Show lool Vinkr nrtn The guard at Aniierminllle prlrott were nlmiMt as Vnln ns In Hms when It tame to flaahy dnoratun on tbelr nlforme Our bran > iniitona were n ejidy Ml I to Weal otoe md price In Confederate monry and a prtaoner who atlll wore Mr Imiir n was nitre ton he to-n new or rival for tin roata of the older imw were 1111 1 lip nun atrlnga or fattened nlh hes or wool 1 they barIng bar-Ing audit or traded their battens with the guard for Kininhlni extra to eat aays nn excban HUlff imttoaa were the most vnlni t null I oy were ought after by eommlMlnneu ofllcera with the came avidity anown by the rlvntoa Ono day a very nuhllr dresend lleutenani runts rmong ua from tho oath gate nod was Immediately iirronnrieil by the prlouera nnxloui tll frill out nnytblni he might be will InK lo tell lie na to the prngriMHi 1 nf the war Hut the officer noon fnlormed ta that he wan on tie hunt for Ian button to comiile the cnrntlnn of ill coat for wnlu he would pay well In Iho prison were twelve or fifteen wy from 10 to II vrura of age who tad been drummer buys In the army Their youth had not and them from unclog thrust Into the lIIkolo and hav ng to suffer the wme treatment that Ihe elder prlionrra had to endure and I will any that abrlihttr morn Intelligent Intelli-gent and hernh and iinromplalnlng act 011 hoya I hate iimrretn Ono of the boys nppeariMl ID from nf the lieutenant lieuten-ant and told him Hint hla partner had n lot of buttnna to sell and If ho would welt there he noiild try to find him Tho lieutenant Mid All right and he would buy bun I If they mated the one on hla coal ho off went the boy and n moment liter I he came elbowing hits way Ihriniih the crowd Iwyand the ufflrcr knife In bund and slyly cut every ev-ery button numbering alnut one doz I en off the lltutcnanta coat tall lie i hen allpped away and In a few mo nenta again appeared In front of lire officer with the buttons A trade wens made without funlicr ado tho lieutenant lieu-tenant pa > ln < the buy a goad round sum for hit own Inittona lie then asked If you all had nny moro but Ion to fell and not hearing el any be turned toward tlio gate followed by 200 or 300 prisoners Wo All held In until ho had reached the gala and was about to piM out when rome nurse called to htm asking xvhnt bad become of the button he hud on his coal tall Ho pulled the tall of tho garment around to the front nnd then for thn fat tlrnn It tlawnfd upon trim that ins bad bcel the victim of n Yankeetrick To My that he wna mud would bo putting put-ting It lightly He win fairly wild Hut the morn ho worn tho moro wo laughed and ahoulcd until he finally Lent A rctrcnt through tho gate That WaN all he could do for It would have been a nselona tank lo attempt to nIl I that hop among 3oOiX > prliunera |