Show JAPAN PASSES HiGH TARIFF Fear rear Act Will Lower Plane On Which Nation Lives TOo 0 July Both f 17 Both houses house of or the th Imperial diet tody to dy d y passed d the th Ut IIO bill Mil raisIng the tariff fin Ml bout ai 11 classed l as lu Uries to nn an anad anad nd ad duty dut of per cent The date d te the tho increase Inere will he be conic ech e ll I J Jia In the file nce promulgating gating gaUng In Inet toe itt et It ll is that the measure Till s Ill not i goods ah ad In lit an a ai I to this effect fleet having hating ha Ing from from diplomatic made by hi Great Britain and limed 1 nce The bit bl 1 has been bero betote e the ditt Just er day The ed ta lt lC was waa op lIterl by tte t io impostors nd othel bUsh ita busi n ts deaI dea ud The or eLu Q Jar oi Ko Kobr went on onI record in in opposition to to the Ine Inci In e ci cir ise e se use ho h cons I that it it will ilI 11 m mk make le th the mal rite ance of an a an turo pan panI I standard or of Ing 11 in r Impo tf thus rh u doIng rint p- p pa a a grate grin i t T e A loins lice tice to foreign n community The Jib Kobe forel foreigners lers also as asserted asserted assorted the new flew tariff not only raise the thc he prices of or all Ins Ins- but also will increase the cost o of all J 1 in I Japan inci casing costs colts ro all allaround allaround allaround around and Incidentally the expo pOI t trade trade I 1 lbs h bill la is Is nut not Intended as a ar i ie r e producing m ac sc according cording to government go io bill bub b as a ls o of a national toward con of at foreign made 11 to which 1 I ch is in latr parthe the Lila mounting of ot nn Oil ud adverse trad balance It also alo I intended to top p ote t domestic otry Ind Trade with Ith America IS sa expected I 10 0 o ba he sery vcr er slightly affected owing tu to the fuel fet that moat 1 ot of o Japan a 0 States Slates ar United ses In the tle of fit 1 ai at tides buch as a cotton and Iron iron |