Show e N Ny y i Romantic Triumph f the Young Georgia t Pugilist Over I r Many Rich The celebrated young oung r A fighter in inI Georgia e r sl and Fashion n I the ring kt able Rivals v y 2 of off f i w i r tl-it tl r r w R I n ry J 9 Er Eri x 1 nr th i iry i r u a y tt t i I Young Stribling as he looks when he lays aside his fighting clothes and steps out into fashion fashion- fashionable fashion j able society T-C T c 7 7 lIEN HEN dainty aristocratic littleY little W w Clara Virginia Kinney daughter daughter daugh- daugh daughter Y 9 old Southern ter of a proud family of Macon Georgia became the bride of Young Stribling prizefighter prize prizefighter fighter tighter the other day tiptop Southern society got just as big a shock as the effete East's did when EUin Ellin Mackay upU up- up upset U d set her wealthy imperious family and friends by eloping with Irving Berlin the jazz jazz king who once was Izzy Izzy Baline aline of New Yorks York's lower East Side But Clara Kinney didn't have to elope dope That was tha interesting feature of her hern n marriage and the thing that really star star- startled tied so everybody She had a big society wedding with the bride brides bride's mama and papa op openly beaming over their new son son-in- son law law and bridal veils and flowers Bowers galore and nice sentimental old dears who wept when the wedding march was played and gallant old bachelors who insisted on kissing the bride and a gay younger set with plenty of rice and confetti The Kinneys are leaders in Macon so- so society society so society Claras Clara's father W 0 Kinney Is Isa isa isa a wealthy cotton factor and her ber mother has been president of practically every social and civic club of any importance in the city Her IIer maternal ancestors were French Huguenots the Delaware Du- Du DuPonts Ponta Du-Ponta Fonts Ponts and the South Carolina English and her ber fathers father's people were cavaliers the first families of Virginia But Young Stribling as they say MY sayin sayin in Georgia certainly has no F F Vs V's on him His parents were vaudeville per per- performers performers per performers formers who retired from the stage and settled down iP ia i Macon when Strib was just a little kid lie used to have bave a part parti partin r i in their acrobatic act when he was amere amere a mere baby and a picture in the family album shows him a child thild of about two perched on the palm of Pa Stribling's hand The Kinneys live in a handsome resi resi- residence residence dence in fashionable Cherokee heights The fhe live in a very unpretentious unpretentious cottage on an everyday street And stilt still the thc darling of the Kinneys married the prize fighter with full family ap ap- ap apt t provat Imagine that in Macon Georgia 1 Macon one of the most impregnable strongholds of Southern society as aa it used to be where there is no middle class at all and if one doesn't belong to the socially elect and come ofa of a 8 along long of distinguished ancestry there are but two other groups to fall Into po po white trash or the f folks ks shock for Macon MaconA I It was a big enough A 3 to discover that Clara was waa actually In Inlove inlove inlove love with with the prize fighter and was waa going to marry him even before they got the knockout blow that her parents arents not only approved but were even issuing laming formal invitations to the wedding It did not seem BO so strange to the th younger set who found it all terribly ro- ro romantic romantic ro romantic mantic but when tho the mothers of Claras Clara's confidants got wind of the tho affair they hurried right over to warn Mrs Irs Kinney After they'd talked casually of the last club meeting and how the younger set were so different from their generation f If I I t do Vi All r oo t one of the call- call tt atop 0 ta l ers era cleared her s 4 1 throat and hinted in inno no uncertain terms that Clara was really becoming noticeably interested in that Stribling bo and was accepting marked atten- atten attentions atten attentions from him When I was young no girl would have been seen so often with a young man unless they were engaged she finished boldly for she felt it her duty to open Mrs Kinneys Kinney's eyes to the seriousness seri seri- seriousness of the situation But Clara and Strib are engaged Mrs Kinney announced in clear calm tones with even a b bit t of pride while her visitors almost fell off of their chairs and got strangled on their tea Yes you know it is mighty hard to give our daughter up but ve we are so glad if it has to be some one that she is going to have Strib Ho lie is one of the finest boys I have ever known and you know Ive I've known him for years watched years watched him from a child almost as closely as his own mother I know Clara will be happy with