Show CITY IN THROES OF SMALLPOX OF-SMALLPOX SMALLPOX SCARE SCAR CLEVELAND 0 O July 17 17 I After Atter ten thousand persons had been vaccinated as a against smallpox a covering a district ot of three streets In n Woodland and Central ase- ase avenues flues was as b by IT Hi alth aith Corn Com missioner Harry I L Rockwood A small entail army of ot and engaged In the work The quarantine began before daylight light it Ith ills the rot ro ing mg off of all traffic and a police guard of 75 men in 10 charge charee The was wa of the discos discos- ery I I cry ery of ot two walkIng case cases casei of In the territory Tues Tues- Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday day In one apartment al alone ne reo re- re received treatment and OO pupils In a high school bared their n aims ms to the tho needle Dr Rock noodle ud a a public statement declaring that there thre Is ta no epidemic lc of smallpox sn In Cle nor or any get dangel dangelat of at on one but there is nn an epIdemIc of vaccination to prevent an epi- epi epidemic epidemic epi epidemic demic of Health records show only 83 cases of cat the In the city dt elt January 2 1 |