Show I MORE THAN FARM OPS CO-OPS IN N U II S CONSOLIDATION URGED Some Have Been in Effect for 50 Years Farmers Are Already Affiliated With Mark Marketing ting Organizations Plan to Merge Into Large Units HY ny HARDEN JI COLFA Corre Correspondent ot or Tho l 1926 By Dy The data dat l Press Association Jan 30 SO the he house of ot c passed a 11 bill th this week creatIng In the Uie ot or a II of ot w o eo nun maj I o give gIe I e pertinent Inform tion and distribute among the ag ag- ag agI a co many cy I people doubtless felt that ther country cousins were about to b shown something new lew and a d wot WOI soi f fAs As AB a II m matter or of o fact more th thin n farmers already are aro affil aH affiliated with agricultural or and these tiong handled bandIed fully one I of all th the the- farm products products- or oE o tho Lita United States In 1925 an and they own o physical property t at such euch AS warehouses grain el and fruit houe There Is nothing neW about farmers business o o excepting raid development In n recent years Th r Is 18 nothing particularly about them unless unIes It tt bo be tho amazIng size sizo and success some somo of them have ha attained TO x EXPAND P PJ J UNITS But what the bill really con con con- contemplate t templates template Is an expansion lon of ot hl th h ot of an efficient but sm 11 il I unit unit already In tho of ot agriculture provida it with more and tut fur fuad and dignity dignify its work by It 11 a I division islon 1 Farmers are not to be dragoon dragoo- cd Ito In to Joining ca co ii In Information formation Is 18 to be bo given ghen freel Advice is 18 s to be bo given only wl n sought ought That is 15 all the op co-op co want they made that Very very ery plain to the house com com- committee com com- committee committee The bill authorizes lin an approprIation ot 22 tot for th first year an amount equivalent to the combined ea- ea arles ailes of ot the Sen general ral managers c 0 cC 10 of or Jut l-hc largest operatives co-operatives In all probability But while the farmers which which Is a II better term than co co for tor some of ot thesa organIzations are 1110 not operatives co-operatives cO operatives s sot not a 0 novelty Its development In rec t years la Is 1 amazing I In 1915 there thero wera t farm farm- farm J rm- rm J JIn ers business organizations In tie Ite United States Statis with memo mem members bers s In Jn 1925 there thero the the- were more than organizations wl wl 1 over members Ten years ago their aggregate business was Last year ear It was WIlS more than Most Host or of orthis this was telling belling but buying runs high into the millions annually for many may organizations organIzation I farm supplies for their members or stockholders CHANGE Oil GC IN IX FORM Since e 1920 about the tho time that deflation arrived there has there thera has beena been a dedd d In the form operatives tco of o co a Formerly the most common commo typo type of ot farmers bust busi business bu bustness ness neBS organization was as tho the Bm smI amail community unit Man Many of or th H r maln d but the tho trend Is nw toward consolidation In In a 0 a federation of ot small units or I Int nt a 0 large Independent co co covering co covering an entire state In la hand handling ling log its commodity or a II region region regardless pt of state lines r rII i In round numbers there sr ar about Independent local II I units There Thero are 2000 2 units baad- baad f baid ed cd together ether Into 40 isI There are 80 large Independent organizations Besides there ace aro ami I types which are sates sales ell j familiar In somo livestock marke markcI and there are the bargaining as- as i aa-i which arc are familiar ic in i dairying and sugar beet regions region 1 There are 10 rely purely i organizations operated on a mu- mu 1 tuat plan Note this t tendency t- t t ward centralization which means collective marketing on a lar lac scale Eight years ears ago the fed atlon type of or operative co-operative ad members In 19 1925 1 B it hal haJ In 1918 tIle the large Inde Independent pendent pendant operatives co had U members last year ear they had I Grain dairy products cotton tobacco livestock fruits and ves- ves vc-lable vc tables in the order named r rank in total membership amon among the operatives cP cp according to commodity classification If I SH f Some o of the co ar BM more moro than 50 years old There are which are aret 30 20 year oU oiL 2000 which are 10 eals old Not NOL all have teen successful 1 In ta fact fa t some have ha been costly But better methods are beo learned and high priced tives are being One co- co cooperative cooperative operative co-operative operative pays Its s general man man- manager manager manager ager a a 0 year ar |