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Show FARM AND GARDEN. I MATTERS Or IrtTinBBT TO AamuuLTuniSTS. fun.. I p-lo-ltati, Hints Almal Pot- illmtlKii t.( ilio Mill and Hells Tlnrwit Hi rlltullutr, lllcollor. and tlurlrtiltnr I crmsnrut I allure ami rerage. The question of paatiiroa la one that wilt always I of Inttroat to the farmer. farm-er. hetlitr tha pMlure It to be In the rotitlon or a permanent patturo muat depnd very much on general and even local condition! In tho (treat Weal our rainfall la not what It la on the tea-board tea-board and thercforo the question chancea considerably for this rcaaon On tha Jersey lalanda the rainfall la aucb that the permanent paature la a great eucceat. The molature and tho aunthlno atlmulato growth to auch an extent thnl tho aupply of herbage la euf-flclrnt euf-flclrnt The permanent paaturo la certainly cer-tainly to lo preferred In counlrlea where tho growth of herbage la rapid and contlnuoua tlut In many countries coun-tries tho paaturago early falla to Rite a good account of llaelf and In auch caeea aolllng haa to be depended on Thin la Illustrated In parte of Kurope where aolllng haa becomo a permanent feature on the fiu-mi To Itluatrate Holland haa ten million cows and four-"en four-"en million acrca of paaturage The Jcreey lalanda have eotcn thousand cowa and fourteen thouaand acrca of paaturage, a greater proportion of paa-turago paa-turago per cow than la tho caao with Holland In tho United SIMea permanent pastures pas-tures aro easily kept up wbero the rainfall rain-fall la abundant and well dlatrlbutcd In tho dryer portions crops are grown that serve for paaturage In tho very dry time In the Central West much can be done In thla line to tide over tbo droutha without going lo tbo labor of aolllng The Nebraakn experiment station sta-tion has been growing some crops for additional paaturage and somoof theso might be grown In many of the itates east of tho Mlaalaalppl Ono of tho I plants used was sorghum, the Rarly Amber variety It yields well eten on exhauatcd lands and la more rctlatent to drouth and hot winds than Is corn It Is better to allow this plant to get a good start before pasturing ay n growth of five or six weeks Tho plar' can bo paatured at any time before fits but It will not then leld the forage that It will later Among other plnnta grown aucceaatitlly for thla purpose aro the cow pea, hairy vetch Canada field pea, aoy bean, ryo and Kaffir corn which latter la alto n sorghum nit contains con-tains Icia sscchnrlne matter thin the other or Amber sorghum hero corn la a sure crop It will bo better thin anything any-thing elie, but on (ands that are naturally natur-ally susceptible to drouth Kafrlr corn may prove of great value for forage Of course tho experiences of Nebraska will (not bo repeated In their entirety In ' Illinois or Ohio, but those experiences may teach us how to deal with tho time j of year when our conditions moat near- .J ly approach those of tbo eeml arid belt |