Show I I L SOCIETY I Mr and Mra Harry I B E Flaner I entertaIned q a number of ot at their home 1604 i avenue a on Saturday evening In InI I honor o ot Charles 11 JJ Faner ot of Flint Michigan Viva tl o bundred wal 1 played the th prim won by Mr dr r and abd Mrs Harry rry Wright Other guests were Mr 11 an and Mrs Jesse Jeu Sir I enc and rs Homer Sh ShAw w Mr 11 tr and nI Mrs Irs Ed EdMorrIs EdMorris MorrIs Mr and Mm sirs Frank DaI 1 ls Mf Mt and Mr U 0 11 and Mn Mrs Mr and the guest ot Of f honor bonor The hosten hote was Ill as assisted d Il In I I serving rea re- re refreshments by Mrs Mr Flaner S Mrs Mr E 1 K It White 23 2316 Jackson gave cave a 11 shower on Monday evening e for Ml MISs s Leone Lcona Engelke a fl bridge of oC tM th past pt weel week Tho guest of honor bonor was wag presented resented with many beautiful girts Music and games filled the evening and refreshments were serVed There were Is 18 present S Last Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock little Bernice Blair enter enter- tamed eighteen b of her small friends it at t her home 5 Fit Fit- Fifteenth Fifteenth celebrating he hee eighth Games Game were enjoyed en enjoyed joyed jond and at lit five 11 o'clock lunch luncheon eon con was served A birthday cako with cI eight ht tiny green reen candles con cen the tha table Tho The guests Wright Wilma Masten Edith Masten Maten Margaret Thomas Thomos l Florence loren e Cashmore Donaldson Darle Dane Jones Lenn He hail Hail Beverly Deverly Drown Brown Paulino Brown Betty Jones KatherIne Stoker Edith Barrett Ruth LIndquist and Bertha Dertha Barker Darker |