Show n Governor Mabey and Director Glen Blamed for Situation at State Industrial School Here I John M Mills Says Executive Took Advice From Purchasing Agent Agert Instead Of Trus Trus- Trustees Trus- Trus Trustees Trustees tees and Institution Has Become Broken Down Penitentiary Feeder Instead Of Place to Save Youth L L Tanty-it Tanty State Slate Ind 1010 laun Irons from the tIo Ogden Institution lit In IntO two t ears curs to the be state peni Ilem penitentiary and other former In in- in inmates In mates In other oIlier rles 1305 and rl paroled not uc tile thc are arc ready ready for parole but because lIl th tho itO h no money to feed fd them A school staRed Binned for lor Indus Indus- Industrial Industrial trial training becoming rt n mere niem Institution ln with IUt about b SO untrained poorly fed led Bud and poorly clad boys boirs and girls therein About lULU halt the 5 school hool e dc-e flo 1 and that operates In a ened ened manner A school to vo bo hove anti and gIrls gins girls girl's op tul to Q sae s money Instead The are some omo asser assertion assertions tion from an address I ered today by John M II Mills form r orm-r superintendent ot of the State Indus Indus- Industrial Industrial Industrial trial school to the Ogden Kiwanis club BLAME BLaNE IS PLACED Sir Mr r Mills place places the blamo lor to the condition a upon the heads of oC o Governor Charles Charlea R Mabe and J 1 HOlen H Glen tho the state stab director of ot finance and purchase Those These two officials he d refused to permit the appropriation of oC sufficient money to con l thi th Institution on a respectable basis The board and present superintendent dent are absolutely and doing the best they can under the titi circumstances In summing up th the situation Mr Mills said The present and the board ot of trustees trustee cannot canoot be blamed blame l for tor these present condi condi- condition conditions tion lions They must 0 ot of necessity make some elimination to meet the situation Different people might make different eliminations elimInation Any work worl left out cripples the institution In- In Institution In Institution The blame must rest where the board asked that it res resIn In case caso of on ruin ruin on the shoulders of oC the tho finance and purchase de- de de department and the governor of oC o the state Mr Mills declares that WIt with DI- DI DIrector Di Director i rector Glen exercising PO powers ers the board of oC trustees trustee which under the la law ha has hal the authority au- au authority au authority to manage and control the affairs of oC the school chool has become merely a ft body to pass upon bills TRUSTEES The board of oC trute trustees trustee Mr Ir Mills declare asked for Cor a 0 to operate the school for Cor Corthe forthe forthe the present to hr two tao ear ar term Do- Do Despite De Despite spite the strong strone recommendation made by the board boar l that this wm sum be granted the governor took the recommendation of oC the director of 01 finance Instead and the tho school ed only The go governor had the advice ot of the successful board board successful business men anon and and contrary ad advice adice Ice from Crom the director of oC finance and purchase Mr Mr Mills said He Me accepted and acted on the latter A A call Is now made additional to carryon carry on this small weakened school In a a weak wa way to the end of oC the biennium What better vindication could there be betot betor tot Cor the judgment of oC the board Doard In asking tor for Its budget What bet better ter example Is there of the folly Colly of oC taking seriously the advice of an untrained novice who by some trick 0 of fate landed handed In a prominent prominent prominent nent place 1 Mr Mill Mills said to the KiwanIs club In part What hat I say eny here today It I prompted by the remarks of ot Su- Su Superintendent Su Superintendent lodge Hodge Ho ge ot of the State Stata Industrial schol chol before beCore the club t two 0 week weeks ago Mr hedge HOdge said that the tate elate Industrial school Is II about out of oC funds and that the Institution li It I In Buch auch uch a deplorable condition that It If would be better to close its It doors than to continue it on lu its present basis and that the Institution Is Ie asking for mOre to tide It over ever until the meeting of oC th the next beit le leg tg legislature 01 until April 1 I 1915 I propose today to discuss the needs need of 01 the State Industrial school an anthe and the C cause use for lor its present condition TE bT I INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL CHOOL This Institution as as established by the state a as a training choo In the al ai to t for Cor boys and girls girts whose whoso homes home and neighborhoods were such uch that tho I proper control had been at nt lees partially lost lost- What the home and an neighborhood lacked was M to b be by the tate state at the states state's state expense Today It Is 1 less Ics an Sn In- In In Industrial school than mot most hig high schools and junior high schools oC o othe the state EXPENSE The expense Is heavy trial trIal education Is the most niost expensive expensive sive education The boys bos bo s and an girls committed there are hollY lacking In their ability to do use useful ful ci work ork because the bl hive e run the