Show THIEF CUTS THROAT OF WATCH MATCH DOG DOGA A dogs dog's doe faithful devotion to hi his master came to light today In II a a tory etory told Desk Deak Sergeant Bat low Wilson b bi Wilford lIford G Martin Martin who resides at 2015 Ad- Ad Adama Adams Ad Adam ama ams am avenue with aIth his hi wife and family went ent to Salt Lake Jan City Wednesday and returned nt at at out 8 o'clock last night ht to find their th I home In a state stale of disorder and i their blooded Scotch Collie Colon Colon- Colonel Colonel el CI dragging about the Ith his throat cut out Entrance was gained to the home by a II window winslow and reach reach- reachIng reaching ing log through the th opining to turn turna turna a key ey in the lock belt Judging bv the state tat of the dining room th thc do the burglar b there While the Iho dog doe came out of the encounter with sith a II stashed lashed throat Iho burglar v aa Ils amp alap ft a loser for fr forthe forthe the Attack by the tho th log dog seemIngly him away aay before he oh- oh ob obtained tamed 1 anything r of value alue rh Tim dog doir Colonel Is I not i a year old and this Is his hi second defense of the Hr Martin home Last I ho he foiled tolled a coal robbing o espelI expedition lion tion at ot the tho Martin home horn 0 end ond nd near near- nearly nearly nearly ly captured one on of the Intruder Intruders The Martins Martin have base given fiven Colonel attention and ho he h Is I ex- ex ex expected to recover as a the Import Import- tnt int artery was not severed severe 00 |