Show 1IlIrl lOMIlIIII TIN IMIMCM lnit StinOny eveniny the Oomirtjti Inuit Soblwlh Mbonl olimud llitler It 11 lilt the nearnt MabUth to lienUr w llIIn UII intli r weld br t wnt The ruoin wm Iwautluilly Iwomlwl villli llowrni Al ler rthcoHnln prayerhyllev Xnt link nn ItuMer irwmiin > tl nm ten itfrml 11 y Sib Hmndaite Mr C I Vhtadoil AlUrt > veii anil II A IBHK io tow Ing nine a inartl The Way alit OntM by ilm I Jnhn Ootltl < I U I Jouet John chit nil I M I Ilnmo Then pnuiB a rwlutlon by Ihirnw I nud liarnwt I Klilreilfe Mm I Jnlllni Snmlay nehntt ndiM then lenduriNl a bnutllfnl linttor IHIIIK In n inoH pJemlnf manner llvyendtln I Khailowt n duel by I Silt lmnda t iHl Allwrt lplwnw next on tit program Qoartflt IJgln of tho Woilil by Mit r John CIIl t i I Jonea K M 1 11111100 end UN John Calli PJWWT tIewe 1 wpm then ihlbllwl hy tv Nuttln pith 4v tilt of u Innlfrn and wtelt ptrer Sat xplnlne l niter which ho pnehd a > hort terinou Ilvelltll glue from Mm IulllM clnH then tang n patty Bong entitll lliillov > Me 1 w hick WH followed by it reelMllon Ttin IkMlaWu Spoke hy Shard ginltll livery nut dtI n r woe well render and woe H 11 recirrwl I Itev Nntdng nnnonneeil that ho would vlflt Owhlllo l every > r < wnd 1 Sun lay In eaoli month und llcho liter ennui Iri < Ur i In iaih month Ai olri M 10 IIIIin aildltlon lo theie vlllu other Putt u will Iw nut Th < lotlfc oiij ChrUl Arnw wan l I itI t 1 rniellrfllTff rilllJlfill t11n I mho thorn IlowerHlrnl r Mileeomtu lhdik were plctuln tollie vycv tho car blighted by the mnilc = hearts lifted lUtyond thv II4JRIto the Unlit of the World thlnlng through nnd 1 around that WnytldJ Cnrpwhen Iho bunUtu oonldjUi laid nml I trrglli gained for the Jjpnard Jouiney L u II AI the Sink tonne the mual Hun ilny Khnol rvl4i were held amid at the nflcrnonn tuirlcu I f rot lleiijiilulii Clun ntldrvixil the nt wtlng und dillveivil I a plvititlil divot M I Ward vonf rn < > next Hunday At the Mtlluul reIeea I In Ibo oveiilng i Irol iienjenlin OlutT f the il V Avwlemy Irovo ud Mn Mountlurdii 1nlvrtliie Hildiv wd the ihiMlIng 1rnl I I dent U II Ooille > Jpr ldng Inif UlulT mm I thv lint dIre lily runiarki ltni I thin line U miltiu hllpYIIIIII11 III the il veloimtnt of I the facultl flu ulao gar gaud udvln to Ihu yousg wopl oil thin way W et tulre 1 kilo IJI 1 und t hlttrol l l l nil to take every aJvantux nf epre J momeiiU nnd put them lu good IIM JlaiUm 3lounirid WH Intruluceil by I 1ref Chill Khocsia that thin wit very I much Iiitiiit itcd In thut > l > Kueiit addro dellvereil bv pmf Uluir umplillisl the abject of lets Clulf lnlerii > i < rilii It 1 with tho cuitunii smut mniinern of hr I chlldhou l In the City of Jur > tliim and < I Ihu country vllluKu of rileillno Thc a Idroe I < wrro > pl nddy rendered and wcru niiicli appreclutoJ by the Urn I umemhley |