Show LYDIA E in C 1 C I 1 ac I 1 I 1 VEGETABLE J i 1 I 1 COMPOUND 1 I t X dc I 1 1 or 60 1 r I 1 Is acknowledged to be the roost most successful I 1 1111 1 A I 1 I 1 F E remedy in the country for i 4 those painful all ailments ments peculiar to E i lao 1 I 1 I 1 11 ay r I 1 1 women i 6 ar 1 for more than 30 years it has haa i A I 1 P been curing female complaints I 1 1 such aa inflammation and ulceration 11 ITO 1 1 falling and displacements at or 1 and oon consequent sequent spinal weakness 60 1 backache and is is peculiarly adapted D to the change of of life LYDIA I yma uia E records show that it has bas cured more cases of female ills than any other one remedy known lydia E Pink Pin khama hams vegetable compound dissolves and expels tumors at an early stage of development dragging sensations causing and headache are relieved and permanently cured by its use it corrects h irregularities regularities or painful functions weakness of the stomach indigestion bloating nervous prostration headache general I 1 debility also dizziness Diz faintness extreme lassitude dont care 5 and left alone feeling irritability nervousness sleeplessness i flatulency melancholia or the blues BIu es these are sure indications of female weakness or some organic derangement for kidney complaints of either bex lydia E Pink hams vegetable compound is a most excellent remedy mrs Pink hams standing invitation to women women buffering suffering from any form of female weakness I 1 aro are invited to write MI mrs rs pinkham lynn mass for advice she is the mrs finkh pinkham am who has been advising advia ing sick women free of charge for more than twenty years a and F d before that she assisted her ber mother in law lydia E pinkham tn evv in advising ing thus she abe is well qualified to guide sick women back to L health her herr advice is free and always helpful I 1 W irtle the only cough syrup g 0 I 1 I 1 that rids the system of I 1 7 a cold by acting as a cathartic on a 9 9 I 1 the bowels is destler B rn coughs colds croup who 1 in ak couo h 91 ifton LAXATIVE ow M hon U lEYANo t y am TAR Tf n 19 9 I 1 11 I 1 a I 1 ab e red I 1 lotter I 1 ery aft an oia old time cheh syrups were designed to by throat lung and bronchial without due du rezard tor for th and sad bowels 1 I benoe most moutot of teem produce bees honey and tar the original I 1 laxative pouch syrup expella colds from the tsy by gently the bowels and nd i I 1 cure cures all cougot colds croup Who t coill la grieme etc eto I 1 PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed cure any case of bleed ing oi 01 protruding piles plies la in 6 to 14 day days or money refunded WANT WAN T ADS YIELD BIG BIC RESULTS WANT ADS YIELD BIG RESULTS I 1 V ar I 1 d state rn I 1 t ft B bank ra n k I 1 THE ogden 0 g e I 1 I 1 ta u a or of ogdon ogden utah I 1 interest on 0 8 81 akings de bui siness pays conducts a general banking SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES in r if its posits and time certificates rents business and offers consistent alb fl ro proof vault cordially invites era eralita cr allty lity uniform courtesy couett Y A P BIGELOW cashier H C BIGELOW Preal dent R A M MOVES obeso abst cash J M BROWNING vice ai I 1 1 0 r A AL I 1 0 r 06 THE U IA IN A T I 1 0 T sk I 1 offers TO afu U E 1 14 y UTAI I 1 9 F EVERY FACILITY W to fa ICH T HEIR r BAL A ANCES pa bushness D AN AND I 1 I 1 ly I 1 1 ity WARRANT I 1 1 I 1 I 1 4 at 1 I 1 4 t 1 0 president RALPH E HOAG WAG cashier cashler 11 J C E DOOLY JOSEPH S PEERY vice pres A V amsl cashier U S Depo depositary gitary I 1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF UTAH capital and undivided profits david E eccles celes president I 1 john pingree cashier I 1 M S browning vice president presided A 0 el tribe vice president I 1 I 1 james F burton assistant cashier I 1 I 1 77 I 1 L I 1 r YOT lj T W jk J the ile best lest Dentis dentistry at reasonable prices come to vs us we offer you not only the oest but we guarantee our work and guarantee to pleaze you EQUALLED BY FEW EXCELLED BY NONE t very best set of teeth bot 11 i I 1 al gold crowns 60 MM bridge work per tooth BOC 50 I 1 TM plata gold fillings and up all other einings to 75 9 I 1 I 1 our artificial teeth recommend themselves material and workman I 1 ship unexcelled OUR CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK CANNOT BE EXCELLED we have all the latest appliance 1 to perform any and all dental opera blons with neatness our work cannot be surpassed and our prices are the very lowest TEETH E EXTRACTED positively WITHOUT PAIN OR DANGER OR NO PAY our painless extraction Is a marvel and costs you nothing when plates are ordered W WE E P positively 0 S I 1 T IV E L Y DO A AS S vv WE le A ADVERTISE if you have havo an any y d dental en t a 1 W work or k to be d done on e co come m e and see us and inspect inam our work we know we can please you tha the highest claes class of dentistry at the loleet prices Is our motto guarantee oiven given with all our work lady attendant hours 8 to 8 as sunday 10 to 2 I 1 I 1 OGDEN majl rA Jl binl cental juar div JL al CO r 2461 VV washington ASHINGTON AVE over brownings store UTAH 91 W n V ilaf W 10 I 1 0 PO dens best idest dru brud tap store 0 0 P 04 P W wan n i D draver r i van r k son n bruor 9 d Z C n m OEO GEO w driven DRIVER manager we are I 1 headquarters I 1 for I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 V I 1 4 I 1 I 1 t I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 11 I 1 I 1 I 1 S I 1 I 1 I 1 lia OUR GOODS AKE AIRE THE A BEST I 1 PRICES ARE 4 1 reasonable CALL ON US I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 t 91 agdens J 8 mens best drug dru ev 0 store w I 1 a 11 3 uway item 1 the th P anu I 1 J ancane I 1 1 wa omo mt 0 10 me a JQ opt eres 4 COS a canaday 4 5 a re sa aff 1 eo e 7 ra 3 2 ineys 0 2 35 3 a |