Show I I MRS MRS RS F E MAhONEY formerly Mi Miss s Arville Woodland whoso whose marriage marriaga j took place January 27 2 in the at nt Salt SalI Lake Railway Hallway Mall Mail association will hold bold its lis regular meeting at III the home o of Lies Arthur L I Jensen Jenson 62 ty second street on Wednesday at 2 p m Mrs W V W IV McCain and SIre Mrs Dudley BuSiLy W Stone will wilt b bo be the tho assisting hostesses The Tho program committee consists of o Mrs Guy n It Mrs 0 O D Van Orden an nfl firs UtI Vernal Anderson Anderton S S Past Fast Grand Crand Officer Edna Plans In I a pleasing and aed manner Installed the fat fot- fol following lowing officers tot tor Ogden Circle No 81 of ot Women of o Woodcraft Past guardian neighbor Ger- Ger Gertrude Oar Ger Gertrude trude trudo l guardian neighbor Violet advisor advise Ura Morton Morton- son son b banker Elizabeth nest Deet clerk clerIc Mary J Plant plans magician Annl AnnI n managers Sarah Barah lIeu Dan Bau Kate E Capes Emma captain ot of rancis Huss flag bearer Fidelia S Sandal musician Inner Burton Durton outer sentinel Julia JUlin West Vest corre correspondent Olenna Glenna N Past Guardian Neighbor Get Ger Gertrude trude W was 5 I presented With the official pin ln of ot that office The following officers were vere prO pre presented seated with lIh tokens of ot remembrance brance and Sod appreciation for tor services services ices rendered tha circle Edna EdIts installing officer Francis Russ of the drill te tean Alice Smalley retiring past guir-dian guir dlan dian neighbor n At tM close dose ot of the ceremonies a banquet was served servell In the dining room under the tho d di direction ot of o Mary J PlanS The next meeting ot at the cirei wilt will be ba held lielA eld on February ry 9 All members are urged to be ue present S S S The original 0 O N 0 O club Will was entertaIned Thursday evening bj Mrs Mra Wayne ane at al her home avenue Hon Ion Honors Honors ors ore In cards were welo won by hits herbert Brewer Drewer Mrs Mra Wadsworth and Mrs Mra Lois I Gould Mrs Gould will trill entertain th thu club next neat Thursday at her hel home tn in tho the Avalon alon apartments She SI will leave leao In two week weeks for COI San SolY Francisco to join her husband She Sho has hat been the honor guest at ata ata a 0 number ot of o parties recently hr Wayne Warno Gudmansen entertained a dinner for tor Mrs Mra Gould on Satur Satur- Saturday Saturday day evening e 5 Si Mrs Willard entertain entertained ed the members of ot tho the I l P club at her home SIC 33 s Thirty son Thirty Thirty-au-ond onri ond street on Wednesday evening The time wa waa WM passed with Ith needle needlework work and late Inte In la the tva was as served The folloWIng wire were resent Mesdames Med mes Joseph JOSe h Buck Duck Wilson Wright Harry Casey Cagey I H n George Hayes Hobert and Richard Stoker |