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Show New ytak.nt Almy Preddent Alma KUImlge returtml from Almy, V.'yo., Tneeda), when he had heeu to organlae alien ttakeofthe I. I). 8. Cblirt.li. lie vlTecled the nigenlaaltun, with bediiititert at Woodruff, llleh coiinty. The new ink eoniprlae Wmaltiiir, llandolpli ami Argtle til llm IUtr liku Stake and AluiJv KvHtitton, I'ifiliiiont mid Itnclt Bpriiigt from Huiuinlt Stole. Mr Uldnlgo v.aa utn-oupanird by tpnalle John Henry Smllli, lleherj. (Irani, l)n Woo-lrull and M. Cmv of Salt l,4ike, and Pre. Ilud.v front Hear lake. |