Show ANIANS HEAR I REPORTS OF TRIP TRI Observations on their recent I trips were ere given to the Ogden club today toly by Dr Will Paine and Fred FrOerer r Dr Paino Paine visited cities of o the central slain states slates including Minne Minne- Minneapolis Minneapolis apolis St SL St Louis and Rochester th the of the Mayo fayo clinic whIch he declared drew thou thou- thousands thousands thousands sands to that city I Mr Sir 1 I rooter was w as on the real roal- realtOr real realtors tor tors s a cras caravan ra an to 10 the won won- wonders wonders ders deIs of ot Utah and he f iId ald ld these with Ith roads were ere re vell worth seeing good W lv V II n Reed Roeder or Jr the KiwanIs mechanics had hd finished their Job on the tho cottage at the Girt GIrl Scout Seoul camp Lawrence Taylor Tailor said s ald had a n tine fine time Ume at nt their outing In South Fork lork last Jt Saturday Pil- Pil Pillow Pil Pillow low tights on greased poles and races In kiddie cars c tra Sue gave joy to this the spectators if not to the con con- contestants con contestants s he be said There will nut III b be no luncheon next nellt y on account of cit the holi holi- holiday holiday I day op 00 |