Strib for they have been sweethearts since high school days But of But of I course course I suppose ho he will give up fighting and perhaps go in with Claras Clara's father in the factory some some- somebody somebody somebody body suggested after a momentous silence Of course noU not Mrs Kinney an- an announced announced an announced We want Strib to reach the top Clara says she is going to see that he makes his mark as light heavyweight champion of the world That left simply nothing for the callers to talk about no ground for them to stand on no occasion for offering con con- condolences condolences con condolences nothing to do but to depart and spread the news The older members of Macona best beat families famines couldn't quite as- as assimilate as assimilate the matter It certainly marked markeda a new era for fer Macon But the younger people were very much vitalized by the engagement announcement Th They y turned in and gave such a series of prenuptial pa parties as low few bridal cou- cou cou couples plea ples in the city have been honored with and If Strib Strib- Stribling Stribling anybody expected Young ling to act like a bull in a china shop doing society they certainly were dis- dis disappointed disappointed dis disappointed appointed No matter bow how rough and making making havoc he is in the tho ring no mat mat- matter matter matter ter how messed up he gets his bis hair and his face when he ho is fighting Strib does not have to side step for anybody in a adress adress dress suit auit He can manago a plate of ot chicken salad and a Q cup cu cup of tea just as he h caba cab ca a left hook or a right cross Macons Macon's younger set of course were not so surprised about the love match w n eif E y Stribling's st Q x nan bridey de smiling in anticipation anticipation tion of the championship championship champion- champion championship ship she hopes to help her husband win as their elders were They knew that Clara had been girland girl and aud had bad openly favored d him since the they were in Lanier High School together It was not prowess in the ring that made him the prep school hero ho he was By the time he be reached high school age age he did not have many occa occa- occasions occa- occa occasions occasions for impromptu fights either for forthe forthe the tho Macon boys had learned long since not to start anything with him and to give him a wide berth when he was peeved They all liked him nevertheless nevertheless less for Strib has always had the reputation on for being a clean fighter as aswell aswell aswell well as an effectual one It was on the basketball floor that Strib distinguished himself first He Hewon Hewon Hewon won state all-state honors in his sophomore year and that is when Clara Kinney who everybody admitted was the prettiest and most popular girl in school began to notice Strib He became devoted to her but nobody paid much attention to it then considering it simply boy boy and girl infatuation n If the other high school boys envied Strib the favor he had with that sweetly demure little Clara Kinney well there them were just as many girls that would have given ten years of their lives for a date with Strib or even a glance of approval or a compliment from the mighty young basketball hero bero heralded as tho the very best player on the state all all team Clara Kinney had been carefully brought up to sit on a cushion and sew sewa sewa sewa a fine s seam am and to be dainty and charm charming ing lag and Feminine and Strib had been tip Up brought lp from tho the cradle with the tho idea of downing the whole world in the tho prize ring What an oddly matched pair paid I But in Strib Clara saw her ler dreams of a dashing knight come true Hadn't he taken part in the Atlanta bask basketball tournament and distinguished himself brilliantly That was quite as nice as any tourney of the middle ages and hed he'd had lots lot lotmore more competition And then Strib always walked homo home with her fr from m school and that meant such a lot When ho he was with her she never felt that lurking subconscious fear in her heart that was fanned to a sickening terror every once in a while by a lynching There Thero was never anything in the way of protection for Clara to lack while this sturdy young man was in hailing distance But Young Stribling by no means I u E t Ij I 1 t t 1 U t J H 0 or J f l o t had the whole field to f himself for Clara had Y 3 xi Y strings and strings of tt t other beaux When t t Stribling began to be bea a iW f 44 t prominent in the thc ring fJ r y and s J t a frequently had to s be away from Macon t 0 1 t the Kinney house would ox c a cv v P be 1 just packed with Glares Claras I admirers But wit it t even the most gallant w J va o of these other suitors t found discretion n the 0 N better