the house was well filled on both occasions, and a special train run oiu Park City Tuesday, we understand ho profits were realized here,pwing to the heavy expense necessary to carry out her program. She left Wednesday morning for Provo, and w ill shortly take her departure for England. A Tha Telhna At last it begins to look, as if we were to have the telephone line tnjl'ark City, and that in a very snort time. On Monday J. K. llo-inand F H. Wright started out as a final effort to all that could te dne in the matter, and were so succe-sfin gi tting promises of work, that on Wedned.iv .1 letter was dispatched to the nmpanv asking them to send out a man on this Friday) to direel the work of putting up the poles and string the w ire. Satisfactory pioiess i vnnoBbe mole unless foiee of at least twelve men are at work, and it is estimated the jmles Will tie tn position as fir as Wanhip within five davs ami there will te carried 011 and laen up immediately along the line to Klims, where connection will la made. This will give us a most excellent service, as the route embrrees all the towns up the river, forming a connection with Park City, It is high time that such s service should te in opera' ion, and all will rejoice when it is in working order. The citizens w ho have worked so hard to establish the line are deserving of of praise and credit for their efforts. er ul Hon. C. A. Callis went to Salt Lake yesterday. E. Swainston went to Rock port no business Tuesday. Assessor Wm. Miller was doing basinet in Coalville Tuesday. Mrs, Johanson bas returned from an extended visit to Salt Lake. 1). S. L. McCorkle was visiting the school here the first of the week. Jehn Eiklsnd and and Samuel Wycherley left for Idaho Wednesday. A. Farker and Stephen Beard were visitors to Coalvijle fium Ilenefer Tues Harry L. Thomas came down from Park City this morning for a short visit. C. IE VVirth, principal of the Rock-poschool, was in Coalville Tuesdav on business. Iiamel llemer of Morgan made another trip up the river this week in search o; young cattle. Wm. Boyer left yesterday for Carter Wyo., to assist in the search for the boilv of Fred Meadows. Bismarck Snyder made a trip to Park City !aturday. This time he just went to see his best girl. Mrs. George Lindsay came down from Park Tuesday to meet het husband here and attend the lecture. h. Jjjyown and wife of Park City have been visiting with relatives and friends in CoalvPle this week. v Miss Florence Redden returned from Salt Lake, where she has teen on a lsu to friends. Joseph Barber has accepted a position ag compositor on the FlainJealer, Salt teke, and is now workiug there. Senator Harbour of Salt Lake county made a visit to Coalville Saturday on federated trades union business and to visit with Representative Callis. Wm. salmon, Wm. L'arruth and John Lake Saturday G. Larruth went to as w ltuesses for Alexander Calderwood in his desert land final proof claim. J. M. Goodwin, the energetic solicitor, eolleetor and traveling reporter of the Sail Lake Tribune, visited Coalville and adjoining towns Wednesday. Allen and James Jacobs, and we understand one or two others, are at present fitting up an outfit for a journey to Idaho and Oregon. They start Monday. rt - Company. Clearance Sale yes-terda- -- sizes, all colors, all low in price and all well made and of good material. All to-d- 11c Vr- the Sacred spend the Come in and take a look at them Peoples Mercantile ALMA 1 leal La-t- ei t has re1 urned from Aca leiny Ogden, to vuiaMon at home. mtuh taken uu vutic her soon as the studies, a: d'wnl le.iitu vacation lit mud. James McPon.iid vv cdown trom Paik Miller Tuesday, and j City w fill Asses-o- r attended a special meeting of the 1. 0. O. F. lodge, toalville Lodge No. 2o extends a hearty welcome to all eojoun-liibietbren to meet with tbeui, aud is to greet tier Iaik especially plea-e- d bore. neigh City .bUi-tuver- t , tber. Lilian Clutl Mis- - y j g DR; CREAM MR OF- BOYS KNEE PANTS Grant Snyder from Juab county, brother of Attorney Bismarck Snyder, to shake hands with stopped off Bismarck, and together they went to Park City. L. W, Williams wasdown yesterday for tbe first time in many weeks. Ills health is slowly improving, and it is hoped the warm weather will hasten his recovery. Buriah W ilkins arrived home Saturday night in answer to the telegram summonsing him to the bedside of his wife. Mrs. Wilkins is rapidly