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Show CITY COUNCIL. Tlie City Council met Monday " i regular teilon, Mayor Allen prctitlie; ' and a quorum pretent, at board a' qualliatiun of city taiet. No nool being preeent ollerlnK eotnp,au t,r regular order of buelneta wai proceeded with. After prayer and the reading ad approval of minnteeotprerloue meeting the following bill ware aliened Ttaaa Pie. C i ins W. II. Iiranch, eaterworkt anrvev ;ou T. I.. Allen, welereorlea Ulrjny., ji (le MndMy, Jr., frellng vaga l.i KdVlla Mian, makltrg Hume . C"i Jamei Htonee, et al, aamiierr work MTU Total ... . a 4(ii The bill of Jamee Welili, for lumber 113 Oft, referred to the eommltlee on ritreelt. IU)tnd Bridgft. The report of Ilia Treaeuter and Helton were reed aud mipravwl. Tha eommltlee on law reported on the petition ol Oarl Alllean, cl al , with regard lo the repeal of eeetion HI (bk-vele ordinance) and reonnimende.1 Ibat aaid taction bo attend. The re port wai adopted. An ordinance to amend i aid lection 201 wee iibnilltod and patted it drat reading, a folloaa No arenn ahall ride or propel an' bleyile, tandem, nr velocldu on anr ol Ihn aidewalka ! tide city, al a fatter a peed than Ut nilln an hour, not he permitted to ride two or mom nlHeaat nn teiil tldi-walk, nor lm albmed to rule after daik on aeld ahleuulk without with-out a lighted lamp in Ironl if raid birycle, tandem ur velodpeilv. Anr peraoii violatliiK'hioinllntnori btl on cunrlclion, lie Hinlahel by n line In n? turn not In earemi (tA, or by linprieon men I If, the Citv Juti not to exceed twenty five ilaja for impIi uireio. V cummuiikatlon waa mid a from WllwnA Wllley ol Ilouiillful, utakiiw a prupotition on lli revlalon of city nnllnance of the tlilrtl (data, which waerrferred lo the tommlUec on At The committee on I Joeiite reportnl on the licenee ipieetiiin and rceoinniendrd that the Marahal vltlt nil uirlir doing Inieliieat wltboul llcenre, and mlini lloente due the city by law. There-port There-port waa ndoptt-ri. John P. AllgXal wa appointed end cnnlluneilaiClty Jutllro of thn Peace, ami the Council itdjouriicil to meet June lilMh, ill 7:30 1 1. in. a il Nuird nl optah liilloiinleltv tnxee. |