streets and been ben reared In idleness Idle Idle- Idleness Idleness ness So-called So GOOD boy boys and ant bo s 5 are and of oC prop Property propel ty When hen viciousness Is i added it is much worse Wo We V have hay here only the black sheep The Tb state and clothes thc thoe bo bok s sand and girls and provides pro Ides nil all the that theother theother other ther necessities by homes and communities s such uch uch as a medicines dental denial work ork surgical operations amusements amusement barber I bills etc Where the ordinary school choOl day runs five and houra lour the State Industrial school schoolS Is S In operation 24 nour Hours a day Every avery minute of this tI e o it needs car Cul supervision For Tor 16 1 hour houra tech each day the students ar are very VCr much nuch awake It If the I i turns urns and looks the other wa a an LO expensive piece 0 ot of machinery nay may bo be ruined either cither through care carelessness or v These The long ong hours and this tl cluse close super super- supervision vision isbn Islon emit cost money Tim BOYS SCHOOL The baa bo s are committed to the State tate school for tor e es erg ery kind md of oC Offense front from small thefts thes to 0 burglary and alId highway robbery Many lany of ot these boys are bright ht an They have d Into bad ad ways ays because local conditions I them from Crom being baing train traine I Iri ri usefulness 1 lou ou s see e the very grat rest need ned for tor a training chool In 1 this state TUE GIRLS SCHOOL G Girls Girl rl are committed to the State tate Industrial school generally of ot Immorality Their home onie conditions have been such that hat they thy have run the They hey have haae ha e not learned to use UBe a In the most elementary work ork The reason reon h why the girls school Is II expensive e and neds n eds a aalt ahalt half alt dozen women at least to pro pre pre preside side dc 0 el It Is that there thre are arc var aar- ar- ar arlous lous us classes of ot girls that have ave various classes of oC treatment For or r example some girls are af- af sted at-sted with venereal disease and J be kep kept apart front from the othes othe's othe In a their eating sleepIng lathing etc to The are s eie Ith treatment and expensive Other girls arc are about to b become come mothers and need ca e ca andin and andIn andIn In time Incur l hopital bills and other expensive care Som Some girls I are vicious and reb an anti anil I era are I liable to mutiny at any time They break up the furniture set It lire fIre to the buildings and have been known n to plan murders th proper treatment Otel- Otel officer car force lorce ot of the right kind these thele girls have been brought under the most most beautiful and Inspiring Influences ence that have haae made th-m th th m forget torget their old way wa s ana and become use use- use useful ful Cui home makers OFFICERS AND AD INSTRUCTORS L The deduction is plain ther there should be officers and enough to handle the situation 24 hours each da das dav sleeping hours might forever Cor er damn well supervised work of ot the hours while toe boys bos bo s and girls are arc wake The most clous and degenerate habits w would be developed In oth- oth boys boa In some dome In- In instances In Instances erIBe bright stances one Instructor might n h ha hadie han handle die dle a doen boys tor for eight right hou houf Sometimes Sometime these theBe are ate too man But think ot of the other hours houri 1 have seen three students to on Instructor where whre three thres pil-kinga pil a dash for tor liberty two woul escape In most malt cases these most characters are re brought un- un under un under der iler good Influences and become useful citizens Toe law Is violat violated ed Cd dally daily at the State Industrial school by working officers from trot ten tn to fourteen hours and eva more I have seen every office on duty for Cor 36 hours A G SCHOOL SCHOOT The purpose Of ot this Is to tit fit boy boyS boya and girl girls tor for use use- use tel 11 citizenship ana said as ers ers There I la is a great gnat er t field In Lila for Cor such eucha a school and nd a great for Cor one It if properly supported H I learn how to do tI bo boys a s and girls useful things with their Ja h Js Js or 0 heads they will wilt generally go p straight It If they are left Ift to them them tele and are untrAined In Ia us- us use use tho the easiest way ay to yd yet It alia the they all money want want money li through and criminal conduct RoLE PAROLE When Then boys base hll 0 taken thel their training In the State school chool and arc are prepared to enter ente liCe Lifes Life's activities outside they the arc at by the board And th l arole agent secures for lor them theft use use- useful use useful ful ul employment In suitable places place end and maintains 0 er them by frequent visits bits at a their heir places ot of employment an thir heir homes hones Often It ha has hap happened that a boy has hos felt hin Upping slippIng and has sent for the pit pit- pa parole role ole agent to 1 him A wordIn tor tora ord ordIn In a time saves him There are hun hun- hundreds hundreds reds ot of boya bo s and girls the he state that have been these hess good Influences and clos super Islon This Th good rood work worn or I I nd Is to now discon dIscon- dIscontinued discontinued