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Show a yOKTIIWEST NOTES, j I rantler day wtll be elebratel nt I Ck. t. ,u, j NrliA.tr Wyoming nor Idaho will fur-lllsh fur-lllsh trtopa nnJer lha sefuinl call Kitwanl lhtval of Cheyenne hsabccti tout to prison for lira years for grand larceny A numlier of nlckitokcts were re cently gatlieretl In at ltutto and Anaconda Ana-conda by thepollcss Picalilent Urate of I arauite, yo , lias aceeptetl tho presidency of tho unlvtrslty at Seattle Iho Pnlon Paelflo It altout to begin the construction of another roundhouse round-house at ItawUna Wyo Ciimmlns City, Wjo , I no more. A postotllce has been cstabllsbetl at the old tump and the name haa Iwcu changed lo Jilm K. 1 Paylon eilllor of tbo lllg Horn U)omliig Pilot, was laUen.lmclt to Ibo atjluni ono day last week, hit old malady hnvloir rclurnetl Kenneth Mollae, who has Just la-en seipiltte.1 at I heyenne of the chargo ot inunler. ha had his thlrtl trial, one of which rmtiltc.1 In conviction Water will lw stored In a dry lako near Itswllns, Wyo, and the stream from Hull canyon iisetl to fill It. 1 hla will solve an Important problem. llu rain In Wyoming during the past tvetk have tlono contlilerablo damage AtGaipcr tho bridges over the Plstto have been washed out. there are six inllllla companlea In I Nevada well tlrllle.1 and fairly well I cqulpted The uieiuliers are all eager I to rttond to their country a call I Prleiidly relation llwcen the Union Paclllo and the lliirllngton have Iwen rtMtiimetl Por Ihe first tlmo In llvo years freight Is Wing exchanged at Chejenne The Wyoming stale land hoard has leased 27,000 acres ot slate and school land In tract of not uvcrolO acre, f r it Icrm of flvayears,nt it rtntalof from : to S cenla an acre W II Juttlaon, ot llasln, .Mont., who tva discharged from the regular army lit lfUH. throiiull tho liitenesslun of Mrs. rlevaland, at the ruuest of Jtu-tlson Jtu-tlson a wife, lint ro ciilltUd aa buglor One nf the largetl tingle, desls In shrt p mndu this aeaiou la reported f mm Custer count). Wyo H.ILHelwsy pur-chaseil pur-chaseil tho entire hand of H.O00 thctp formerly owned by Hon Heno Hivlft, for a sum nggrcguUng In the neighborhood neighbor-hood of : 000 W Llndsley, an old rctldentot f yon county Nov . who died su Idenly ot heart dlscato In Mason valley last week, was given a pauper burial by tho coroner coro-ner Indignant cltluue exhumed the corpse and had It decently Interred nt their expento. A II W hillock, from Hanpote valley Utah haa purchased 100 head olflno horse from Mr. Illggs of Duck Creek. Jtev nboul thirty head from Mr Cameron, besldo elivnl smaller lot, tvhlth will bodrlveu to tbo Ulnlah rva-crvatlon rva-crvatlon In Utah Hnbert Thomas had a narrow escape es-cape from death while at work In tho llluo Wing mine Mont. While on hi knee engaged In picking ore UOO pounds of looMi ground full and caught hit left leg Tholliulitvat broken In three placca. I arly In 1SJI a colony of ten families fami-lies of llollandcra tetllid on the landa owmd by the West (lallatln Irrigation company ot Montana This colony InissUaiHIy Increased until over llfty families are located on landa in tho (lallatln valley, engaged In tho occu patlon of rating barley Tho succi which hit attended thli colony will follow thoso who locate on theselands A HalV) convict named Hysmlth, nt the penitentiary at Dctr Ixlge. died rtccntly from horrible nil Inflicted In Juries II) imllh waa suffering from a delusion that he had n tumor In his all ilomen and the prison surgeon could lint illtsiisda him from It. Ho secured n small peu knlfo. and ilnrnlg tho iilghtopcned hla nlxloinon flvo lorbes, cutting a big V-Hhape bole, from whlcn tbobowilt wero protruding when tho fellow tvt discovered looking for hi liutglutry tumor I ugene AmorettI, Jr , of I ander, Wy.hatbteu awarded a contract to furnish 300,000 pounds of beef to the Indiana on tho Port Wnabaklo reservation reserva-tion during tho coming year The prlM toU f.td !? 34 perluo pound, tint hlghett rate paid by tho government govern-ment In the patt twtnty years Joseph Tunnej, a native of the Com stock, er laopoof the bluejacket on the Ilaltlmore, nnd wo In tho light at Manila, when that cruiser was lu tho thickest of the battle Tbe mother, brother nud two alttera of Tunney are now In han 1 ranclsco Sol WUlartl, a llulto aaloon proprietor, proprie-tor, wua lined Jaou by Justice Lauran-deau Lauran-deau for assaulting his wife hhe rt-fused rt-fused to appear against him, but tbe man when arrested, pleaded guilty, and claimed the right to thrash her whenever ho pleated Company P. had n drill practice tho other evening, says the P.lko (.Nevada) Argonaut, afttr whloh u danoe wat Iglvi.il Utah Is eontldared tint banner danclnu ttato, bnt If thoy could see thu fairy like movenuiite of some our darner they win 11 It mi thtlrrolnd |