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Show SHE STOOD DY THE FtAO. Haw I'larky ClllornU Uom.n I'ul Two Don. ta riltbl. O W. II Wilcox, who resides at 823 (lolden avonue, Ix Angelc ,CI , I an American all through Thenfotc, when trouble arose between this country coun-try and Spain ho bought two American flags and hung them from the root of his dwelling Two husky Spanlarda, feeling aggrieved at thla exhibition of patriotism, determined that tho flag mutt come down. Accordingly they called at the residence of Cltlxen Wilcox, Wil-cox, characteristically choosing an hour when they knew he was not at home. They were unaware that Mrs. Wilcox ni cver bit a good an American a htr huband About 2.30 In the afternoon Mrs. Wilcox was called lo the door by a big, swarthy looking fellow, who polated up to the flags and demanded In broken Ilngllth that they be taken down Immediately Sh ws all alone In the houte and then wa no help within call, but the re-I re-I solved not to strlko her colors and quickly shut tho door In tho faco of the patriot of Rpaln, who amused himself him-self by bnn;lng on It. When she opened It again he was very angry nnd threatening. In her hand she had a tiny nlrkle-plated bicycle wrench which aho pointed suddenly at him like a revolver and told him to be off. He went away aurly and growling. She watched down the atreet until he was Joined by another aa dark and aa big a Spaniard aa himself The two had a 1 conference nnd presently slunk off. I Then they attempted n flank move- 1 racnt. The eecond don aneaked around I the tldo of tho houto vihllo the first I marched boldly up to the door. At- I moit beforo ho reached It tho plucky I woman burst It auddenly open and with I a wild yell poked her ahlnlng weapon right under hit nose. IJko Marie Twain's coyote, thcro waa only a crack In the landscape to Indicate which direction di-rection the Spaniard's flying footsteps had taken. Mrs. Wilcox has ro-en forced her monkey-wrench with an auxiliary battery consisting of a six-shooter, six-shooter, and Is prepared to defend her colors against all comer. |