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Show Hi UaUntlnE Plant ' '" flf It la safe to sa that there will often I be rouai soils that tniy be greatly benefited by applications of manure ot various kinds, aays II I! Van Hentan in exchange. The thing tor the farmer, farm-er, tha vegetable gardener and the I fruit grower to know Is bow to balance bal-ance up the different plant foods In the soil, so thst their various crops will each do the best that Is posslbls Although It Is true that crops of every kind need all three ot what are known aa the essential manures nitrogen phosphoric acid and potash. It should at tho aamo time be kept constantly In mind that they are needed in vnrl able, proportions, according to the aev-eral aev-eral cropa grown and because of their variable effects upon the growth ot different kinds of vegetation Nitrogen Nitro-gen Induces n leafy, aucculent growth Thla la Juat what the farmer n'eda to make his graaiea and other forage cropa grow luxuriantly. The vege-fable vege-fable gardener necde tho aame, but the fruit grower muat be guarded agatnat the uae of too much of It Where large cropa of clover or cow praa or plenty ot rich stable manure are plowed under frequently It will not be necessary to buy any nitrogenous nitrogen-ous manures, such aa nitrate, ot soda cotton accil meal and dried blood for any kind ot trop In such a case, phosphoric arid In the ahapo ot die-sohed die-sohed bone or phosphate rock and potaah In tho ahapo of murlato of pot-sah, pot-sah, If applied to tbo clover or other nitrogen-gathering crops, will make them llourlih wonderfully, nnd. In the end bo equally beneficial lo the following fol-lowing cropa, unteaa the clover la cut and aold oft the farm. This should not bo done |