recovering, and is now o&t of danger. Mrs. Joseph Jones, Jr., returned home from Salt Lake yesterday where she has teen visiting and was tne guest of Mr. aud Mrs. Joseph Bull, Jr., tbe much friends of her fattier aud Those who me tumbled with rheumatism should tiy a few applications of Chamterhins Pain Balm, rubbing the part vigeroiisly at each application. Ii that does not bring relief dampen a piece of llannel with Pain Balm and A (od Work bind it on over the seat of the pain and Tuesday the memters of the City prompt relief will surely follow. For Council examined the wagon bridge sale by John Boyden & bon. across Chalk Creek at the foot of the Uonoonditional surrender, is the only Courthouse hill, and found it iu a most terms those famous little pills known as aud condition. unsatisfactory dangerous Little Early Kisers will make One of the stringers was found to be lieWuts with constipation, sick headache and rotted offjind the bridge bed already stomach troubles. John Bevden A Son, eettled considerable, whereupon the committee on streets alleys end bridges Awarded took immediate action and have made World Fair. Honors McHighest arrangements for its repair. John which awarded the contract, Carthy was specifies that the bn Ige is to be raised one foot, new stringers put in, and the bridge made eafe and strong. The approaches will also receive attention, at will ail tbe bridges and streets of the city. This is m it should be. When ou r city efBciala find a work that is necessary te be done ws are glad to see them take right held f it, for delays are dangerous ss well as expensive. I- Peoples - day.- Btate .Board of Equalisation at Iatk City Wednesday for the purpose el They finished their work thst day. ' It is currently rumored that the Park Cdy ten ia are negotiating for the City Turk and Pavilion in Coalville, to te sed twice a month for concerts, picnics Ckaaabarlalaa Calls. Ckolara aa4 ar and dances, off which occasions excur, rhaaa Ramsey. This is the test medicine in the sion trains will comedown from Park world foe bowel complaint. It act quy. SHERIFFS SALE. and can always be depcaded quickly has been Ti Wright, Jr., who When reduced with water it is final Slaaffctar of N arcbaaS wo; king at Perk City la the mines for upon. MOST PERFECT MADE , pleasant to take. Try it, and like many worm-- time, wae broughtdown te Coal All the goods in the Hopkin store at - ride Tuesday very HI with pnedmsnia. others you will teccomend it to your Echo will be sold at public eutien April A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free J!e was taken to his father home in friend. For sal at 29 sod (0 cents per 17. Come one. come all, end secure great horn Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant betUe by John Boyden A too. 0 Yean tbe Standard. GomiLmosAT,Sbenff. bargains, ftpr.ng Hollow, where he now is and nt' ljh . Tha monthly meeting of tha 6. B. L. was held at the residence ef Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Farm ley Wednesday evening and wae decidedly a successful affair. Every number on the program was handled with skill and credit, and not a single obstacle arose to even loffle the surface of an evening of perfect enjoy' ment. The refreshments were excellent and served iu the usual graceful style by ladies of the clab. Mr.and Mrs. Parin-le- y proved to be delightful entertainers, and the club and their guests were sorry when the time to depart arrived. Interest in literary work nae increased with the membership of the club," and a more suciessful ladies club has not been organized in the bta. At the appointed time the president, Mrs. John Callis, announced in turn the following numbers, which, as before stated, erS splendidly rendered: Review ot Irish history by T. L. Allen. Little Tim, bv Mrs. TLsckeray. Instrumental music, oy Mrs. J. T. Ho icon. Address, Growth ol Liberty in England," by John Callis. Heading, My Wife," K. J. I'.urdett, author, by Mrs, C, I. WLeadon. lnet, Lai board Watch," John Callis an F. M. Finneo. Those present at guests, besides the honorary members were Mr. and Mrs. E. Brown of Park City and Mr, and Mr. v J. if. 8aIu.on." Co,, liLDREDGE, Manager. c Always On Hand at the JT T rCH Lump, Stove, $2.25 1.25 PATRONIZE HOME INDDSTRY WeberCoal Co Clearance Sale in some of our lines at Tv prices80 Bedrock Prices, nonvinccd A11 otlier sk at Hard time, C. W. & ROBT. YOUNG, Wanship i |