Show ronparale lr L I In Itatrhlnt On Jan 8 we put ninny eggs In a firstduns Incunnlor and oil Jim 12 we set fifteen eggs under a large Huff Go J chin hen making n total of 106 eK ret out for a midwinter hatch write II II Gecr In Texas Farm and Ranch Of the Incubator eggs thirteen tested sot the first len or five days alter they were started Of the IE under Iho hen all tested fertile Ten days later five more tome out of the Incubator and five otliers were marked doubtful leaving sixtyseven good and strongly Imprepnnled eggs In the machine lu the meantime the ben lout broken one egg leaving II under her that still tested all right Then canto the terribly cold weather of the latter part of the month that sent the temperature In the room ttl ore tho Incubator wins nwny down near to zero Still the thermometer ther-mometer Insldo stood at 103 degrees It made It so cold for our hen however how-ever that we moved her and her nest I Into the back kllehen The eggs In the Incubator were a little slow In hatching hatch-ing some of the chicks being twenty iwo days In gelling out In all Ihero were fortysix chickens hatched from hue total of ninety eggs put In or a fraction over DO per cent A good nun fully developed chicks died tn Ibo shell Jilt nl hatching time This wo ntlrlb ate to two causes Imperfect moisture And chilling when It woo absolutely tho rcestnry to open tho Incubator rather was so cold In duo time the hen came off with her chickens and lucre were fourteen chick loo ono chick for each egg Do wo condemn the Incubator No We aro well sat sfltd with our midwinter batch It has done better much better and It will do better again Circumstances were Faliut u And yet the results were atlifnetory Who would nol give two eggs for a chick In the month of Janu IIr1 Wo are very cure that wo wouy every lime Wo put all thin chicks lili brooder Wo have lost seven of which the moti were small and weakly at fist Tha balance aro lively little haps that It Is I a pleasure to toed amid look alter |