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Show LETTER FROM "COR." Kay me, June, fi, 60.'. Editoh Toira Thewealher having tuttled dowiilt latt, we may expect snriio warm, iiiniy dayi Quite a number ol farmen hare commenced hay cutting. The cre4 here are fully a inonlli earlier than it Summit county. Them are largo nuinberaof sea gulti Hying about at all scusone of tie sear A furimr plowing jetterday war followed by them, picking up ihv wornil at fait na the fuirow It tnrnel over, Ihey almost gtt near enough to le plekel up hy ban I. hut then )ou know they liy n my. The law sayahtedollait line forkllllng one of them, The creamc-) here aupenra to be doing do-ing well, Judging hy the number ol conveyance! uted tocarrj theiuilk It ItundoiihlcdlyagiiMitsoiiri'nof reienue The ro nil from llvnirftrthii far areln try good thaptf,uud)0ur correspondent would like lu have It distinctly under tood that there aru not uny uf them in better condition than In Henefer district lb tit county annronrUlod 1100, and tho tame hat been applied to llioroid In the lowor Hiber tanyou Good roal dirt hai been hauled locour up a great part of the trry rocky placet, Thlt morning, Messrs. Williams and Allen, two experienced miners, itailed up tho Webor canyon for tho puriot uf oxamlningiume mliiei In the topi of Kijttille mountain. It it their iiilm Hon to gel there by way of 1'uterwm Uit week "Cor." t ltlie,l th n Ult liedt near the lake by I'armlinutcn. and among other thingt taw the rickety o'd tallbo.it upunwhlili Ihey iron frum one aide to the oilier, a dlslanco of fourln n uillei, Of.coune the ltnglh of time It takt 1 to go ot er depends 1 pon Hie md 8omllmea only a (on home Is ortupd I I and other tlmei from ono to threo days The dlaiance iitroti Is not to far Kit I uied to be by about one mile. The lake eemi to be pulling lltelfln Con I John DexMrd: Soni have constantly I on hand good, first clan MME lliquan-Ititiet lliquan-Ititiet to tult purcliater. First clt.i building lime, lo lonti per bushel at kiln or 18 centi ptr bushel delivered on can at Coalville depot. Notice required when large qiirhtltlea are cl Mired tl |