Show loernnenl 8 enntm annk Omnil Forte N II I April liThe Kiivcrniiimit ntwimrr Ojreiiiuwn which tnrl1 ilmm the river 11 l Iglit on n relief usimllthm lie right chin tip I mink In nbout twelve feat of water eVciitcpn nillmi Ulow hero Thedruml 1 arks inpmlwm of the relief party returned re-turned late tinluy with the utiiry of than ilUniter Tim Ixwt hut nluhl w Mil aLIII to jfil inonithan right mllmluwn the river when hair I silt 1 I wait rlplfil open by the rapidly nimlnif Ire I She van trio Into Khalluvv wutvr whtruklm quickly Kroumlol |