because of ot sh shortage oC 01 funds NUMBER CO D In the state of oC Utah thre are about bout tour lour hundred of oC these peo- peo people peo people 10 committed by the tle juvenile court each two years The larg- larg cot at number that has as eer ben been In attendance at nt anyone any one time i Is about bout At the present time of oC funds they the 0 wing Ing to shortage l have havo ave been paroled before their time me Numerous escapes too aye aIded the reduction and thus rendered the expenses lighter and until now there thore ats at's al in the State late Industrial school about eighty Ight 08 05 s and girls h n a boy capes the state slate does d not have to tole le ed d clothe or trim tr him and It if te school d p not Coll follow ow him him to 10 toK loin hint tho that t also sa saas s courts court loney It If the Iho J I Jr I er cr thrown thron n out Ol entirely and th iii s B Stool hool clos J ore nore money a 0 S saved caved But lOut ii h ir t I Ii h c e I 1 this shor lot 1 C c y y Ll i iso 0 and n 1 na 11 i 1 j c It int I I A FEEDER FOR ron UM I TL 1 I The Industrial school under Its stringent shortage 0 of money can can- rot can got ot expect to be anything but a temporary resting place for Cor do- do de delinquents and the they spring as soon as they have gathered strength from rom this Institution into the penitentiary During this bIennIum there have been 26 committed to our 0 own n state penitentiary to tou u say nothing of the number of ot our boys bos s that have hae been Imprisoned In surrounding tat states Almo Almost t every Industrial school too In SUI rounding states have some of oC the Utah boys boss bo sUnder Under present con con- conditions con conditions dillon escapes front from the school chool are not followed ed and apprehended TilE TIU L ST L The last lut appropriation was as so- so cured so-cured cured as ai follows follow The the officers and the board of oC trustees of the Institution institution tion made up a budget for tor the coming two to years lears Owing to the great cry of oC o we felt Celt that by the most rigid frugality we could do very creditable work on for two to 1 years scars ears for Cor running expenses The board of oC trustees felt fett that we e should add to this amount the amount that we would need for Cor or permanent ins ins- and repairs repair We therefore asked the state for tor a little more than Our r request Quest went to the department of finance and purchase at the state capitol whose whole business It I lOt w Was s to submit a a budget to the go for tor the entire state This department notified us that our deman demands d s were i v o and could not net be bo allowed We had IL a a joint of oC at t which the director and purchase e was present with the entire intire board bond ot of o trustees the superintendent and the parole talk the After Arter considerable talk agent board of oL trustees seeing the Ule o nit dif In the of oC getting what way the Institution realty really should havo bavO decided to eliminate permanent Improvements and ja major w repairs but Insisted insisted that that we could ouid not Opet operate ate successfully on less than This Ibis of oC sine nine of- of Aa group ft fleer of oC th tbs thi State Stale Industrial bYthe by school told very frankly were Ant ot of department ET the ho directors of oC the finance and purchase that there could still have to be a n big cutIn cut cutIn He fairly gave tOLIS to In Ln our figure that hat making h ot of UI LIS the privilege cut aut from frem any fund Cund we wo desired to tomake tomake must make It but isted in-isted that It be be made The Institution ho said lid did not need s as much as 54 e as were claiming laiming and could run success success- successfully fully rully on much less les 1 floe rhe rh board decided that there further cut The could be no of oC finance loll tola us UI It IC WO we t amount he Ito would The president of oC 01 the inboard board Mr 1 lr T 1 A Williams said We then have hae to take out our chances with the legislature The director ot of finance and purchase se then said that thit we would not fbi stand much show with with the legis legis- legislature legislature lature for tor after the governor had bad made his recommendation the budget In all alt would go through the legislature with with- without without without out discussion The board then adjourned and waited We were astounded to find that that the director and andI finance and purchase tor tot of oC I the governor recommended to the I state slate legislature an appropriation then We Wo knew of oC only that it if these to the prevailed It meant ruin State Industrial school and our IIi VI Its betterment plans for or therefore worked with the ap- ap appropriations ap appropriations committee of oC o the leg leg- legislature leg legislature to They added the amount recommended by the governor The governor told this committee we did not need that additional amount He was asked It if he ho had Investigated this him him- himself himself self and said that he ho had lied not but would It if the committee de dc aired de-aired sired hi his personal Investigation meet meet- nicot ng The go governor then called a at atthe atthe atthe ng of ot the board of ot trustees the State Industrial school and proposed an addition of o 0 10 Our board ex- ex |