part of valor valor when Young Strib Strib- t s ling was on the spot too Prize fighters are The former M Mss Miss ss Clara Clarai i ra r a t the h e r discouraging ing Virginia Kinney now Mrs 1 J rivals W L S The ordinary means of course for Claras Clara's society suitors to have taken have been to show up the tho lowly born born athlete by dangling their wealth before her eyes as well as their social position But that that wouldn't work in this case for Strib was getting big money in the ring and the car he used to leave parked at the tho Kinney gate not only was perfectly in harm harmony ny with the grand old Georgian Colonial homes and the tho splendid avenues of magnolias but it made most of the other Macon cars look shabby indeed After Clara Claa finished high school she wept went to Wesleyan College for a year Wesleyan is the oldest chartered womans woman's college in the world and one of the tho most conservative They still hold to the old standards of making women charming instead of economic economic assets Claras Clara's maternal grandfather Judge Du- Du DuPont DuPont Du Pont Gu Guerry rry used to be president of Wesleyan and by the way it was on his grave that her ling bouquet of brides bride's roses and lilies valley was laid Macon lacon wonders whether the haughty in his old judge didn't turn tum right over coffin at this tribute paid forwith with money won in the prize ring After one ono year at nt Wesleyan Clara went to College College- Conservatory to be finished and there attentions were showered on her from collego boys all over the state stale She was made sponsor for the tho Pi Kappa lappa Phi Fraternity of Mer Mer- Merc Mercer Mercer c r and the rambling wrecks from Georgia Tech rushed her constantly tier HII friends C can point out at least four hearts that were completely smashed by Claras Clara's sweetness and bea beauty ty The Kinneys Kinnes summer cottage at St St Simons Simon's Island was also a very gay place Johan ru I leer Inc r for the younger iset y set There were always f fy always numbers 9 of Cia Claras Clara's r a II ss f- f friends there k i wi But v there when a certain very ver Y ex expensive P make of car was i around and n a ac a- a ay y curtain certain c e r t a i n very very very- stalwart a and n d powerful young younge The Kinney home in in Macon Georgia where m mucha much ch chat at a athlete t hie h l e t e was of f wooing was don done amon among tho those s e present the other young men cleared out It was n not t that they did not like St ib Strib They did But they did not want to incur his displeasure Active rivalry with Young Stribling In the ring love meant mostly praying that Paul Berlenbach would get of the young Georgia fighter and beat him so badly that he wouldn't dare appear in public for years ears to come Up to date Stribling's face hasn't been blen permanently marred by his encounters His cars are ara no more cauliflower than those of Macons Macon's young lawyers and bankers In boyhood the black eyes cut cutlips cutlips cutlip lips and mashed noses h he sometimes s co- co col- col col lec ed in Saturday Saturday night night battles never kept him away from the Baptist Sunday school the following morning But the prayers of ot these suitors availed nothing Neither did their constant wishes that Young Stribling might go for a prolonged stay in Europe besides or or Timbuctoo or any place Macon and St St Simons Simon's Island Young Stribling kept right on the tho job following up the advantage he had gained when he used to see aco Clara Kinney horns hom from school and now nowana and then beat blat up somebody who threatened to annoy her When away filling Sling fight tight fighting ing engagements he he kept in close touch with with the society beauty through frequent letters telegrams and long distance tele tele- tele telephone tele phone calls Clara was always one ono of the first to hear of his victories This winter when data Clara Virginia Id i ney ney arrived home f forthe r th i days days from and announced that she wasn't going back and Y ung Stribling arrived in Macon at abo about t the some time the four tour most persistent ot of Claras Clara's suitors began to sidetrack rhey They knew knew finally that their game was w was s up u uj and that that the tho fighter had won mi another r battle battle- Kinney Young Stribling's marriage Kinney might have meant the end of his career if it his bride had demanded it it But fortuna ely ly for tor the tho yo young young ng liters fit ad she sho wants her husband io light heavyweight champion of the the world and she is going to help him attain 1 f honor That's why Stribling when wilen Baited n wyl K if his bis society wedding r t l ement from the ring drawled m Km A Aw do dont don't t be bo a II ligh in bug bugl J i |