Show i RANDOM REFERENCES REFERENCES- I I Son dr Arrives es- es Mr rr and nd Mrs E U A A A Anderson are rejoicIng over the tho thoI recent birth of ot it a son on at their I home U Twenty third street The father Is la a elt city fir tire fire depart depart- department department department ment Marcel special and shampoo every fonday Tuesday and Wednesday HIrschman Beauty Parlor Ph Phone ne ft IOU 10 i Return Jom home Charles rl Charles s Empey and nd Harry Anderson busi bust business bustness business ness m men n returned from froma a 10 day 10 tr p to toSa Sa San Francisco Los Ang AnecKs AnecK's la and nd other ollif coas coast points 0 C i G-i i 4 per cent money monel loaned three to fifteen Jear seers C rs Keily Jb II Derrick Before W Club w T T Purdum I t the lo Free Frea jib library will li ad- ad address adess ess club At t Its Ita luncheon next nett Tuesday at t noon at t the Spanish room of o the th lh need l hc l Dont Don't Forget We Vo Defer neTer close I n 17 years of ot hour 21 service Stack lack Robinson Garage Gas c 60 1 10 Ill A A marriage license WM wits Issued Saturday In Inthe inthe Inthe the office ottic o of the county clerk to und and Helen J S Or Green en Williams both of Ogden Ogen Beauty Parlor larlor for Sal Sale Excel Sale Excel Excellent lent paying location location new business new fixtures Wonderful opportunity flit Phone HI 1831 7 lor l'or DI SUlt Divorce Sult Suit for tor divorce was US tiled filed 1 Saturday Saturday In the th die dis district t lct court by VernoL Verna Z Chamber Chamber- Chamberlain Chamberlain lain against William A Chamber I Cham Cham- Chamberlain Chamberlain on grounds ground of or sup non nonsupport nonsupport nonsupport port They were married In Evanston Ev- Ev anston Wyo go D December 31 21 1921 ideal l noral Floral P Co-P Pione Co-Pione Co Pion lone UtO 1240 12 2951 Wash Ave Av Op Opu u evenings L Ret urns Mrs S C Porter Peery apartments h has hii returned to Ogden sitter after a months month's month visit In San Francisco Los Log Angeles and Pasadena Al All 11 Kinds ot of Coa M Coa-M M r 1 r Jon Jones co Coal Co phone phon PhO Sit or 1602 iOn 1072 coI I For Married Ono Tho One Tho first ota of ofa I IL a series of dances for tor the mar ried mark mark- ned people of ot PlAin Cl CIty y will wilt mar mar-j beheld be beheld beheld held In tho the new dane hall halt haU on Wednesday evening Refreshments will ill be bc served N Succumbs Succumbs N J 1 Hewitt aged about 70 10 0 died Friday In Westwood Calif He lived In Ogden for many years being employed as call carrier UtAh Cereal food Company Compan lake Inke Bond Notice Notice Bond Bondholders holders holder of o the Utah Cereal Food company should present their bonds to the th First Savings bank without delay The bank told holds m money mer to be b distributed to the bondholders I Dated this thin day of ot January ar ary 1926 1 2 First Utah Savings Saving Dank Bank trus trus- trustee trus- trus trustee trustee tee Ogden Ofden Utah 1370 1310 Social Dance On Dance On Friday Frida Feb i 6 5 II a a social dance will bo be given ghen by the local missionaries In the Thirteenth ward recreation hall ball hallAn An old time number will be b a feature We e Sell Dirt Ch lO Cheap ap 10 down 10 month Blackburn Barton Darton l Funeral lIneral Members of the Catholic Cj Womans Woman's omans oman's league are requested to attend the funeral of the Iho Right Rl ht Rev Joseph S Glaas at tho cathedral In Sat S t Lake L kc on Tuesday morning x E I A Olsen S Sons have moved to 2213 2219 Washington Ave Av Married Mr lr and Mrs lIra James Larkin Lark 10 Sixteenth street announce the thc of their daughter Mary Elizabeth to James A Brown which took on January 26 2 Ogden Tn Typewriter House Doose for typewriters and repairs 2122 2422 Kle- Kle Kle-d Kle lei avenue Phone Phon 23 10 For South Mrs Mrs CI C M I Chris Chris- Christensen Christensen Chrls left last week weel for top south south- southern southern em ern California aho sha wili pass paS the th rema remainder ot of f the he winter Miss Mits Rose Roae Ros McFarland and Mar Mar- Margaret M r er garet t Baker Bilker Are ar now at the th Lorraine Lorrain Shop 2 th and Washington no 1343 fine to Speak Joseph Ririe of Mt 1 Ogden stake prE presidency will f the the- Second ward w rd sacra sacrament ment service lc ser co at 7 p In ra today A special musical program has been arranged Free Free Our Free Our Family Book Dook Tel 39 30 Cont Loan Ann I 1213 1283 From Salt Lake Lake Elder Budge I of Salt Lake fAke declared to tn be an exceptionally brilliant speaker will deliver an address In the ward w rd chap chapel 1 nt tit 7 p m today willbe A musical program will willbe willbe be given civen Radium Attacks cause of you trouble Room bull build Inc build ing Free ree drink dink UH Ward Ward Speakers Thorns Drowning Browning and Kenneth Canfield recently returned front from the th Ger- Ger German Gernian Ger German man nian mission will Ill speak p ak In the ward ard t at 7 1 p 1 m n to today to- to today tolay day lay Vocal solos will wili be given lv by Keith Corry Cory COD Con I E U Cohn nolin Insurance nce 2392 e In Ward Sard Kenneth who vho recently returned from the British mission minion will speak In the ln he ward chapel at the th Sacrament service at 7 1 p m There wilt will be music by the ward choir At Diamonds Diamonds At price Watches one hall price C C IL 11 Smith 27 TwentY fifth st St lilt 1714 Girl nirl Ml s Frances ONeill O'Neill a returned missionary from the eastern states will gIve an account ot of her experience at atthe atthe the Eleventh ward ard u rd sacrament service at 7 p m tn today There will be pedal music Dr Fishburn foul C ul l specIalist Phone R It 61 Twelfth Ward va Ward tTa L L 1116 will speak oLt at t the Twelfth ward sacrAment service at 7 p pm nu m today A vocal do duet t will be be- I Iward given glnn by Maurine Peck and lean tean Warner arner piano solo Edith Bulb Nelson and a 0 special anth anthem m by the tb ward choir Drive It rou Yourself lt Co rents PeW Dew Fords Forda Dodge and nd Nash 2276 Wash Wash- Washington sedans edans Phone Phon ington avenue 2619 2518 IH Ward D U n n it Roberts former city judge wi wll be the th speaker at the Seven Seventh h ward at 7 o'clock this evening The Iho pub pub- public public lic lie Is Ins In ln Mortuary Undertakers Undertaken and nd embalmers embalmers 7 S street Phone US night ord ordal y 3 l Dr West est Optometrist Eyes examined vIe te c e muscles i t i Lewis block u |