Show ff Frank Francis Oration Grotton Higgins an and S A W- W W son are home horn on a visit The Theare Theart are Ogden Joys boys boy who went vent out t I their home homo town ton n a few tew years 00 aC a and nd hav i hav made good Th They y arc u re a part Jart of o the n R A her company which ba has a chain ot 26 16 alone the th Iii Iii- 1 coast doing a i nt st store r business They were ere with J C Penney Penne iI Ir his grat gra chain of ot 1St stores ores until decided to do for jor un an I Iso so o they thy now are well launched 0 ol a enl promise well ell The young n-ien n men are just bak bat On oo Nw York where the H 1 c e a s o ot the department ato sto h ln hd e been ben holding holdine a ft co col- col col ind md dolne season seas sea bu In A t pi pl ure oC of th tha group croup appe appeLo d dIn In Nugents Sor 01 or Januar January 19 H In j on nith ith Ith News View Views View if le former 8 sal A 1 thy nir n n r failed to think to bu b bak to O and not only their bough h i but but their footsteps id idIn In hlo Their i would not b br bl com corn complete I hout thel friends frienda In th old hooie honie town knowing knowl g they r moving mo up and a II ere outlook In n the thc world of oE affairs How chara It Is of oC at aI alo 01 us lo to hold high In our shY lr tho r e hp BO go to make nuke up the corn corn- COTI p 1 we Wo call home It U 1 is s Maid ld that thit the one scrip nook book which Irving Irvint Cobb keeps fr I his own pleasure Is made malic up or of from the pub pU- pub pub- published cl down In the In-the Ue the town he attended school and got cot ht irs great ereal Impressions of ot life ife The It R A Pilcher company h hs stores lit at Yakima Klamath Stockton Ta Tacoma Tacoma Eugene Brew Brew- erton ertol lonroe 1 Pendleton Rose Rosa Roseburg burg burp Aberdeen Turlock Portland ani ara eno Mr Ir higgins will be In charf al a at Aberdeen and nd id Sir Mr Wilson aL Sui c s to you ou oung oune Your a will e den bos bo's boys tot climb S S This flu fiu with Its after atter err U h of cara headaches and then then- rheumatism rh u is S g a plague Iau It Is ts an affliction against I the medical profession has pt made much nuch headway It 11 IP IJ His Hi's time to conquer s such ch alS s just juit us liS It 11 h ii talin th n he years year ars Old ind the year years to tG tornIo in malie no n progress b c ci- ci r nt t ne hll day dllY Is cumIn when tl hi will wilt be better under understood stood and wll m be madu mado t tc toi to rians man attacks S S 5 An n 01 old 1 limn mun Wo who worked for h lh n company 1 11 year card hat his hi lle er p pa pay ov- ov ov nore hun bun nun a n quarter of ot u If tUI II was 68 s and his hi Is 2 1 a month Thi Th is small pa pay ne a was wa Ihl av av- avI I i- i ip p l or of IIi tHc toler In tt th year col on b by Today T day it would h ll d b to small to su tn 1 bu u v a ago aso many a to a prosperous hOI hoi hoi- ho w S built on a pa pay cheek check not bigger blaw Is I thing linns wro r I 1 nu nut But t lh Lb i one on en If with 1 pensions They were ml to tit lt Ii In into 0 th prices ir-prices prices ot of 10 ao ye y 1 s wo 0 Now C old men pensioned 10 fInd sors rs ar or mor morek- morek with scarcely on which to nd as In the case Q ot t ru former Pullman the p fJ must work vork though ho h I 1 much over OYer 70 In order to kee ko k pout out of lx lii clutches of poverty pov The men inn pensioned 10 Yf yet yeara T s Ilio ago hould be Je given a 11 little in in n to their present revenue It wout wo lb and anil b lu In Ingratitude treatment b K gratitude Je S S What should the lle farmer plant this season That question was Willi put to 10 in en n expert and he h Thc Then Tho should be b careful ti n their It I 1 good advice e to tell the th JI a diversity of crops crop to have o Ko 0 one can predict accurately I J U as to pOl potatoes Is a aa od r ras is la saying that that when seed plant deep derp onions on soil adapted hould give gl ex ex- ex excellent to the vegetable el returns return Many dany farmers hai boli big crops crapS with hood good price prIces last Idt lr Tomatoes hav bove done don well an ant ct It canners canner are ar read ready to x the tomato should profitable early ro ml e as a shippers shipper should got money Th There re Is II 1 a promise promis of o hesy ot of of green tomatoes u I I Peas rca do well In thie region reton and nol avo brOught the th farmers farmer results which are ar highly Sugar beets beet do well and th enrich the h e soil OIL It Is I a crop depended en cn with a 0 mo- mo maI ma-ket ma I nn can bo Je I a aured Continued oa oil IWi Laie l ro jo op 00 NEWS AND VIEWS Cont ul I l Front from Iao One Any of of at the tho canning crops wih do well With a a promise of at water fo the Iho season our farmers In Davis Morgan and Box Eld Eider counties should be on the ro roal roto ro 1 to constant constantly Improving con ton 1 11 i As their prosperity I Is well dis tribute we wo can all rejoice In their favorable outlook e S 5 The Robert Hobert Burns club gave Its second annual In th the Spanish room ot of tIC the Reed hotel last evening There Thero was wasa a large gathering of fine fellows and they sang the songs of and listened to words of oC laudation of at the man whose brotherhood of man gave new meaning to mans man's love lovo of hils hi fellow tellow man Tho The Scotch people of at Ogden are among our b best t an and a aI aman aman aman man from Scotland David I lid did much tor for this tills community America owes much t to th llio tho peo- peo peo people plo of at Scotland who have given gln ams ii IS tuen Ien men of art of science of oC finance general l leadership t |