Show ITolnl Comb In a recent walk through South Wn tcr street Chicago the writer was forcibly for-cibly struck by tho great number of fowls that had had their combs frozen Booth niter booth was pused whcr all of the chickens had their comb frozen down to their heads Ho unl form was this circumstance that one could but help wondering at the bar barouc treatment universally nc canted the fowls It Is not likely that the fowls are subjected to such so verities ot weather after coming into the hands of the commlMilon men for there hnd not been wealher for three weeks of Iho lime thai would freeze comb Tho dilapidated appearance Klvrn to tho heads of the birds mad them very uninviting to the purchaser and wn doubt nol had something to do wllh lowering taut price IJe Ibis nIt n-It may feelings ot humanlly should Iud ono lo protect their helplcs nul malt from unnecessary suffering |