Show i FLOOD STATISTICS I ESTIMATCD LOI IN SOUTHERN STATES In thenalma tlr Iilolypltthnru II tenet and i nttr 150011 ur Jlllf re IfnM tt nl I er Washington April UA statement I 1 1 reiranllnjf the KricMltHml lntret I t lt I the submerged ilUtrtcl of the Mlwtv klppl valley wuUi of Calm 11 Ut lean Issued by the lUpnrlnunt of agriculture III I riculture It U bawd upon n hart i prejiikml under the direction of the chief of tlio ivwnUwr Imnmii hawing the extent of the kraal on April fllh I Thn total area urI r water on A > rll bah was nlxtul lamn kqunr mllit of wlileh 7040 qaani inllm went III Mln kUslppI 4MQ III Arkansas J7W In = = i7 r MUMHirl I lioo In I Tennm0 and 4MI In I linuWnnn Th region 1 eonlnlnwl In I 1 IdiK n far m Cll n IKI lUturmtnml 1 In j view of tin MMnewhnt hllll1l1l1 loan rlnry line of tin nWI 1 1 n Hipulntlon of I 471 I flit of which IMIHV or nlKiut one I 7hlf were 111 Mlvl lppl lnSM In Ar IIIIU nint thn reinnlnileJ nliiiixl r < iully illrMwl Imlnron Mla arl nUll + TfiinwKW TakliiK the entire region lilt iitlnrwl ponil tlon otitniiHilwml the white the nilorwl prvilmnlnitlnK In the IhHHlnl ilUtrlat of Mlenlatlppl l In the ration of It to I soil In Arknnw In that of 1 to I In MIarl ami Ten nnwee tho population of thit llcMKlml illttrleU U I lalllly white In the former elate In the pniHirtlan to 10 to 1 and In the Inttpr In Unit oft to I Th llixxle1 1 ilUtrUtn eontaln It U I nttlmatiil I nlHMit39VOfnrnn of which Dtioul I8WK urn In the MitinaIppl l nearly Kiooil In Arkanut ami it liken like-n inter nhout riinllyill < l bat en Mluourl ami TennpuMii Phone farina a contain n total strain of slant 3DOOOIK 1 acre lull of which U I In MI Uilppl and rnthrr oror onafourth In Arkan t vat the IIIIHrUIIII In Mluourl anil Tannest Uln nl iut thu mima at In tiro COM of the ninnlnr of tarpon |